Homework #1: State Space Implementaon
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Due Apr 2 by 11:59pm Points 100 Submitting a file upload
In this assignment you will implement the 3×5 sliding tile puzzle state space.
This homework is to be completed individually (4703) or in groups of up to two people (3703). You can discuss the assignment with other students in thinking about how to solve these problems, but all programming and other portions of the assignment must be entirely your own work. You may not show your code to other students. If you are working with another student, you need to designate this by forming a group in Canvas.
The assignment can be implemented in any language, but sample code will be provided in C++. Your assignment should be uploaded to Canvas before the deadline.
Implement your code as follows:
1. Implement a simple data structure to store/represent a single state.
- States should either be initialized to the goal state, or should be constructed as a copy of an existing
- The goal state has the tiles sorted from 0…14, where the 0 tile is the blank.
- Implement an equality operator to test if two states are equal.
- Store the current location of the blank tile in the state to make state space operations less expensive.
2. Implement a simple data structure (or enum) to represent an operator. 3. Implement a class/methods to operate on states, providing:
1. a successor function
2. an operator function
3. functions for applying and undoing operators
Your environment might look something like this:
class STP { public:
void GetSuccessors(STPState &nodeID, std::vector<STPState> &actions); void GetOperators(STPState &nodeID, std::vector<STPSlideDir> &operators); void ApplyOperator(STPState &s, STPSlideDir o); void UndoOperator(STPState &s, STPSlideDir o);
Once your code is implemented, write two versions of the function DoRandomWalk, which takes as input a STP class, a STPState, and a walk distance (n). The function should reset to the goal state, perform n random actions, and then return the resulting state.
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The first version should use the GetSuccessors call, while the second should use the GetActions call. For a sufficiently large random walk (e.g. n = 100000000), time the difference between the functions and report
which one is faster. 2 people
Include a README.TXT file with your timing results in your solution. online
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Homework 1: State Space Implementation
STPState class implementation
States should either be initialized to the goal state, or should be constructed as a copy of an existing state. The goal state has the tiles sorted from 0…14, where the 0 tile is the blank. Implement an equality operator to test if two states are equal. Store the current location of the blank tile in the state to make state space operations less expensive.
25.0 pts Full Marks
0.0 pts No Marks
25.0 pts
Operator data structure (or enum) implementation
Class or set of methods to operate on STPStates
A successor function, operator function, and functions for applying and undoing operators
5.0 pts Full Marks
30.0 pts
Full Marks
0.0 pts No Marks
0.0 pts
No Marks
5.0 pts
30.0 pts
DoRandomWalk function version 1 implementation
DoRandomWalk version 1 takes as input a STP class, a STPState, and a walk distance (n). The function should reset to the goal state, perform n random actions, and then return the resulting state. Version 1 should use the GetSuccessors call.
15.0 pts Full Marks
0.0 pts No Marks
15.0 pts
DoRandomWalk function version 2 implementation
DoRandomWalk version 2 takes as input a STP class, a STPState, and a walk distance (n). The function should reset to the goal state, perform n random actions, and then return the resulting state. Version 2 should use the GetActions (GetOperators) call.
15.0 pts Full Marks
0.0 pts No Marks
15.0 pts
Time the difference between Random Walk version 1 and version 2 and report which one is faster.
5.0 pts Full Marks
0.0 pts No Marks
5.0 pts
README.txt included with timing results
5.0 pts Full Marks
0.0 pts No Marks
5.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0
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