UML代写:Designing a Word Processing Application

SE (M) 2017-2018 Assessed Exercise I

Version: 20180119a

Designing a Word Processing Application

This assessment involves designing UML classes for a basic word processing application in Java. The user requirements specification below describes the functionality and data that needs to be represented. This is purposefully a simple system, so be careful not to add additional complexity. For this assessment, you must produce three different UML class diagrams representing three designs.

Your first design must seek to absolutely reduce coupling. Your second design must seek to absolutely increase cohesion. Your third design should represent a more rounded design and your ideal compromise between coupling and cohesion. Each diagram must be accompanied with a paragraph (max 200 words) descripting how you have achieved your design.

Functionality to be Covered

The basic functionality of your word processor must include:

  1. Document File Management
  2. Graphical WYSIWYG Interface
  3. Document and Text Customisation

User Requirements Definition

Users can open an existing document or create a new document. Users can also save an open document given a filename of their own choice.

Users can edit documents using a what you see if what you get interface (WYSIWYG). This graphical interface should show the document as well as allow users to access the word processor’s other functionalities.

Users can change the font size and colour, and typeface. Users can save a font styling for use in multiple places throughout the document.


Submit your solution as a single PDF including diagrams, descriptions etc. Your submission must include your name and student ID number.