Assignment 2
Implement a parser for the language specified by the following context-free grammar.
For readability, terminal symbols are red, and in most cases are given by their text values, not the Token kind. For example, the grammar uses boolean rather than KW_boolean, and ( instead of LPAREN. Your parser should use KW_boolean and LPAREN.
Program ::= Identifier Block
Block ::= { ( (Declaration | Statement) ; )* }
Declaration ::= Type IDENTIFIER | image IDENTIFIER [ Expression , Expression ]
Type ::= int | float | boolean | image | filename
Statement ::= StatementInput | StatementWrite | StatementAssignment
| StatementWhile | StatementIf | StatementShow | StatementSleep
StatementInput ::= input IDENTIFIER from @ Expression
StatementWrite ::= write IDENTIFIER to IDENTIFIER
StatementAssignment ::= LHS := Expression
StatementWhile ::= while (Expression ) Block
StatementIf ::= if ( Expression ) Block
StatementShow ::= show Expression
StatementSleep ::= sleep Expression
LHS ::= IDENTIFIER | IDENTIFIER PixelSelector | Color ( IDENTIFIER PixelSelector )
Color ::= red | green | blue | alpha
PixelSelector ::= [ Expression , Expression ]
Expression ::= OrExpression ? Expression : Expression
| OrExpression
OrExpression ::= AndExpression ( | AndExpression ) *
AndExpression ::= EqExpression ( & EqExpression )*
EqExpression ::= RelExpression ( (== | != ) RelExpression )*
RelExpression ::= AddExpression ( (< | > | <= | >= ) AddExpression)*
AddExpression ::= MultExpression ( ( + | – ) MultExpression )*
MultExpression := PowerExpression ( ( * | / | % ) PowerExpression )*
PowerExpression := UnaryExpression (** PowerExpression | ε)
UnaryExpression ::= + UnaryExpression | – UnaryExpression | UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus
UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus ::= ! UnaryExpression | Primary
( Expression ) | FunctionApplication | IDENTIFIER | PixelExpression |
PredefinedName | PixelConstructor
PixelConstructor ::= << Expression , Expression , Expression , Expression >>
PixelExpression ::= IDENTIFIER PixelSelector
FunctionApplication ::= FunctionName ( Expression ) | FunctionName [ Expression , Expression ]
FunctionName ::= sin | cos | atan | abs | log | cart_x | cart_y | polar_a | polar_r
int | float | width | height | Color
PredefinedName ::= Z | default_height | default_width
Use the provided and as a starting point. Your from Assignment 1 (with any errors corrected) will also be needed. As given, the code should compile, and two of the test cases should pass. All three should all pass when your parser has been completely and correctly implemented. Of course, you will need to create many more Junit tests. The SimpleParser will simply determine whether a given sentence is legal or not. If not, a SyntaxException should be thrown. If the sentence is legal, the parse method should simply return.
Use the approach described in the lectures to systematically build the parser. If the grammar is not LL(1), you may need to transform it, or use an ad hoc solution.
Turn in a jar file containing your source code for,, and Your ParserTest will not be graded, but may be looked at in case of academic honesty issues.
We will subject your parser to our set of unit tests and your grade will be determined solely by how many tests are passed. Name your jar file in the following format:
Additional requirements:
This code must remain in package cop5556sp18(case sensitive): do not create additional packages. Names (of classes, method, variables, etc.) in starter code must not be changed. Unless otherwise specified, your code should not import any classes other than those from the standard Java distribution or your
All code, including the Scanner code must be your own work. Using someone else’s Scanner code is not permitted.
Submission Checklist
See the checklist from Assignment 1.
Comments and suggestions:
Work incrementally. Note that you can call the routines corresponding to fragments of the grammar in Junit tests. For example, you should have a method name Expression, and you could call that directly, passing in an input that satisfies that grammar fragment. It is useful when working incrementally to ensure that you are not calling an unimplemented procedure without realizing it. To this end, the sample code throws an UnsupportedOperationException in every method that is needed for compilation, but has not yet been implemented. In your completed parser, this exception should never be thrown.
You will want to provide better error messages than given in the sample code. In particular, you will want to output the location of the offending token.
This assignment is not only about coding, it is also about understanding and working with context-free grammars. Think about what we have discussed in class as you work. Is the grammar ambiguous? Is it LL(1)? If not, what can you do?