INFO1110 / COMP9001 Assignment 2
Task Description
This assignment is worth 10% of your final assessment
Using the python programming language you are required to write a game called “Rover256”. The game involves exploring as much of a planet with a planetary rover without running out of power.
Main Menu
You will need to implement three menu items for your game. The player can enter any of these commands when they launch the program.
When the user selects this menu item, your program must exit.
• START <level file> Whentheuserselectsthismenuitem,yourgamemustloadthelevelfile<level file>specified
bytheuser.Theinputforthelevelfileisafile paththat,ifexists,willloadthelevel.
If the level file specified does not exist, the program will return back to the menu and display the
Level file could not be found
If the level file can be found but the data is not structured properly, then the game should output:
Unable to load level file
This will show the menu items available.
START <level file> - Starts the game with a provided file. QUIT - Quits the game HELP - Shows this message
If the user inputs an invalid command your program must output:
No menu item
Level File
The level file will contain data related to the game such as the planet’s dimensions, name, rover placement and attributes and tile information.
The format of the file follows:
[planet] name,<name of planet> width,<width of planet> height,<height of planet> rover,<x>,<y>
[tiles] <terrain_type>,<highest elevation>[,<lowest elevation>]
The number of tiles is based on the dimensions of the planet. For example, if the width is 6 and the height is 5, the number of tiles listed should be strictly 30.
A level file is considered correctly structured if:
- There is exactly 4 fields specified under the planet section and the number of tiles match the
dimensions of the planet.
- The rover’s coordinates specified are greater than or equal to 0.
- The rover’s coordinates must be within the bounds of the planet’s dimensions.
- Both width and height values need to be greater than or equal to 5.
- highest elevation is strictly greater than lowest elevation for a tile.
An segment of a correctly structured level file:
[planet] name,pluto width,5 height,5 rover,1,0
[tiles] plains,0 shaded,0 plains,1 shaded,0,-1 <cuts off here>
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The tiles are arranged in row-major order. You must insert your tiles from top-down, left-to-right. A rule to remember for placing the rover: x corresponds to the row index while y corresponds to the column index. As an example:
[tiles] A
Corresponds to:
Your program must be able to support loading any level file that uses this format. However, your program needs to detect if level file is correct. To detect if the level file is correct, it will need both segments for planet and tiles.
You will be provided some demo levels for you to use while testing but it is advised that you write your own test levels or a script that generates your own test levels.
The planet is defined as a two dimensional grid of terrain tiles. All tiles are square-shaped and of unit length. Each tile will have different data as outlined in the Tile section.
Planets are spherical and not flat. This means the left-most column of the grid should “meet up” with the right-most column. Similarly, the top-most row should meet up with the bottom-most.
You will need to design your program which allows for navigation on the planet and keep track of what tile the rover is on. The planet has the following properties:
• Width.
• Height.
• Tiles(Mustcontainwidth∗heightnumberoftiles)withtileattributesthatwillaffecttherover.
You are free to add additional properties for your Planet class.
|A|B| |C|D|
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A planet is made of up many individual terrain tiles and each tile has the following properties:
- Elevation relative from 0 (can be negative or positive).
- Effect: Each tile will have its own effect on the rover. This will be described in the following
section Terrain and slope.
Terrain and slope
Terrain is an attribute of a tile. There are two allowed types of terrain:
Terrain types
• ” ” – Unshaded Plains (exposed to sunlight), plains. • “#” – Shaded Plains, shaded.
Elevation effect
• “+” – Elevated tile relative to the rover.
• “-” – Descended tile relative to the rover.Tiles that are described by 2 elevation values are sloped. This will allow the rover to move up or down elevation between the two given elevation values provided. The slope will only have a difference of 1 between the highest and lowest ( highest − lowest ).
• “\” – Down slope, allows for movement to lower level. • “/” – Up slope, allows for movement to upper level.
As an example: shaded,0,-1
If the rover has an elevation of -1, the tile would appear as an up slope. This allows the rover toaccess tiles with elevation of 0.
Iftheroverhasanelevationof0,thetilewouldappearasandown slopeThisallowstheroverto access tiles with elevation of -1.
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The rover is the object that the player controls during the game. It is represented with the H symbol when it scans the area around it and must occupy a terrain tile at any given time.
• In the level file, the line rover,<x>,<y> indicates the rover’s starting position. For example, rover,1,0 means that the rover starts at (x, y) coordinates (1, 0).
• Current coordinates (x, y).
• Battery charge, maximum charge is 100 and always starts with a charge of 100. • Number of tiles it has explored.
The rover will move around on the planet’s surface, being able to explore different parts of the terrain. The objective for the rover is to explore the entire surface, once the rover has explored the entire planet or runs out of power, the player can type the FINISH command (specified in the following section) to finish the game and output how much they explored of the planet.
You explored {percentage} % of {planet}
The rover will lose power when moving around shaded areas. Every time it moves to a shaded tile, it will decrease the battery charge by 1. The battery charge stays the same while the rover moves on unshaded tiles. If the rover waits on an unshaded tile, it will recharge.
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Once the game has been started your program must be able to handle another set of commands from the user. The user is able to input commands to their rover.
The rover is able to see all tiles within a 5×5 box using the SCAN function. • SCAN <type>
This command will draw the current surroundings of the rover. The type component will allow the user to display the scannable area for shade and elevation. The following examples will outline how it is displayed.
AnexampleoftheplayerusingSCAN shade
|#|#| | |#| |#| | | |#| |#| |H| |#| | | | |#|#| | | |#|#|#|
The # tiles are shaded, and the blank tiles are exposed to non-shaded. The display does not indicate whether the rover is currently in the shade or exposed to sunlight.
