scheme drracket代写:CSE1729 Problem Set 9

CSE1729 – Introduction to Programming

April 15, 2018

Problem Set 9

Constructing Huffman trees and Huffman encoding

Recall the discussion from class on Huffman trees. In particular, to construct an optimal encoding tree for a family of symbols σ1,…,σk with frequencies f1,…, fk, carry out the following algorithm:

  1. Place each symbol σi into its own tree; define the weight of this tree to be fi.
  2. If all symbols are in a single tree, return this tree (which yields the optimal code).
  3. Otherwise, find the two current trees of minimal weight (breaking ties arbitrarily) and combine them into a new tree by introducing a new root node, and assigning the two light trees to be its subtrees. The weight of this new tree is defined to be the sum of the weights of the subtrees. Return to step 2.

    Important convention for testing: For concreteness, when combining two smaller trees to form a larger tree, always place the larger tree as the right subtree.

As an example, consider Huffman encoding a long English text document:

  • You would begin by computing the frequencies of each symbol in the document. This would produce a table, something like the one shown below.

    Here the “frequency” is the number of times the symbol appeared in the document. (If you prefer, you could divide each of these numbers by the total length of the document; in that case, you could think of the frequencies as probabilities. This won’t change the results of the Huffman code algorithm.)

  • Following this, you can apply the Huffman code algorithm above: this will produce a “Huffman code tree.” The purpose of this tree is to associate a “codeword” with each symbol. Specifically, the path from the root to a given symbol can be turned into a codeword by treating every step to a left child as a zero and every step to a right child as a one. In the figure below, the symbol α would be associated with the codeword 100.
  • Finally,youcan“encode”thedocumentbyassociatingeachsymbolinthedocumentwiththecorresponding codeword. Note that this will turn the document into a long string of 0s and 1s.
  • Likewise, you can “decode” the encoded version of a document, by reading the encoded version of the document from left to right, and following the path it describes in the Huffman tree. Every time a symbol is reached, the process starts again at the root of the tree.














Figure 1: A Huffman tree; the codeword associated with α is 100. The 􏰱 placeholders represent other symbols.

Strings and characters in SCHEME SCHEME has the facility to work with strings and characters (a string is just a sequence of characters). In particular, SCHEME treats characters as atomic objects that evaluate to themselves. They are denoted: #\a, #\b, . . . . Thus, for example,

> #\a
> #\A
> (eq? #\A #\a)
> (eq? #\a #\a)

The “space” character is denoted #\space. A “newline” (or carriage return) is denoted #\newline.
A string in SCHEME is a sequence of characters, but the exact relationship between strings and characters requires an explanation. A string is denoted, for example, “Hello!”. You can build a string from characters by using the string command as shown below. An alternate method is to use the list->string command, which constructs a string from a list of characters, also modeled below. Likewise, you can “explode” a string into

a list of characters by the command string->list:

> (string #\S #\c #\h #\e #\m #\e)
> (list->string ’(#\S #\c #\h #\e #\m #\e))
> (string->list "Scheme")
(#\S #\c #\h #\e #\m #\e)
> "Scheme"

Note that strings, like characters, numbers, and Boolean values, evaluate to themselves. Finally, the SCHEME function string-append concatenates (or glues together) two strings. For example

> (string-append “book” “keeper”) “bookkeeper”
> (string-append “Comic” “␣” “relief”) “Comic␣relief”

(Note the appearance of the string “␣” containing a space as the second argument to this function.)

1. Write a SCHEME function construct-tree which, given a list of characters and frequencies, constructs a Huffman encoding tree. You may assume that the characters and their frequencies are given in a list of pairs: for example, the list


((#\a . 2013) (#\b . 507) (#\c . 711))

represents the 3 characters a, b, and c, with frequencies 2013, 507, and 711, respectively. Given such a list, you wish to compute the tree that results from the above algorithm. Maintain nodes of the tree as lists of three elements, as usual: there is the question of what value to place on internal nodes. Use the convention that internal nodes can have the form

(internal 0-tree 1-tree)
where internal is a token that indicates that this is an internal node, and 0-tree and 1-tree are the

two subtrees; leaf nodes can have the form

(s () ())

where s is the character held by the leaf. Note that you will have to use the SCHEME quote command to construct internal nodes: for example, to construct an internal node with the two subtrees 0-tree and 1-tree, you could use the procedure below

  (define (make-internal-node 0-tree 1-tree)
    (list ’internal 0-tree 1-tree))

Note that when you traverse a Huffman coding tree, you can determine if a given node is an internal node by deciding if the car of the list associated with that node is the token internal.

Remarks: Note that during the algorithm, you will have to maintain “weighted” trees (which is to say a tree along with a weight); one natural approach is to just maintain this as a pair (consisting of the tree and its weight). There are several steps involved: building the initial (singleton) weighted trees, repeatedly finding the two lightest trees, merging them, and adding the new merged tree into the collection. Think about how you will maintain all this data and carry out the “merge processing.”

  1. Define a SCHEME function construct-dictionary that takes, as input, a Huffman coding tree (with the structure above) and outputs a list containing the elements at the leaves of the tree along with their associated encodings as a string over the characters #\0 and #\1. For example, given the tree of Figure 2, your function should return the list

    ((#\a . “0”) (#\b . “10”) (#\c . “11”)) .


    Figure 2: A Huffman tree yielding an encoding of the three symbols a, b, and c.

  2. Define a SCHEME function encode which takes, as input, a string and a list of characters and frequencies (as in problem 1) and encodes the string into a 0/1-string using Huffman coding. (You may assume that every character in the string is indeed in the list of character/frequency pairs.) For concreteness, the string should be the first argument, so a call would appear (encode string frequencies).
  3. Define a SCHEME function decode which takes, as input, a string over the symbols 0/1 and a Huffman coding tree and “decodes” the string according to the tree. (It should return a string.) For concreteness, the string should be the first argument, so a call would appear (decode string H-tree).



5. Finally,showhowtopackageallofthefunctionalityyouhavecreatedinthisassignmentasaHuffman-code object. Here’s the idea.

  • Define a function H-code-object which takes, as an argument, a list of character/frequency pairs. It should return a dispatcher that yields two methods: encode, which maps a character string to a string of zeros and ones, and decode, which maps a string of zeros and ones to a character string. You might also implement a “reminder” method which simply returns the set of allowable characters (the ones that appeared in the original character/frequency list).
  • When your object is called (with a collection of symbol/frequency pairs), it should use a let (or let*) to immediately create the appropriate Huffman tree and the associated encoding table. Then it should return the methods for encoding and decoding as usual. Thus the rough structure of your object should be something like this:

    (define (H-code-object frequencies)
    (define (make-internal-node 0-tree 1-tree)

    (list ’internal 0-tree 1-tree)) (define (value T) (cadr T))
    ;; Other tree maintenance functions.

    ;; The function for constructing the Huffman tree.

    (define (construct-tree frequencies) …)

    ;; The function for constructing the encoding table. ;; Note that it takes a huffman tree as a parameter. (define (construct-dictionary huffman) …)

;; Finally , the body of the object , where we create ;; the tree and the encoding list
(let* ((decode-tree (construct-tree frequencies))

(encode-list (construct-dictionary decode-tree)))

;;The encoder

(define (encode text) …)

;; The decoder

(define (decode text) …)

;; The dispatcher

(define (dispatcher method)
(cond ((eq? method ’encode) encode)

((eq? method ’decode) decode))) dispatcher
