ICT10013 Programming Concepts Week 05 Tasks for submission
Week 5 Tasks for Submission
This document contains a number of tasks for you to attempt. There are three types of task:
• •
Tasks labelled as “no submission required, not part of portfolio”
o Theyareforyoutoattemptandpractice.
o Theyprovidedassistanceforyoutodevelopsolutionstoothertasksthatarepartof
your portfolio
Tasks labelled as “PASS Submission Task”
o Thesetasksarepartofyourportfoliogearedtowardsallstudents
o Thesolutionstothesetasksmustbeuploadedformarkingbyyourtutor Tasks labelled as “CREDIT Submission Task”
o Thesetasksarepartofyourportfoliogearedmainlytowardsstudentsaimingformore than a pass grade. Of course students aiming for a pass grade may attempt and submit these tasks.
o Thesolutionstothesetasksmustbeuploadedformarkingbyyourtutor JavaScript Tasks
Task 1. (no submission required, not part of portfolio)
Create a HTML file named w5a.html based on template_upd.html
- Change the title to Validating input, description “textbox input tested” and update other meta
tags as applicable.
- Add a script element which specified a file named w5a.js within the src attribute.
- Inside the <form> section place the following:
<label>Your name <input type=”text” id=”firstname” /></label> <button type=”button” id=”send”> Submit </button> - After </form>, place the following <p id=”msg”></p>
Create a JavaScript file named w5a.js based on template.js
Within init():
- Create a local variable btn and assign document.getElementById(“send”) to this variable.
- Assign call to the function acceptName to the onclick event of the btn variable, i.e.
Create a function acceptName(). This function does not need any parameters. Within acceptName():
- Create a local variable first and assign the value entered into the textbox to this variable: document.getElementById(“firstname”).value
- Convert the name to all uppercase letters and store the converted name back in the variable first.
- Create a local variable textout and assign document.getElementById(“msg”) to this variable.
- Use innerHTML to display a string stating “Greetings, <first>” – replace <first> with the name
converted to uppercase. Test w5a.html
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ICT10013 Programming Concepts Week 05 Tasks for submission
Task 2. (no submission required, not part of portfolio)
Create a HTML file named w5b.html based on template_upd.html
- Change the title to Validating input, description “textbox input tested” and update other meta
tags as applicable.
- Add a script element which specified a file named w5b.js within the src attribute.
- Inside the <form> section place the following:
<label>Contact phone <input type=”text” id=”phone” /></label>
<button type=”button” id=”send”> Submit </button>
- After </form>, place the following <p id=”msg”></p>
Create a JavaScript file named w5b.js based on template.js
Within init():
- Create a local variable btn and assign document.getElementById(“send”) to this variable.
- Assign call of the function acceptInput to the onclick event of the btn variable, i.e.
Create a function acceptInput(). This function does not need any parameters.We will get back to this function later. First we need to validate the phone number as per the following rules:
Length should be exactly 10 characters All characters should be digits
Create a function validatePhone() which takes one parameter – phone number, e.g. phone. This function will return true if the value is valid and false if invalid.
Within the function validatePhone():
- Create a local variable valid and assign true to it.
- Use if statement to check that length is not 10 characters: phone.length != 10 and if yes, assign
false to valid.
- Else means that the number of characters in the string is correct so we need to check second
validation rule: whether all characters are digits. So inside the else branch:
o Useanotherifstatementtocheckthatallcharactersinthephonestringaredigits.Theeasy way of checking is to use isNaN() function as shown below:
if (isNaN(phone))
In this case assign false to valid.Note: isNaN() returns true if there are non-digits in the string.
- Last statement is to return valid.
Now back to acceptInput(). Within acceptInput():
- Create a local variable phoneNo and assign the value entered into the textbox to this variable.
- Create a local variable isPhoneValid.
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ICT10013 Programming Concepts Week 05 Tasks for submission
- To validate phoneNo, call the function validatePhone() and store the returned value in isPhoneValid
- Use if(isPhoneValid) to display “Phone number valid” message in the paragraph with the id msg and “Phone number invalid” otherwise.
Test w5b.html. Make sure you test:
all digits but less than 10 characters
exactly 10 characters but not only digits
less than 10 characters and not only digits all digits and exactly 10 charactersTask 3. (no submission required, not part of portfolio)
Create a HTML file named w5c.html based on template_upd.html
- Change the title to Validating input, description “textbox input tested” and update other meta
tags as applicable.