AnexampleoftheplayerusingSCAN elevation
|+| | | |+| | | | | |+| | | |H| |/| |-| | | |+| |-|\| |+|+|
Our rover is able to see the different bits of terrain and the player will be able to make decisions what to do. The + symbol denotes tiles that are above the rover, while – symbol denotes tiles that are below the rover.
When drawing the scannable environment, your rover should always be centred in the box. When a rover has scanned, all tiles within the scanning view will be explored.
If the SCAN command does not include the a <type> component, the program must output: Cannot perform this command
• MOVE <direction> <cycles>
The directions that the user can specify are: N, E, S, W which correspond to North, East, South and
When you use move, you will specify how many tiles the rover will move for. Example: MOVE N 15
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Will attempt move the rover north by 15 tiles.
When the rover has moved to a tile (in the previous example, 15 tiles) the tile will be considered as explored.
If the rover is instructed to move N cycles but encouters a tile in K cycles. Where K < N and the tile’s elevation is different from the rover’s elevation, the rover will stop before the tile and only consume K cycles.
If the rover is instructed to move N cycles during only shaded tiles but only has P power remaining, where P < N , the rover will move P tiles.
• WAIT <cycles>
In the event that the rover is in shade, the battery cycles will not replenish. When the rover is in sunlight (non-shaded area) and it is waiting, the battery will recharge. The rover will recharge based on the number of cycles specified if it is in sunlight, otherwise it will remain at the same state.
Your rover will have statistics of its current exploration, when this command is executed it will allow
the player to see:
• How much they have explored.
• How much battery they have left.
Example output:
Explored: 60% Battery: 56/100
The rover will shut down and the game will end. The player can enter this if the rover runs out of
power or if they do not wish to keep playing.
The game should print the message:
You explored {percentage} % of {planet}. For example:
You explored 65% of Pluto
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We have provided scaffold that is both accessible from the edstem workspace and from resources section. This will include some classes and method prototypes that will be used to test your solution. This will also encourage you to write flexible and modular code.
You are provided with these files:
- – For the planet class.
- – For loading the level file.
- – For a terrain class that will allow you to store information.
- – For your planetary rover class. Allows you to store the current state of the rover.
- – Import your other modules and start executing the game, this is the game’s entry point.
Assignment Checklist
To help guide you with completing with assessment, here is a simple checklist that you can use to remember what you have finished.
- Create the menu and input loop for selecting HELP, QUIT or START.
- Read and interpret the level file.
- Create a planet object based on the planet attributes.
- Add the terrain objects to the planet in their correct position.
- Output/Draw the current view of the rover (SCAN elevation).
- Output/Draw the current view of the rover (SCAN shade).
- Allow commands to be inputted by the user to move the rover around, such as MOVE, SCAN, FINISH, STATS, WAIT.
- Output the statistics of the rover.
- The rover interact with different terrain.
– Move between elevation using slopes.
– Loses battery charge when moving in a shaded area. – Recharges when waiting in an unshaded area.
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Marking Criteria
Your application will be assessed on a number of qualities. It will need to pass the automated tests to achieve 7% of the assessment as well as pass the manual marking components for 3%.
Automated Correctness Test Cases – 7%
You will submit your program using Ed’s submission system. Your program will be evaluated with automatic test cases. Please ensure that you carefully follow the assignment specification. Your program must match the exact output in the examples and the test cases on Ed.
Manual Marking (Test Cases, Explanation, Comments and Consistency) – 3%
Your program will be evaluated on the following qualities during manual marking.
You must produce test cases for your program, specifically targeting these areas of functionality
• Test cases for the initial menu and input loop.
• Test cases for reading and interpreting the level file.
Tutors will ask you to explain one of the following areas:
• Reading and interpreting the level file.
• Drawing the current view of the rover (Showing elevation or shade). • Commands and interacting with the rover.
Your overall style will be evaluated, involving both code comments and variable naming and consis- tency. It is acknowledged that comments have been provided with the scaffold, however you should provide comments in regards to functions and lines of code you have written in addition to the scaffold comments.
Your program variable names must be descriptive and consistent (do not mix snake_case with camelCase). It is advisable that you adhere to PEP8.
Warning: Any attempts to deceive or disrupt the marking system will result in an immediate zero for the entire assignment. Negative marks can be assigned if you do not properly follow the assignment specifications, or your code is unnecessarily or deliberately obfuscated.
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Academic declaration
By submitting this assignment you declare the following:
I declare that I have read and understood the University of Sydney Student Plagiarism: Coursework Policy and Procedure, and except where specifically acknowledged, the work contained in this assignment/project is my own work, and has not been copied from other sources or been previously submitted for award or assessment.
I understand that failure to comply with the Student Plagiarism: Coursework Policy and Procedure can lead to severe penalties as outlined under Chapter 8 of the University of Sydney By-Law 1999 (as amended). These penalties may be imposed in cases where any significant portion of my submitted work has been copied without proper acknowledgment from other sources, including published works, the Internet, existing programs, the work of other students, or work previously submitted for other awards or assessments.
I realise that I may be asked to identify those portions of the work contributed by me and required to demonstrate my knowledge of the relevant material by answering oral questions or by undertaking supplementary work, either written or in the laboratory, in order to arrive at the final assessment mark.
I acknowledge that the School of Information Technologies, in assessing this assignment, may reproduce it entirely, may provide a copy to another member of faculty, and/or communicate a copy of this assignment to a plagiarism checking service or in-house computer program, and that a copy of the assignment may be maintained by the service or the School of IT for the purpose of future plagiarism checking.
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