La Trobe University
Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering
CSE4BDC Assignment 2015
- Gain in depth experience playing around with big data tools (MapReduce, Hive and Spark).
- Solve challenging big data processing tasks by finding highly efficient solutions.
- Experience processing three different types of real data
- Standard multi-attribute data (Bank data)
- Time series data (Twitter feed data)
- Bag of words data.
- Practice using programming APIs to find the best API calls to solve your problem. Here are the API descriptions for MapReduce, Hive and Spark (especially spark look under RDD. There are a lot of really useful API calls).
- [MapReduce]
- [Hive]
- [Spark]
– If you are not sure what a spark API call does, try to write a small example and try it in the spark shell
This assignment is due 10:00 a.m. on Friday, 22nd May, 2015.
Penalties are applied to late assignments (accepted up to 5 business days after the due date only). Five precent is deducted per business day late. A mark of zero will be assigned to assignments submitted more than 5 days late.
Submission details
Put the code together with the program output for each subtask into a separate directory. Then zip all the directories into a single zip file for submission. Label the directories using their subtask names as follows (Please ensure the directories do not contain any input data, see the note below regarding output data):
Task1a_mr Task1b_hive Task1c_hive Task1d_mr Task1e_mr
Task2a_spark Task2b_hive Task2b_spark Task2c_mr
Task3a_spark Task3b_spark Task3c_spark
Task4a_spark Task4b_spark
Please do the following only for all subtasks of Task 1 and 2 (the output files for Task 3 and 4 are too big). Inside each subtask folder please create a directory called output and store the program output files (using the data in in it. The output files should store the actual answer to the question not the information displayed on the screen when you run the MapReduce job or Hive program.
Place all the above directories into a single zip file and submit your assignment via LMS.
This is an individual assignment. You are not permitted to work as a part of a group when writing this assignment.
Copying, Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the submission of somebody else’s work in a manner that gives the impression that the work is your own. For individual assignments, plagiarism includes the case where two or more students work collaboratively on the assignment. The Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering treats plagiarism very seriously. When it is detected, penalties are strictly imposed.
Expected quality of solutions
- In general, writing more efficient code (less reading/writing from/into HDFS and less data shuffles) will be rewarded with more marks.
- All MapReduce code you submit must be able to be compiled using the command “javac -classpath `hadoop classpath` <code_files>” on the Cloudera VM you received from us without requiring the installation of additional components.
- All MapReduce code you submit should be runnable using “hadoop jar <jar_uri> <hdfs_input_file> <hdfs_output_directory>”. For task 2C you need to allow the user to specify another two parameters being the x and y months respectively.
- Using multiple MapReduce phases maybe appropriate for some of the subtasks. However, if you utilize multiple phases to solve a task, maintain a meaningful and logically consistent naming scheme for your files. (e.g.:,, …)
- For hive and spark code submissions, ensure that all commands relevant to accomplish the sub-task (i.e. ‘create table’ (hive), loading data AND queries!) are in the same file.
- Scalability of the code is very important. This is especially important in terms of memory requirements of the mappers and reducers. For example writing a mapper that outputs the same key for any input, will result in all the data going to a single reducer (no matter how many reducers you set). For example, if your mapper takes any string as input and always outputs the same key This effectively means you will end up writing a sequential program. This is completely unacceptable and will result in zero marks for that subtask.
- This entire assignment can be done using the Cloudera virtual machines supplied in the labs and the supplied data sets without running out of memory. Note tasks 3 and 4 are especially hard to do without running out of memory. But it is possible since we had done it. So it is time to show your skills!
- Using combiners or local aggregation (inside the mapper) for MapReduce tasks where appropriate will be rewarded with marks. We will be looking at the total amount of data shuffled and awarding higher marks to lower amount of data shuffled.
- Where ever appropriate use the fact the data is sorted according to intermediate key to reduce the work of the mapper and/or reducer.
- I am not too fussed about the layout of the output. As long as it looks similar to the example outputs for each task. That will be good enough. The idea is not to spend too much time massaging the output to be the right format but instead to spend the time to solve problems.
- For Hive queries. We prefer answers that use less tables.
Do the entire assignment using the Cloudera VM. Do not use AWS.
- Look at the data files before you begin each task. Try to understand what you are dealing with! You may find the shell commands “cat” and “head” helpful.
- For each subtask we give very small example input and the corresponding output in the assignment specifications below. You should create input files that contain the same data as the example input and then see if your solution generates the same output.
- In addition to testing the correctness of your code using the very small example input. You should also use the large input files that we provide to test the scalability of your solutions.