- Add a script element which specified a file named w5c.js within the src attribute.
- Inside the <form> section place the following:
<label>Subject mark out of 100 <input type=”text” id=”score” /></label> <button type=”button” id=”send”> Submit </button> - After </form>, place the following <p id=”msg”></p>
Create a JavaScript file named w5c.js based on template.js
Within init():
- Change the title to Validating input, description “textbox input tested” and update other meta
- Create a local variable btn and assign document.getElementById(“send”) to this variable.
- Assign call of the function acceptInput to the onclick event of the btn variable, i.e. btn.onclick=…;
Create a function acceptInput(). This function does not need any parameters.
We will get back to this function later. First we need to validate the subject mark as per the following rules:
The input should be digits only and if yes,
The input should be in the range 0-100
Note there is no point checking the range if input contains not only digits.Create a function validateMark() which takes one parameter – subject mark, e.g. subjMark. This function will return a string with the relevant error message or an empty string if the mark is valid.
Within validateMark():
- Create a variable errorMsg and assign an empty string to it.
- Check if subjMark is not a number if (isNaN(subjMark)) – note 2 closing brackets.
- If true assign a string “Mark must be numeric” to errorMsg
- Otherwise
o ConvertsubjMarktoanumberusingNumber()
o UseiftocheckthatsubjMarkisNOTwithin0-100range.Inthiscaseassigntherelevantmessage to errorMsg. This second if does not need the else branch
- This function should return errorMsg
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ICT10013 Programming Concepts Week 05 Tasks for submission
Create a function markToGrade() which takes one parameter subjMark, checks whether it’s <50 and returns fail if true or pass if false.
Within acceptInput():
- Create a local variable mark and assign the value entered into the textbox to this variable.
- Create a local variable message.
- To validate mark, call the function validateMark(), pass the necessary argument and store the returned value in message.
- Check if message==””, meaning there are no errors and the mark is valid, in this case we want to get the corresponding grade so
o callthemarkToGrade()functionwiththerelevantargumentandstorethereturned value in message
o Wedonotneedelsebranchhere.
- Display the message on the HTML page in the paragraph with id msg
Test w5c.html. Make sure you test: Non-digital input
Input that is negative
Input above 100 Valid mark resulting in pass Valid mark resulting in fail
Task4. (PASSSubmissionTask)
Create a HTML file named w5P.html based on template_upd.html
- Change the title to “Postcode validation”, description “Pass level task” and update other meta
tags as applicable including your student name and ID.
- Add a script element which specified a file named w5P.js within the src attribute.
- Inside the <form> section:
Use <label> and input tag to display Postcode: text and a textbox with id postcode Use <button> to create a button with id check “check” - After </form>, place an empty paragraph with id “msg”. Create a JavaScript file named w5P.js based on template.js
Within init():
• Create a local variable btn and assign document.getElementById(“check”) to this variable. • Assign call of the function validateInput to the onclick event of the btn variable, i.e.btn.onclick=…;
We will get back to this function later. First we need to validate the postcode as per the following rules: Length should be exactly 4 characters
All characters should be digitsCreate a function validatePCode() which takes one parameter – postcode. This function will return true if the value is valid and false if invalid.
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ICT10013 Programming Concepts Week 05 Tasks for submission Within the function validatePCode():
- Create a local variable valid and assign true to it.
- Use if statement to check that length is 4 characters and if not, assign false to valid.
- Inside the else branch use another if statement to check that all characters in the postcode
string are digits. Use isNaN() as shown earlier in the task for validating a phone number, i.e. if isNaN(…) valid should be assigned false.
We do not need else branch here. - Last statement is to return valid. Within validateInput():
- Create a local variable pcode and assign the value entered into the textbox to this variable.
- Create a local variable isPCodeValid.
- To validate pCode, call the function validatePCode() and store the returned value in
- Use if(isPCodeValid) to display “Postcode valid” message in the paragraph with the id msg and “Postcode invalid” otherwise.
Test w5P.html. Make sure you test:
all digits but less than 4 characters
exactly 4 characters but not only digits
less than 4 characters and not only digits all digits and exactly 4 charactersScreen Capture the HTML page displayed in your browser and paste into W05P.DOCX.
Copy and Paste the HTML code (or screenshot of your code) from your code editor into W05P.DOCX Copy and Paste the JavaScript code (or screenshot of your code) from your code editor into W05P.DOCX
Task5. (CREDITSubmissionTask)
Make a copy of w5P.html and rename it as w5C1.html.
