nasm汇编代写: CmpE102 Spring 2018 Programming Assignment 7

Spring 2018 Programming Assignment 7

Due Date: 8 May
Goal: Linear feedback shift register functiion

Step 1. Creating the assembly language file

Everything should be done the same way as the previous assignment.

Step 2. The application area

The wikipedia article is a bit math-heavy, but gives a good description of the many application areas.

Here is a more hardware-oriented description.

Here is a summary explanation that does not involve a hardware description. You are familiar with the shift left and shift right instructions. These move all the bits in the register to the left or right respectively by a specified number of bit positions. Let’s suppose that we shift by one position. Then a new bit value will enter at the least or most significant end of the register respectively. The value of the new bit would be zero if shifting to the left. Shifting to the right, the new bit is a zero for a logical shift, and a duplicate of the sign bit for an arithmetic shift.

A linear feedback shift register (LFSR) is a shift register whose input bit is a linear function of its previous state.

The only linear function of single bits is XOR, thus it is a shift register whose input bit is driven by the exclusive-or (XOR) of some bits of the overall shift register value.

In a LFSR, the new bit is neither of those, but some arbitrary function of the existing bits in a register. Depending on the function, as the shifts repeat, the successive values in the register will go through a repeating sequence. It can be shown that the maximum length of the sequence for an n-bit register is 2n-1 if you chose the best function. Other functions may give shorter sequences.

Pg. 1

CmpE102 Spring 2018 Programming Assignment 7

Step 3. What your code should do

  1. We will use an 8-bit register so the output is limited to 255 values.
  2. There are two type of LFSRs, with external and internal feedback. We will use

    the external feedback kind.

  3. We will shift to the right by one position on each step.
  4. The new bit entering at the left (new bit b7) is a function of the old bits (before

    the shift occurs).

  5. The function for the new bit is XOR(b4,XOR(b3,XOR(b0,b2))).
  6. The sequence value must be stored in memory because it must be preserved

    between calls (static value).

  7. Initialize the sequence value to 1. (If it is zero, the register contents will never


  8. One more time–remember that the new bit value must be calculated before

    the shift takes place, and then placed in bit position b7 after the shift takes


  9. The shift register functionality should be implemented in an assembly

    language function that is called from a C program. On each call the return value is the next number in the sequence. (Similar to the random number library function described by Duntemann.)

10.The C program should print out the sequence in both binary and hex using printf().

11. printf()does not support a binary output format. You will have to write a function to do this. (See to-print-binary-number-via-printf)

12.Print out one time through the sequence.


The following skills are exercised in this assignment:

  • Bit manipulation
  • Function call from C
  • printf()

    Step 4. Turning in the assignment

    Turn in the following:

    1. Commented listing file.
    2. Output of one time through the sequence.

Pg. 2

CmpE102 Spring 2018 Programming Assignment 7