Task 1: Analysing Bank Data [30 marks total]
We will be doing some analytics on real data from a Portuguese banking institution. The data is related to their marketing campaign.
The data set used for this task can be found inside the bank directory of the on LMS.
We got the data from the following source:
The data has the following attributes
Attribute number | Attribute name | Description |
1 | age | numeric |
2 | job | type of job (categorical: “admin.”, “unknown”, “unemployed”, “management”, “housemaid”, “entrepreneur”, “student”,
“blue-collar”, “self-employed”, “retired”, “technician”, “services”) |
3 | marital | marital status (categorical: “married”, “divorced”, “single”; note: “divorced” means divorced or widowed) |
4 | education | (categorical: “unknown”, “secondary”, “primary”, “tertiary”) |
5 | default | has credit in default? (binary: “yes”, “no”) |
6 | balance | average yearly balance, in euros (numeric) |
7 | housing | has housing loan? (binary: “yes”, “no”) |
8 | loan | has personal loan? (binary: “yes”, “no”) |
9 | contact | contact communication type (categorical: “unknown”, “telephone”, “cellular”) |
10 | day | last contact day of the month (numeric) |
11 | month | last contact month of year (categorical: “jan”, “feb”, “mar”, …, “nov”, “dec”) |
12 | duration | last contact duration, in seconds (numeric) |
13 | campaign | number of contacts performed during this campaign and for this client (numeric, includes last contact) |
14 | pdays | number of days that passed by after the client was last contacted from a previous campaign (numeric, -1 means client was not previously contacted) |
15 | previous | number of contacts performed before this campaign and for this client (numeric) |
16 | poutcome | outcome of the previous marketing campaign (categorical: “unknown”,”other”,”failure”,”success”) |
17 | Term deposit | has the client subscribed a term deposit? (binary: “yes”,”no”) |
Here is a small example of the bank data that we will use to illustrate the subtasks below (we only list a subset of the attributes in this example, see the above table for the description of the attributes):
job | marital | education | balance | loan |
management | Married | tertiary | 2143 | Yes |
technician | Divorced | secondary | 29 | Yes |
entrepreneur | Single | secondary | 2 | No |
blue-collar | Married | unknown | 1506 | No |
services | Divorced | secondary | 829 | Yes |
technician | Married | tertiary | 929 | Yes |
Management | Divorced | tertiary | 22 | No |
technician | Married | primary | 10 | No |
Using the entire bank data set downloaded from LMS please perform the following tasks. Please note we specify whether you should use [MapReduce] or [Hive] for each subtask at the beginning of each subtask.
- [MapReduce] Report the number of clients of each job category. For the above small example data set you would report the following (output order is not important for this question):
management 2
technician 3
blue-collar 1
services 1
entrepreneur 1
[6 marks]
- [Hive] Report the rounded average yearly income for all people in each education category. For the small example data set you would report the following (output order is not important for this question):
tertiary 1031
secondary 287
primary 10
unknown 1506
[5 marks]
- [Hive] For each marital status report the percentage of people who have a personal loan. Hint you may need to use multiple queries or subqueries. For the small example data set you would report the following (output order is not important for this question):
Married 50%
Divorced 67%
Single 0%
[5 marks]
- [MapReduce] Group balance into the following three categories:
- Low -infinity to 500
- Medium 501 to 1500
- High 1501 to +infinity
Report the number of people in each of the above categories. For the small example data set you would report the following (output order is not important in this question):
Low 4
Medium 2
High 2
[6 marks]
- [MapReduce] For each education category report a list of people in descending order of balance. For each person report the following attribute values: education category, balance, job, marital, loan. Note this subtask can be done using a single or multiple MapReduce tasks. For the small example data set you would report the following (output order for education does not matter but order does matter for the attribute balance):
primary, 10, technician, married, no
secondary, 829, services, divorced, yes
secondary, 29, technician, divorced, yes
secondary, 2, entrepreneur, single, no
tertiary, 2143, management, married, yes
tertiary, 929, technician, married, yes
tertiary, 22, management, divorced, no
unknown, 1506, blue-collar, married, no
[8 marks]
Task 2: Analysing Twitter Time Series Data [25 marks]
In this task we will be doing some analytics on real twitter data. The data is a section of the data from obtained from the web site.
The data set used for this task can be found inside the twitter directory of the on LMS. Note the data file is tab (t) delimited.
