lisp代写 机器学习 K-NEAREST-NEIGHBOR 480 Assignment 3



;;;;; This is a very short assignment and its intent is to get your feet wet in Lisp.
;;;;; Your task is to write three functions which will enable you to test K-Nearest Neighbor:
;;;;; 1. DIFFERENCE. This function tells you the difference (error) between two lists.
;;;;; You will use three kinds of measurement for error: COUNT, SQUARED, and MANHATTAN.
;;;;; Though the default will be COUNT, you will probably be most familiar with SQUARED
;;;;; since it basically does what the lecture notes showed.
;;;;; 2. K-NEAREST-NEIGHBOR. This function will take a list of examples, and their associated
;;;;; classes, and return what class they predict for an additional unseen example, based on
;;;;; the classes of the K examples whose DIFFERENCE from the unseen example is lowest.
;;;;; 3. GENERALIZATION. This function will take two lists of examples, a training set and a
;;;;; testing set, and return the percentage of testing set examples which were correctly
;;;;; predicted by K-Nearest-Neighbor using the original training set examples.
;;;;; You must do the following:
;;;;; 1. Write the three functions correctly.
;;;;; 2. Test them on the two EXAMPLES below. Determine the correct values.
;;;;; 3. Modify this file into properly-commented and properly compiling lisp code,
;;;;; which has at the end of it, in comments, the answers to the two EXAMPLES questions,
;;;;; PLUS an at least 500-word report detailing how you went about implementing this code
;;;;; and what you learned along the way.
;;;;; You should submit this file as a single LISP file named FooBar.lisp, where Foo is your
;;;;; first name and Bar is your last name (for example, my file would be named SeanLuke.lisp).
;;;;; This file will be mailed as an ATTACHMENT to the TA. The lisp code must NOT be cut-and-pasted
;;;;; into the email message or your submission will not count.

(defun difference (list1 list2 &key (measure ‘count))
“Returns the DIFFERENCE (or ERROR) between two lists of things, using one of three measures:

1. Measure type COUNT: the number of times an item in list1 is different from
an item in list2 at the same position. The items don’t have to be numbers.
Example usage: (difference ‘(red blue bob) ‘(blue blue george) :measure ‘count) -> 2

2. Measure type SQUARED: the sum squared difference between items in list1 and list2
Obviously, the items must be numbers of some sort.
Example usage: (difference ‘(1 2 3) ‘(1 3 7) :measure ‘squared) -> 17

2. Measure type MANHATTAN: the sum absolute difference (abs (- a b)) between items
in list1 and list2. Obviously the items must be numbers of some sort.
Example usage: (difference ‘(1 2 3) ‘(1 3 7) :measure ‘manhattan) -> 5”

;;; HINTS: use equalp to test for the given type, and for equality in COUNT
;;; HINTS: ABS is absolute value
;;; HINTS: I used MAPCAR and LAMBDA to make things easy. You might look them up.
;;; HINTS: This is a place where INCF would be reasonable.
;;; HINTS: My code is about 14 (short) lines long


;;; I am providing this function for you as an example
(defun most-common (list)
“Returns the most common item in list, breaking ties arbitrarily”
(let ((reduced-elts (mapcar (lambda (elt) (list elt (count elt list)))
(remove-duplicates list))))
(first (first (sort reduced-elts #’> :key #’second)))))

(defun k-nearest-neighbor (examples new-example &key (k 1) (measure ‘count))
“Given a LIST of EXAMPLES, each of the form (list-of-data class), and a NEW-EXAMPLE
of the same form, determines the K EXAMPLES which most closely resemble the NEW-EXAMPLE,
then returns the most common class among them. The MEASURE used to compute similarity
can be provided. Note that the CLASS is a LIST, like (0.9), not 0.9.”

;;; HINTS: use MOST-COMMON to select the most common among N classes.
;;; HINTS: you might use SORT and SUBSEQ
;;; HINTS: I used MAPCAR and LAMBDA to make things easy. You might look them up.
;;; HINTS: My code is about 11 lines long


(defun generalization (training-examples test-examples &key (k 1) (measure ‘count))
“Given a list of TRAINING EXAMPLES, each of the form (list-of-data class),
and a set of TEST EXAMPLES, each of the same form, returns the percentage of TEST
EXAMPLES correctly classified when passed to K-NEAREST-NEIGHBOR with the TRAINING
EXAMPLES. Note that the CLASS is a LIST, like (0.9), not 0.9.”

;;; HINTS: use EQUALP to compare classes
;;; HINTS: This is a place where INCF would be reasonable.
;;; HINTS: I used DOLIST
;;; HINTS: My code is about 5 lines long


;;;;; Find out what *VOTING-RECORDS-SHORT* would predict about the *NEUTRAL* congressman using 3-Nearest Neighbor
;;;;; and sum-squared error distance.
;;;;; (k-nearest-neighbor *voting-records-short* *neutral* :k 3 :measure ‘squared)
;;;;; Find out how well the first 200 voting records predict the last 94 voting records using 3-Nearest Neighbor
;;;;; and sum-squared error distance.
;;;;; (generalization (butlast *voting-records-short* 94) (last *voting-records-short* 94) :measure ‘squared :k 3)

(defparameter *neutral*
‘((0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5) (0.1))) ;; is this the right class?