Assignment 2: Word, XML Schema Definitions and XML Documents

Assignment 2:
Word, XML Schema Definitions and XML Documents

Due Date: Wednesday, October 07 by 6:00 pm.
Late Policy: Each day after the due date that your assignment is late, 25% of the assignment mark will be deducted from the mark you would have received had it been on time. Assignments will be accepted up to three days late.

Project 1: Create a one page Word document

Using Word create a one page document. The Sample document (sample.pdf) provided with the assignment outlines all of the requirements for the one page document. You can copy from other sources (even copy and paste) as long as you somehow indicate the source. Complete the Word document containing all of the required elements as specified and save the file with your UWO user name (computer account name): youraccountname_A2.docx (Word 2010/2007) or youraccountname_A2.doc (Word 2003). For example: jdoe3_A2.docx

Project 2: Simple XML
Using a text editor (example: Notepad) create an XML Document (an .xml file) for a document that will store specific information regarding life expectancy by country.

Use the data from the World Health Organization (image: LifeExpect.jpg) to create an XML document.

Your XML document must be a text file (NOT a Word Document) saved and submitted as an XML file (a file with the extension .xml).

The file name must start with the word ‘simple’ and then include your accountname. For example: simple_jdoe3.xml

This document MUST be validated by the schema in Project 3 by including the following line in your XML document:

<rootName xmlns:xsi=”” xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=”yourFileName.xsd”>

where rootName is the name of the root of your XML document and yourFileName is the name of the actual XSD document you create in Project 4.

Note: Tutorials on XML are available at
(HINT: Follow the steps from the class notes – make the list of all the data first, then add the tags)

Your XML document must be validated before submission. You must use an online validator.

You can use the utility in W3Schools:

Or any other online validation utility.
I use XMLValidation. It provides more details on error messages:

Project 3: Simple XML Schema

Using the information from your XML document, create the XML Schema.
The schema document needs to be designed to store the following information for each country:

  • Overall Rank
  • Country Name (ignore – do not use – the flag image)
  • Overall Life Expectancy
  • Male Rank
  • Male Life Expectancy
  • Female Rank
  • Female Life Expectancy

    Your schema definition must be a text file (NOT a Word Document) saved and submitted as an XML Schema Definition file (an .xsd file). The file name must start with the word ‘simple’ and then include your accountname.
    For example: simple_jdoe3.xsd

    Project 4: Create a complex XML Schema Definition

    Using a text editor (example: Notepad) create an XML Schema Definition (an .xsd file) for a document that will store specific data regarding the Box Office information on the top five (5) films in each list. Each list will always contain five (5) entries, no more than five (5) and no less than five (5) is allowed.

    Using the data in the All-Time Box-Office Top 100 Films (image: BoxOffice.jpg) create an XML Schema document.

    The schema document needs to be designed to store the following information for each movie:

    • List Identification (which list [unadjusted – adjusted –worldwide] for this entry
    • Ranking (position i.e. 1 or 2 or 3 etc.) of this entry in this list
    • Name of the Movie
    • Year Movie was Released

      Note: each of these data points (Rank, Name and Year) are separate even though they appear on a single line in the attached image.

      Your schema definition must be a text file (NOT a Word Document) saved and submitted as an XML Schema Definition file (an .xsd file). The file name must start with the word ‘complex’ and then include your accountname.
      For example: complex_jdoe3.xsd

      (HINT: You may want to do Project 5 first …)

Project 5: Create a complex XML Document

Using a text editor (example: Notepad), create an XML document (an .xml file) based on the Schema Definition from Project 4. The XML document must contain the specific data regarding the Box Office information on the top five (5) films in each list.

This document MUST be validated by the schema in Project 4 by including the following line in your XML document:

<rootName xmlns:xsi=”” xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=”yourFileName.xsd”>

where rootName is the name of the root of your XML document and yourFileName is the name of the actual XSD document you created in Project 4.

Your XML document must be a text file (NOT a Word Document) saved and submitted as an XML file (a file with the extension .xml).

The file name must start with the word ‘complex’ and then include your accountname. For example: complex_jdoe3.xml

Note: Tutorials on HTML and XML are available at
(HINT: Follow the steps from the class notes – make the list of all the data first, then add the tags)

Your XML document must be validated before submission. You must use an online validator.

You can use the utilitity in W3Schools:

Or any other online validation utility.
I use XMLValidation. It provides more details on error messages:

Project 6: Information Systems Questions about Your Company

Create a one page MS Word document and complete the following questions pertaining to the business you described in Assignment One (1).

1.) Does your company Website do more than just advertise/describe your company? – if yes, then what else does it do and what benefit is it to your organization?
– if no, then why not (what is the benefit/logic behind the decision)?

2.) Is your company part of a value chain (definition: page 63 of the textbook)? – if yes, describe it location and functionality in the chain.

– if no, describe how it is a stand alone (how does it provide a service or a product independent of any outside agency)?

3.) Describe one piece of software absolutely necessary for your company to function. – what does this software do?
– why is it absolutely necessary?

The format of this document should be identical to format you used in Assignment One (1).
Place your name, followed by the company name at the top.
Fill in the required information after.
At the end of the document, include your name, Student number and Western ID (the first part of your Western email (i.e. if your email is – your ID will be – dernt373)

Formatting is not important as long as the document is easy to follow:

This document must be a Word file saved and submitted as a .doc (or .docx) file
The name must be a combination of your Western Account Name and the name of your company. The file name must be youraccountname_companyname_A2.doc (or .docx)

Submission Instructions:

You must upload and submit, via the CS1032 Web Site, the following files:

youraccountname_A2.docx or youraccountname_A2.doc
youraccountname_companyname_A2.docx or youraccountname_companyname_A2.doc