AE2CPP – C++ Programming Coursework (40%)

AE2CPP – C++ Programming Coursework (40%)


Date of Release: 31 March 2015

Deadline: 1 May 2015, 5pm


You are to design a computer game with the following requirements.


OOP and The C++ Language:

  • The C++ programming language and the C++ Standard Library
  • Only the SDL 2.0 (Simple DirectMedia Layer) library must be used
  • The engine, structure and model of the game and game objects must be designed using C++ Object Oriented Concepts (Abstraction, Encapsulation, Classes and Objects, Inheritance, Polymorphism). The design of the game using OOP will be a major marking component of the coursework.
  • You may use either Mac, Linux or Windows platform to program your game, they will be marked in the respective platforms
  • You must not copy codes from the WWW.


The Game and Media Elements:

  • The game can be of any genre, but sufficient complexity must be seen.
  • You may replicate an existing game but the game must have a variation
  • The game must have a scoring system
  • The game must have sufficient interactivity (using the mouse, keyboard, or the combination of both)
  • There should be simple game Artificial Intelligence for NPC (non-player characters described with OOP
  • You may use/copy graphics acquired from the WWW or draw them yourself
  • You may use/copy media files such as sound, music from the WWW, or create them yourself


What to Hand In?

  • A compiled C++ and SDL game
  • All source code in a folder with your name (e.g., EugeneCHNG)
  • All media files properly contained within folders (images, sound, etc)
  • A report describing your game story, OOP design (important!), game mechanics with the structure (Title, Introduction to the Game, Methods – OOP in detail, Game Mechanics, Game Design, and etc., followed by a Conclusion) with an acknowledgement of all graphics/media files that you’ve copied from the WWW with URLs.


Mark Distribution (100 * 0.4w):

  • Use of Object Orientated Programming in the C++ Game Design (50%)
    – The effective use of OOP concepts, including efficiency of algorithms.
  • Game Design, Creativity, Special Features (20%)
  • Game Interface and Playability (10%)
  • Report (20%)


You should write the mark-up and scripts required for this assignment yourself. If you directly copy examples found on the web, you should use comments to acknowledge this (and marks will be adjusted accordingly).


Your report should be written in your own words. It is important that you clearly identify and reference any sources of information (including books, papers and websites) that you have used to write your report.


Anyone found to have copied from other students or from sources (such as the web, books and papers) without acknowledgement will receive zero marks.


Late work will be subject to the School’s standard penalty of 5% deduction of marks per working day late.





Hand in a zip file [] containing ALL code, media and report to Moodle