prolog代写: Maze assignment for Constraint Processing Theory


assignment for Constraint Processing Theory

July 27th, 2018

In this exercise you will have to write a program that can help you find a way out of a maze – labyrinth. Suppose the design of the maze is given in a form of

f ield(x1, y1, x2, y2, 1).

meaning, that there is a wall – quadratic block which you cannot pass, spread between points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), and suppose a step that we can take inside this maze is defined in a form of

step(x1, y1, x2, y2)
meaning, that we take a step from point (x1, y1) to (x2, y2). For reference,

consider an example design below


In this case, the design of labyrinth could be defined as follows

field(0,−1,1,0,1). field(1,−1,2,0,1). ···

f ield(15, 7, 16, 8, 1).

and the solution to this example, found by the algorithm, should be as follows (assumed, that starting point is at (1, 1))

[step(1, 1, 2, 1), step(2, 1, 3, 1), ··· step(15, 6, 16, 6)]

This is just a reference example. The way of designing the maze is de- pendent on you. Your program should analyze the design of the maze (as its only input data) and produce a list of steps, defining a way leading from the entrance to the exit (for any labyrinth, not just the one in the example above).


Constraint Solver(1)


2014/1/9 Simplification of Constraint


Constraint Satisfaction Problems

 A CSP consists of a constraint C over variables x1,…,xn and a domain D that maps each variable xi to a finite set of values, written D(xi), which it is allowed to take. The CSP is understood to represent the constraint C∧x1∊D(x1)∧…∧xn∊D(xn).

2014/1/9 Simplification of Constraint


An example of CSP

 Map colouring problem
 N-queens problem
 And many other problems

R1≠R2∧R1≠R3∧R1≠R4∧…∧ C1≠C2∧C1≠C3∧C1≠C4∧…∧ C1-R1≠C2-R2∧C1-R1≠C3-R3∧…∧… C1+R1≠C2+R2∧C1+R1≠C3+R3∧…






Simplification of Constraint


A simple backtracking solver

 A complete solver for CSPs which has exponential time complexity.

 Algorithm
Input: A CSP with constraint C and domain D Output: Returns true if C is satisfiable, otherwise false
Method: Shown in the next page

2014/1/9 Simplification of Constraint

C and C1 are constraints; c1,…,cn are primitive constraints; D is a domain;
x is a variable;


return partial_satisfiable(C) se

choose x∈vars(C)
for each value d∈D(X) do

let C1 be obtained from C by replacing x by d if partial_satisfiable(C1) then

if back_solve(C1,D) then return true

endif endif

endfor return false




Simplification of Constraint

if vars(C)≡Φ then


let C be of the form c1∧…∧…Cn

for i:=1 to n do
if vars(ci)≡Φ then

if satisfiable(ci)≡false then

return false

endif endif

endfor return true

※satisfiable(c) is a function which takes a primitive constraint c that involves no variables and returns true or false indicating whether c is satisfiable or not.


2014/1/9 Simplification of Constraint


Node consistency for binary CSPs

 A primitive constraint c is node consistent with domain D if either |vars(c)|≠1 or, if vars(c)={x}, then for each d∈D(x),{x→d} is a solution of c.

A CSP with constraint c1∧…∧cn and domain D is node consistent if each primitive constraint ci is node consistent with D for 1≦i≦n.

2014/1/9 Simplification of Constraint


Arc consistency for binary CSPs

 A primitive constraint c is arc consistent with domain D if either |vars(c)|≠2 or, if vars(c)={x,y}, then for each dx∈D(x), there is some dy∈D(y) such that {x→dx,y→dy} is a solution of c and for each dy∈D(y), there is some dx∈D(x) such that {x→dx,y→dy} is a solution of c.

A CSP with constraint c1∧…∧cn and domain D is arc consistent if each primitive constraint ci is arc consistent with D for 1≦i≦n.

2014/1/9 Simplification of Constraint


An example

X<Y ∧ Y<Z ∧ Z≦2
with the domain D where D(X)=D(Y)=D(Z)={1,2,3}

Is this node consistent? Or arc consistent?

2014/1/9 Simplification of Constraint


Node consistency algorithm

 INPUT: A CSP with constraint C and domain D1

 OUTPUT: Returns a domain D2 such that the CSP with constraint C and domain D2 is node consistent and is equivalent to the input CSP

 METHOD: The algorithm is shown in the next page



x is a variable;
C is a constraint;
D is a domain;
c1, …, cn are primitive constraints; and d is a domain value.

let C be of form c1∧ …∧cn for i := 1 to n do

D := node_consistent_primitive(ci , D) endfor

return D

node_consistent_primitive(c, D) if |vars(c)| = 1 then

let {x} = vars(c)

D(x) := {d∈D(x) | {x → d} is a solution of c} endif

return D

Node consistency algorithm



Arc consistency algorithm

 INPUT: A CSP with constraint C and domain D1

 OUTPUT: Returns a domain D2 such that the CSP with constraint C and domain D2 is arc consistent and is equivalent to the input CSP

 METHOD: The algorithm is shown in the next page




 Write down arc consistency algorithm (use pseudo code like node consistency algorithm)

  •   To:
  •   Title: your student number
  •   Deadline: 13:00 on Jan. 16th
