编程语言代写: CSCI 3136: Principles of Programming Languages

Assignment 9

CSCI 3136: Principles of Programming Languages

Due Apr 16, 2011

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Assignments are due on the due date before class and have to include this cover page. Plagiarism in assignment answers will not be tolerated. By submitting their answers to this assignment, the authors named above declare that its content is their original work and that they did not use any sources for its preparation other than the class notes, the textbook, and ones explicitly acknowledged in the answers. Any suspected act of plagiarism will be reported to the Faculty’s Academic Integrity Officer and possibly to the Senate Discipline Committee. The penalty for academic dishonesty may range from failing the course to expulsion from the university, in accordance with Dalhousie University’s regulations regarding academic integrity.

In this assignment, you will augment your TOY compiler to provide the following extensions and optimizations:

Coroutines (5 marks). Your first task is to add coroutines (defined using the cofun keyword or as a coroutine lambda expression [| … |]) to the TOY language. There are two parts to this.

You call a coroutine the same way you call a function: using LOC or the built-in function call, ? or ??. The code you generate for a coroutine is different from a function though. A coroutine operates in a different context (call stack and current address) from its caller. This context needs to be set up when the coroutine is called and needs to be destroyed before it returns. Thus, where every normal function starts with an MFR instruction, every coroutine starts with an MCX (make context) instruction followed by an MFR instruction. MCX creates a new context whose parent context is the context of the caller. RET at the end of the coroutine automatically returns control to the context of the caller and destroys the coroutine’s context. The binary code of MCX is 0x1E. This instruction has no arguments. (I will upload an extended virtual machine that supports this instruction.)

The second part is to support the transfer of data and control between the caller and the coroutine. Control is transferred to the parent context of the current context using the built-in suspend function. Calling this from a coroutine transfers control to the parent context and pushes a closure for continuing the coroutine on the parent context’s data stack. The parent context can call the built-in function resume to resume the coroutine. This function expects a coroutine closure on the top of the current context’s data stack, pops it off the stack, and transfers control to the coroutine.

The transfer of data between a coroutine and its parent context can only be performed from within the coroutine. The built-in function >> pops a data item off the parent context’s data stack and pushes it on the coroutine’s data stack. The built-in function << transfers one data item in the opposite direction.

These new built-in functions have numbers 67 (suspend), 68 (resume), 69 (>>), and 70 (<<). (The stack built-in I added as debugging support has number 66.)

Eliminate unneeded frames (5 marks). Frames are needed only to store local variables. Thus, if a function has no local variables, it needs no frame and you can avoid generating an MFR instruction at the beginning of a functions without local variables. Implement this optimization. Note that this means that the number of hops along the static chain given as argument to LOA, LOC, and LOJ in- structions also needs to be adjusted. (Figuring out the number of hops needed is part of this part of the assignment. It’s a fairly simple adjustment.)

Tail recursion (5 marks). Make your functions tail-recursive: Whatever the last function or corou- tine call in a function is, jump to that function instead of calling it. For user-defined functions, use LOJ instead of LOC. For built-in functions, use the instruction JBI (Jump builtin) instead of CBI. I will add this instruction to the extended virtual machine with binary code 0x32. Just as CBI, it takes a one-byte argument: the built-in function to jump to.

Something to note (even though it has no impact on what your compiler needs to do) is that the built-in functions call, ?, and ?? automatically jump to the function or coroutine closure they are given as argument, instead of calling it. Thus, no changes to the call stack are made in this case either.