CSE 3244: Data Management in the Cloud Lab 2: Cleaning financial data
Instructor: Spyros Blanas, blanas.2@osu.edu TA: Kalyan Khandrika, khandrika.1@osu.edu
This lab asks you to clean a small financial dataset using MapReduce. In particular, the goal is to reconstruct missing data from non-trading days (weekends, bank holidays, natural disasters, etc.) by copying values from the previous trading day.
0. Prepare the files
Download the files from the following URL:
The zip file should contain files “intc-dividends.csv”, “intc-price.csv”, “options-price.csv”, “spy- dividends.csv”, “spy-price.csv”. Please put the files in HDFS and place each file in a separate directory.
1. Write a MapReduce program that cleans the “spy-price.csv” and “intc-price.csv” files between 2015-01-02 and 2016-06-30.
These two files have no price for some dates. For example, the last two lines in file “spy-price.csv” are:
2015-01-05,204.169998,204.369995,201.350006,201.720001,169632600,193.48662 2015-01-02,206.380005,206.880005,204.179993,205.429993,121465900,197.045185
The reconstructed output should be:
2015-01-04,206.380005,206.880005,204.179993,205.429993,121465900,197.045185 2015-01-03,206.380005,206.880005,204.179993,205.429993,121465900,197.045185 2015-01-02,206.380005,206.880005,204.179993,205.429993,121465900,197.045185
That is, the trading data for 2015-01-03 and 2015-01-04 come from the data for the 2015-01-02 trading day.
Note that the order the lines appear in the final output does not matter. We only care for the existence of the rows, not their relative order.
Deliverable #1 [50 points]
Please write and submit a single MapReduce program in Java that cleans the “spy-price.csv” and “intc- price.csv” files. The same MapReduce program needs to be able to clean both files, in two separate invocations of MapReduce with different input and output directories.
2. Write a MapReduce program that cleans the “options-price.csv” file between 2015-01-02 and 2016-06-30.
The “options-price.csv” file is also missing pricing information for some days.
However, the “options-price.csv” file is unique in that it stores information a little differently. In particular, it stores symbols for different securities in the same file. Consider the following subset of lines in the “options-price.csv” file:
2015-01-02,INTC150123C00035000,INTC,2015-01-23,C,35.0,1.77,1.81,1.97 2015-01-02,SPY170120C00260000,SPY,2017-01-20,C,260.0,2.47,1.91,2.71 2015-01-05,SPY170120C00260000,SPY,2017-01-20,C,260.0,1.75,1.45,2.32 2015-01-05,INTC150123C00035000,INTC,2015-01-23,C,35.0,1.77,1.55,1.63
The output that reconstructs the missing values would be:
2015-01-02,INTC150123C00035000,INTC,2015-01-23,C,35.0,1.77,1.81,1.97 2015-01-02,SPY170120C00260000,SPY,2017-01-20,C,260.0,2.47,1.91,2.71 2015-01-03,INTC150123C00035000,INTC,2015-01-23,C,35.0,1.77,1.81,1.97 2015-01-03,SPY170120C00260000,SPY,2017-01-20,C,260.0,2.47,1.91,2.71 2015-01-04,INTC150123C00035000,INTC,2015-01-23,C,35.0,1.77,1.81,1.97 2015-01-04,SPY170120C00260000,SPY,2017-01-20,C,260.0,2.47,1.91,2.71 2015-01-05,SPY170120C00260000,SPY,2017-01-20,C,260.0,1.75,1.45,2.32 2015-01-05,INTC150123C00035000,INTC,2015-01-23,C,35.0,1.77,1.55,1.63
That is, the trading data for 2015-01-03 and 2015-01-04 for the “INTC150123C00035000” security come from the 2015-01-02 trading data for security “INTC150123C00035000”. The trading data for 2015-01-03 and 2015-01-04 for the “SPY170120C00260000” security come from the 2015-01-02 trading data for security “SPY170120C00260000”.
(Note, again, that the order of the lines in the output does not matter.)
Hint: Recall that you can specify a composite key for MapReduce computations. This can be as simple as emitting “2015-01-02,INTC150123C00035000” as the key from the Map function.
Deliverable #2 [50 points]
Please write and submit a single MapReduce program in Java that cleans the “options-price.csv” file.
Bonus [40 points]
If your solution can split the work to 5 or less reduce tasks, no bonus.
If your solution can split the work to between 6 and 50 reduce tasks, bonus 20%. If your solution can split the work to 51 or more reduce tasks, bonus 40%.