算法代写: EECS 340 Algorithms Homework 6

EECS 340 Algorithms 2018 Spring Semester

Homework 6

Topics: Shortest paths, minimum spanning trees, and approximation algorithms.

  1. Warm-Up(a) Solve R-15.1 in the text. (⋆) (b) Solve R-18.3 in the text. (⋆)
  2. Dijkstra Revisited
    Solve C-14.3 in the text. (⋆ ⋆)
  3. The Struggle of Commuter StudentsGiven an undirected weighted graph G = (V, E) with non-negative edge weights, and two vertices s, t ∈ V , let G′ be G, but where every edge has its weight increased by 1. Prove that G and G′ have the same set of shortest paths from s to t, or provide a counterexample. (⋆ ⋆)
  4. Unique Bonsai
    Solve C-15.3 in the text. (⋆ ⋆)
  5. Bonsai No More
    1. (a)  Solve C-15.9 in the text. (⋆)
    2. (b)  In the setting of C-15.9, suppose that instead of adding 1 to the weight of every edge, we multiply the weight of every edge by 2. Are the minimum spanning trees of G and G′ still the same? Prove, or provide a counterexample. (⋆)
  6. Burma ShaveYou’ve learned, much to your dismay, that the LED text display in the Glennan Student Area has been replaced. In its place is a new-fangled and expensive iLED display produced by Plum Inc. which has reduced functionality, only capable of inserting, deleting, or replacing one character per second 1. It has a very nice touch- screen interface on the back, however, which lets you easily enter a list of strings for

1But dang, do those string transitions look pretty. 1

Due on April 25th, 12:45pm

it to cycle through in sequence. You’ve been tasked with writing a program which takes as input a set of strings and returns an order to display the strings which minimizes the total transition time between strings in each cycle. A wise elder in HackCWRU informs you that it may not be tractable to achieve the minimum to- tal transition time, but you should be able to come up with a somewhat bearable solution which is within a factor of two of the minimum.

(a) Describe an algorithm to do this which has polynomial runtime in the total length of the strings. Assume that you have access to a method TimeBetween(S1, S2) which computes the minimum number of seconds it would take to transition between the string S1 and the string S2 and runs in O(|S1| ∗ |S2|) time. (⋆ ⋆ ⋆)
Hint: If we have three strings S1, S2, S3, how do TimeBetween(S1, S2), TimeBetween(S2, S3), and TimeBetween(S1, S3) relate?

(b) Extra Finals Practice (Not Graded):
Implement TimeBetween using dynamic programming. As an example of

TimeBetween’sexpectedbehavior,ifweletS1 =”arrhythmic”andS2 =”algorithmic” 2, then one sequence of edit operations we could perform to get from S1 to S2
would be:

algorhythmic (insert ”o”)

Edit Operation

(replace ”r” with ”l”) (insert ”g”)

(delete ”h”)

which turns out to have the minimal number of edit operations (5), so TimeBetween would return 5. (⋆ ⋆ ⋆)

7. FedUP, Regulated Federally Solve A-18.4 in the text. (⋆ ⋆)

8. The following is for EECS 454 students only.
Read Section 17.5 in the textbook and then solve the following problems:

(a) R-17.3 (b) R-17.14

2Our mixtape, ”Algorhythmic” will be dropping this summer, brought to you by the Applicative Funk- tors.


(replace ”y” with ”i”)


Hand in your paper in-class by the beginning of class on the due date. Always check Canvas for updates and corrections.