The data is obtained from here:
The data has the following attributes
Attribute number | Attribute name | Description |
1 | Token type | In our data set all rows have Token type of hashtag. So this attribute is useless for this assignment. |
2 | Month | The year and month specified like the following: YYYYMM. So 4 digits for year followed by 2 digits for month. So like the following 200905, meaning the year 2009 and month of May |
3 | count | An integer representing the number tweets of this hash tag for the given year and month |
4 | Hash Tag Name | The #tag name, e.g. babylove, mydate, etc. |
Here is a small example of the Twitter data that we will use to illustrate the subtasks below:
Token type | Month | count | Hash Tag Name |
hashtag | 200910 | 2 | babylove |
hashtag | 200911 | 2 | babylove |
hashtag | 200912 | 90 | babylove |
hashtag | 200812 | 100 | mycoolwife |
hashtag | 200901 | 201 | mycoolwife |
hashtag | 200910 | 1 | mycoolwife |
hashtag | 200912 | 500 | mycoolwife |
hashtag | 200905 | 23 | abc |
hashtag | 200907 | 1000 | abc |
Using the twitter data set downloaded from LMS please perform the following.
- [Spark] Find the single row that has the highest count and for that row report the month, count and hashtag name. So for the above small example data set the result would be:
Month: 200907, count: 1000, hash tag name: abc
[5 marks]
- [Do twice, once using Hive and once using Spark] Find the hash tag name that has tweeted the most in the entire data set. Report the total number of tweets for that hash tag name. So for the above small example data set the output would be:
abc 1023
[10 marks total: 5 marks for Hive and 5 marks for Spark]
[MapReduce] Given two months x and y, where y > x. Find the hashtag name that has increased the number of tweets the most from month x to month y. Ignore the tweets in the months between x and y, so just compare the number of tweets at month x and at month y. Report the hashtag name, the number of tweets in months x and y. Ignore any hashtag names that had no tweets in either month x or y. You can assume that the combination of hashtag and month is unique. Therefore, the same hashtag and month combination cannot occur more than once. Take x and y as command line arguments as was done in Task D of Lab 3. For the above small example data set:
Input: x = 200910, y = 200912
Output (hashtag, month x count, month y count):
mycoolwife, 1, 500
[10 marks]
Task 3: Creating inverted index from Bag of Words data [15 marks]
In this task you are asked to create an inverted index of words to documents that contain the words. Using this inverted index you can search for all the documents that contain a particular word easily. The data has been stored in a very compact form. There are two files. The first file is called docword.txt, which contains the contents of all the documents stored in the following format:
Attribute number | Attribute name | Description |
1 | Doc id | The id of the document that contains the word |
2 | Vocab Index | Instead of storing the word itself. We store the index into the vocabulary file. The index starts from 1. |
3 | count | An integer representing the number of times this word occurred in this document. |
The second file called vocab.txt contains each word in the vocabulary, which is indexed by attribute 2 of the docword.txt file.
The data set used for this task can be found inside the Bag of words directory of the on LMS.
If you want to test your solution with more data sets you can download other data sets of the same format from the following source (just need to be careful that you delete the first three lines from the docword.txt files that you download):
Here is a small example content of the docword.txt file.
Doc id | Vocab Index | Count |
1 | 3 | 1200 |
1 | 2 | 120 |
1 | 1 | 1000 |
2 | 3 | 702 |
2 | 5 | 200 |
2 | 2 | 500 |
3 | 1 | 100 |
3 | 3 | 600 |
3 | 4 | 122 |
3 | 5 | 2000 |
Here is an example of the vocab.txt file
Plane |
Car |
Motorbike |
Truck |
Boat |
Using the input files docword.txt and vocab.txt downloaded from LMS, complete the following subtasks using spark:
- [spark] Output into a text file called “task3a.txt” a list of the total count of each word across all documents. List the words in ascending alphabetical order. So for the above small example input the output would be the following (the format of the text file can be different from below but the data content needs to be the same):
Boat 2200
Car 620
Motorbike 2502
Plane 1100
Truck 122
[4 marks]
- [spark] Create an inverted index of the words in the txt file and store the entire inverted index in binary format under the name InvertedIndex. Also store the output in text file format under the name task3b. The inverted index contains one line per word. Each line stores the word followed by a list of (Doc id, counts) pairs (one pair per document). So the output format is the following:
word, (Doc id, count), (Doc id, count), …
- Note you need to have the list of (Doc id, count) in decreasing order by count.