• Change description to Credit level task
Make a copy of w5P.js and rename it as w5C1.js
Within w5C1.js create a function pcodeToState() that takes one parameter – postcode and determines and returns the Australian state or territory based on the first digit of the postcode. Note the list below is not comprehensive.
First digit |
State or territory |
2 |
3 or 8 |
Victoria |
4 or 9 |
Queensland |
5 |
South Australia |
6 |
Western Australia |
7 |
Tasmania |
0 |
Northern Territory |
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ICT10013 Programming Concepts Week 05 Tasks for submission Inside pcodeToState():
- Create a local variable state.
- Create a local variable firstDigit and assign the first character of the postcode string to it. The
most suitable function to use here is charAt(0) – the first character is at position 0.
- Use switch to assign the value to state based on firstDigit.
- Return state
Within validateInput():
- Create a local variable ausState.
- In the statement if(isPCodeValid) call the function pcodeToState() passing the relevant
argument to it and store the returned value in ausState
- Instead of displaying “Postcode valid”, display the state or territory corresponding to the
Test w5C1.html. Make sure you test:
At least one value resulting in the error message
Every first digit option resulting in every state or territory (total 9 screenshots of valid inputs).Screen Capture the HTML page displayed in your browser and paste into W05C.DOCX.
Copy and Paste the HTML code (or screenshot of your code) from your code editor into W05C.DOCX Copy and Paste the JavaScript code (or screenshot of your code) from your code editor into W05C.DOCX
Task6. (CREDITSubmissionTask)
Create a HTML file named w5C2.html based on template_upd.html
- Change the title to “Expiry date validation”, description “Credit level task” and update other meta tags as applicable including your student name and ID.
- Add a script element which specified a file named w5C2.js within the src attribute.
- Inside the <form> section:
Between <p> tags put text “Credit card expiry date”
Use <label> and input tag to display “Month:” text and a textbox with id monthNo Use <label> and input tag to display “Year:” text and a textbox with id year
Use <button> to create a button with id check “check” - After </form>, place an empty paragraph with id “msg”. Create a JavaScript file named w5C2.js based on template.js
Within init():
- Create a local variable btnCheck and assign document.getElementById(“check”) to this variable.
- Assign call of the function validateExpiry to the onclick event of the btnCheck variable.
Create a function validateMonth() that takes one parameter month and returns true if month is valid and false if invalid.
Within validateMonth():
- Create a local variable valid and assign true to it
- Check if month contains all digits (use isNaN). If yes, assign false to valid.
- Within the else branch:
o use Number() or parseInt() to convert month to a number Swinburne University of Technology
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ICT10013 Programming Concepts Week 05 Tasks for submission o Checkwhethermonthisoutside1-12range,ifyesassignfalsetovalid.
You do not need else branch. • The function should return valid.
Create a function validateYear() that takes one parameter yr and returns true if year is valid and false if invalid.
Within validateYear():
- Create a local variable valid and assign true to it. Remember to return this variable at the end of
the function.
- Check if yr does not contain all digits (use isNaN). If yes, assign false to valid.
- Within the else branch:
o use Number() or parseInt() to convert yr to a number
o GetcurrentdateusingDate(),e.g.vard=newDate().
o Businessrule:ayearisvalidifitisbetweencurrentyearandnomorethan5yearsintothe future (i.e. current year + 5). Use d.getFullYear() to determine current year. Check if yr is NOT within the valid range and update variable valid accordingly.
Within validateExpiry():
- Create local variables and store user input from textboxes with IDs monthNo and year in those
- Create a local variable output and assign an empty string to it.
- Create a local variable validMonth and assign the call to the function validateMonth() to it
passing the correct argument.
- Create a local variable validYear and assign the call to the function validateYear() to it passing
the correct argument.
- Check if validMonth and validYear are true simultaneously. If yes, assign “Expiry date is valid”
to the variable output, otherwise assign “Expiry date is invalid”.
- Display the output.
Place the Screen Captures of the web page in your browser and paste into W05C.DOCX Copy and Paste the HTML code and JavaScript code from your code editor into W05C.DOCX
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ICT10013 Programming Concepts Week 05 Tasks for submission
HTML Tasks
Task 7.(no submission required, not part of portfolio)
- Create a HTML file named w5b.html based on template_upd.htm
- Change the title to Testing flexbox, description “Containers, flexboxes” and update other meta
tags as applicable.
