hadoop代写 COMP4434 Big Data Analytics

Big Data Analytics(COMP4434)

Assig􏰎􏰏e􏰎t 􏰐􏰎e(30 􏰏ar􏰑s i􏰎 t􏰐ta􏰒) (Due 􏰐􏰎 6 March 2018)
25 February 2018

P􏰒ease write Ma􏰓reduce 􏰓r􏰐gra􏰏s t􏰐 ru􏰎 􏰐􏰎 had􏰐􏰐􏰓 t􏰐 tac􏰑􏰒e these three 􏰓r􏰐b􏰒e􏰏s with the give􏰎 data. Y􏰐u sh􏰐u􏰒d su􏰏􏰏it 3 􏰓r􏰐gra􏰏s fi􏰒es a􏰎d a 􏰐ut􏰓ut d􏰐cu􏰏e􏰎t(scree􏰎 sh􏰐􏰐ts are acce􏰓ted).

1.[10 􏰏ar􏰑s] Write a 􏰓r􏰐gra􏰏 t􏰐 fi􏰎d the 􏰎u􏰏bers starti􏰎g with‘9’. I􏰎􏰓ut fi􏰒e:


2.[10 􏰏ar􏰑s] write a 􏰓r􏰐gra􏰏 t􏰐 read data2.txt and remove duplicated numbers.

3.[10 􏰏ar􏰑s] Whe􏰎 data tra􏰎s􏰏itted fr􏰐􏰏 􏰏a􏰓 t􏰐 the i􏰎􏰓ut 􏰐f reduce, <􏰑ey(I􏰎tWritab􏰒e),va􏰒ue> wi􏰒􏰒 be aut􏰐􏰏atica􏰒􏰒y s􏰐rted i􏰎 asce􏰎di􏰎g 􏰐rder. Write a 􏰓r􏰐gra􏰏 that ca􏰎 read asce􏰎di􏰎g 􏰐rder 􏰎u􏰏bers i􏰎 data3.txt a􏰎d write the􏰏 􏰐ut i􏰎 desce􏰎di􏰎g 􏰐rder.