- Note you need to have the words in ascending alphabetical order
So for the above example input the output text file(s) would contain (the actual format can a bit different but it should contain the same content):
Boat (3, 2000), (2, 200)
Car (2, 500), (1, 120)
Motorbike (1, 1200), (2, 702), (3, 600)
Plane (1, 1000), (3, 100)
Truck (3, 122)
For example following format for the text file would also be acceptable:
(Boat,ArrayBuffer((3,2000), (2,200)))
(Car,ArrayBuffer((2,500), (1,120)))
(Motorbike,ArrayBuffer((1,1200), (2,702), (3,600)))
(Plane,ArrayBuffer((1,1000), (3,100)))
[7 marks]
- [spark] Load the previously created inverted index stored in binary format from subtask b) and cache it in RAM. Search for a particular word in the inverted index and return the list of (Doc id, count) pairs for that word. The word can be hard coded inside the spark script. In the execution test we will modify that word to search for some other word. For example if we are searching for “Car” the output for the example dataset would be:
Car (2, 500), (1, 120)
[4 marks]
Task 4: Creating co-occurring words from Bag of Words data [15 marks]
Using the same data as that for task 3 perform the following subtasks:
- [spark] Load the txt and remove all infrequently occurring words and store the contents in an RDD called smallerRDD. An infrequently occurring word is one that appears less than 1000 times in the entire corpus of documents. You should preserve the order of the data as it was in the docwords.txt file. So just filter data out without reordering it. For the above example input file the smallerRDD would contain the following:
1 3 1200
1 1 1000
2 3 702
2 5 200
3 1 100
3 3 600
3 5 2000
[5 marks]
- [spark] Using the smallerRDD as input find all pairs of words that occur in the same document and report the number of documents the pair occurs in. Report the pairs in decreasing order of frequency.
- Note there should not be any replicated entries like
- (Truck, Boat) (Truck, Boat)
- Note you should not have the same pair occurring twice in opposite order. Only one of the following should occur:
- (Truck, Boat) (Boat, Truck)
Save the output of this subtask in text file format using the name task4b. For the example above, the output should be as follows (it is OK if the text file output format differs from that below but the data contents should be the same):
Boat, Motorbike, 2
Motorbike, Plane, 2
Boat, Plane, 1
For example the following format and content for the text file will also be acceptable (note the order is slightly different, that is OK since we break frequency ties arbitrarily):
(2,(Plane, Motorbike))
(2,(Motorbike, Boat))
(1,(Plane, Boat))
[10 marks]
Measures to minimize shuffle and HDFS costs [15 marks]:
- The use of combiners for map reduce programs [10 marks]
- Taking advantage of the fact that data is sorted according to intermediate key to reduce the work of the mapper and/or reducer. [5 marks]
Bonus Marks:
- Using spark perform the following task using the data set of task 2.
[spark] Find the hash tag name that has increased the number of tweets the most from among any two consecutive months of any hash tag name. Consecutive month means for example, 200801 to 200802, or 200902 to 200903, etc. Report the hash tag name, and the 1st month count and the 2nd month counts. So for the small example data set of task 2 the output would be:
Hash tag name: mycoolwife
count of month 200812: 100
count of month 200901: 201
[10 marks]
- Propose any other data processing task using real data you obtained from somewhere. You need to do the data processing using either MapReduce or Pig or Spark. Need to give a proposal of this task to me by the end of week 9. I will tell you how many marks it is worth. You can get a maximum of 10 bonus marks for this task. Include the proposal as PDF, TXT or Word document in the assignment submission.
A good place with many real data sets is the following web site:
[maximum of 10 marks]
Total Marks:
Please note that the total mark for this assignment is capped at 100. If your marks add to more than 100 then it will be reduced down to 100.
Return of Assignments
Departmental Policy requires that assignments be returned within three weeks of the submission date. We will endeavour to have your assignment returned before the BDC exam. The time and place of the return will be posted on LMS.
Appendix A: Working with Linux
As 3rd/4th year students of a computer science subject, we assume that you know how to use Linux. If you have not used Linux before, this is a good opportunity to gain hands-on experience. After startup, the VM will automatically log you in and load into a graphical environment. However, you may find it useful to work with the command shell (=bash, =terminal) sometimes. The following website lists a selection of useful commands for interacting with a Linux system:
It is possible to complete the entire assignment using just the tools currently installed in the VM without installing any other tools. Anyway, your user “cloudera” (password “cloudera”) possesses all necessary rights for downloading and installing additional application packages.
Appendix B: Transferring files between your host system and the Cloudera VM
The following information is useful particularly if your drag n drop is not working correctly.
VMware: If you create a folder on your host system and mark is as a shared in the settings of your VMware application…
… you can mount it to the folder ~/Public of your Linux guest operating system using the following command:
sudo mount -t vmhgfs .host:/Temp ~/Public
VirtualBox: If you create a folder on your host system and mark is as a shared in the settings of your VirtualBox application…
… you can mount it to the folder ~/Public of your Linux guest operating system using the following command:
sudo mount -t vboxsf Temp ~/Public