- Add the following to the .html file <head> section:
<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”w5b.css”>
- Add the following to the .html file <header> section:
<h1> A flexbox example</h1>
- Add the following to the .html file <article> section: <section class=”flex-container”>
<p> Replace paragraph text with your own text. Replace paragraph text with your own text. </p> </section>
- Create a CSS file named w5b.css in the same folder.
- Add the following to the .css file:
.flex-container {
display: flex;
display: -webkit-flex; /* for safari browser */ background-color: pink;}
- View the html file in your Web Browser.
- Resize the web page.
The shape and size of the flexbox will alter.
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Task 8.(no submission required, not part of portfolio)
- Modify the file named w5b.html
- Duplicate the <section> in the html file.
<section class=”flex-container”>
<p>Replace paragraph text with your own text. Replace paragraph text with your own text. </p></section>
<section class=”flex-container”><p>Replace paragraph text with your own text. Replace paragraph text with your own text. </p> </section>
- Refresh the web page: Two flexboxes are displayed.
- Add a margin between the flexboxes by altering the .css and adding a margin attribute to the
margin: 10px;
- Resize the page:
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ICT10013 Programming Concepts Week 05 Tasks for submission
Task 9. (no submission required, not part of portfolio)
We are about to nest flexboxes (i.e. place flexboxes within another flexbox). Nested flexboxes are a very powerful way to layout web pages.
We will refer to the outer flexbox as the flex container. This will be the parent.
The inner flexboxes are referred to as flex items. They are considered to be children.
- Modify the file named w5b.html
- Add this code to the html file:
Please take note of the class names, as getting these correct is crucial.
<header><h1> A flexbox example</h1></header>
<article class=”flex-container”> <section class=”flex-item”>
<p>Replace paragraph text with your own text. Replace paragraph text with your own text. </p> </section>
<section class=”flex-item”><p>Replace paragraph text with your own text. Replace paragraph text with your own text. </p> </section>
- Add this code to the w5b.css file: .flex-container {
display: flex;
display: -webkit-flex; /* for safari browser */ background-color: pink;}
.flex-item {
/* apply styles as needed */ background-color: lightblue; margin: 10px;}
- Load the web page in a browser
As you can see, the flex-items with the blue background are displayed within the parent flex- container with the pink background.
Note, default display is horizontal, i.e. row.
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ICT10013 Programming Concepts
Task 10. (no submission required, not part of portfolio)
- Modify the file named w5b.css
Add the flex-property to the flex-container rule in the CSS file.flex-container {
display: flex;
display: -webkit-flex; /* for safari browser */ background-color: pink;
flex-direction: column;}
- Refresh the webpage in the web browser.
Task 11. (no submission required, not part of portfolio)
• Modify the file named w5b.css
Change the flex-direction property in the CSS file to have the value row
We are back to the default flex-direction, although this time we explicitly specified it.
Task 12. (no submission required, not part of portfolio)
Each <section> in the html file can have its own headings, paragraphs, images, etc.
- Alter the HTML file.
Within each <section> with the class name “flex- item”, add a <h2> element.
The heading can be whatever you wish. - Refresh the webpage in the browser.
Week 05 Tasks for submission
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Task 13. (PASS Submission Task)
- Create the file named w5P2.html and w5P2.css
- Using <article>, <sections>s, flex container and flex items create a page looking something like this:
You MUST do the following:
o Changesomeofthetext(pleasekeepthethemeofAustraliaCities) o Changesomeaspectofthelayout
o ChangesomeaspectoftheformattingScreen Capture the HTML page displayed in your browser and paste into W05P.DOCX Copy and Paste the HTML code and CSS code from your code editor into W05P.DOCX
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Task 14. (CREDIT Submission Task)
- Create the file named w5C2.html and w5C2.css
- Using <header>, <footer>, <article>, <section>s, flex container and flex items to create a page something like this:
You must:o Changeanyofthetextthatsays’blah’
o Changeatleastoneoftheimages
o Change/improvetheformatting(butkeepthe6flexboxitems-4petsandheaderandfooter)
o Replaceemailaddressinthefooterwithyourstudentemail
o Yourchoicewhethertoputyournameintheheaderorkeepitinthefooter
Screen Capture the HTML page displayed in your browser and paste into W05C.DOCX Copy and Paste the HTML code and CSS code from your code editor into W05C.DOCX
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