CMPSC 461: Programming Language Concepts Assignment 2. Due: Sep. 19, 11:59PM
For this assignment, you need to submit your solution as one single file to Canvas. You may NOT use any of Scheme’s imperative features (assignment/loops) or anything else not covered in class. Define auxiliary functions where appropriate. While you may use whatever implementation of Scheme you like, we highly recommend using Petite Scheme ( or ( We will be testing your code on Petite scheme. For all problems, you can assume all inputs obey the types as specified in a problem. We have provided a test file “hw2-test.scm” on Canvas for your testing.
We will be running your programs against a script. So it is important to check the following requirements before you submit: 1) the function names in your submission must match EXACTLY as specified in this assignment; 2) make all of your function definitions global (i.e., use “define”); 3) name your submission as psuid.scm (e.g., xyz123.scm); 4) make sure the file you submit can be directly loaded into Scheme (to test, use command load “file name” in Scheme, or copy-and-paste your code into and make sure that there is no error). Failing to follow these requirements may result in NO CREDIT for your submission.
Problem 1 [5pt] Define a function totalCount, which takes a list and returns the number of all ele- ments in the list (including elements inside inner lists). For example, (totalCount ′()) should return 0, (totalCount ′(5 1 “sdfsdf” 1 4533 3)) should return 6, and (totalCount ′( 1 3 5 (3 3) () 4 5 6 (1))) should return 9.
Problem 2 [5pt] Define a function infixCalculator, which takes a list of numbers and operators + and − in the infix notation, and performs the calculation for the mathematical expression. Assume lists are given in their “quote” forms. For example, (infixCalculator ′(− 32)) should return −32, and (infixCalculator ′(1 + 75 − 80)) should return −4.
Hint: you can use eqv? ′+ (resp. eqv? ′−) to test the + (resp. −) symbol in its “quote” form. For example, (map (lambda (x) (eqv? ′ + x)) ′(1 + 2)) returns (#f #t #f).
Problem 3 [5pt] Write a function flatten which takes a list (which may contain other lists) and returns a single list containing the elements of all of the lists. For example, (flatten ′(1 (2) (2 3)) should return (1 2 2 3), and (flatten ′(1 (2) (3 (4))) should return (1 2 3 4).
Problem 4 [20pt] In the Church encoding of natural numbers, we have used the n-fold composition of f, written fn. Intuitively, fn means applying function f for n times.
- a) (5pt) Implement a function funPower, which takes a function f, an integer n and returns the function fn. For example, ((funPower sqrt 2) 16) should return 2.
- b) (5pt) Implement a function encode, which takes a natural number n and returns the church encoding of n. For example, (encode 2) should return 2 (i.e., the function λf. λz. f (f z)).
- c) (5pt) Implement a function decode, which takes n (the church encoding of some natural number n) and returns n. For example, (decode (encode 2)) should return 2.
- d) (5pt) Implement a function MULT, which takes two church numbers n1, n2 and returns the church number of n1 × n2 (i.e., n1 × n2). For example, (decode (MULT (encode 2) (encode 3))) should be 6.
Problem 5 [15pt] Implement the following functions in Scheme using filter, fold-left and map. DO NOT use recursive definition for this problem.
- a) (5pt) Define a function allEven, which takes a list of integer numbers, and returns a list containing only the even numbers from the original list. For this problem, assume that 0 is neither odd nor even.
Examples: (allEven ′(0 1 2 3 4)) should return (2 4).
- b) (5pt) Define a function checksum, which takes a list of integers, as well as one integer (as the expected sum). The function returns #t if the list sums up to the integer or #f if the list does not sum up to the integer.
For example, (checksum ′(1 2 3 4) 10) should return #t, (checksum ′(1 2 3 4) 8) should return #f.
- c) (5pt) Define a function zip, which takes a list of several lists with the same length, and returns an- other list of lists where the n-th list is composed by the n-th elements of each list. For example, (zip ′((1 2) (3 4))) should return ((1 3) (2 4)).
Assignment 2, Cmpsc 461 2/2