Assignment 1.0 Chess Library Overview
This week, we will be focusing on unit testing and ObjectOriented design by implementing the core objects and data structures for a chess game application. This will be the first of several weeks in building this application. By the end of the week, you should have implemented the tests and the corresponding implementation for the pieces and board of a chess game.
For this assignment, you are required to use either Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA. Both are free and have powerful refactoring tools available.
Read this entire page before beginning your assignment, and post on Piazza if anything is still unclear.
What am I actually turning in?
Many students find our concrete expectations for this first assignment confusing, and that’s perfectly normal. There are a few key things to note here:
Your task is to design, test, and implement (more or less in that order) a chess library from scratch. This is intentionally vague, and we expect you to spend some time making design decisions for your library.
For this assignment, your deliverables are simply your unit test suite and your implementation. It is not part of the requirements to add a GUI or main game loop for this week.
If something is still unclear, ask on Piazza, chances are someone else is also confused. In general, we are flexible with interpretations of the assignment, as long as it does not trivialize any component of the assignment.
For this assignment, we assume that you have some knowledge of the chess board game. We will assume a simple 8 x 8 board, with two players, and the standard board pieces. Each player alternately moves and strategically captures the others’ pieces, until the game ends when one player is in checkmate (the king is about to be captured, and cannot move), or there is a stalemate (neither player can move).
From Wikipedia:
Each chess piece has its own style of moving.
The king moves one square in any direction.
The rook can move any number of squares along any rank or file, but may not leap over other pieces.
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Assignment 1.0 – CS 242 – Illinois Wiki
The bishop can move any number of squares diagonally, but may not
Eclipse vs. IntelliJ IDEA
How is IntelliJ better than Eclipse? Eclipse vs. IntelliJ Verdict is IntelliJ Pointbypoint Comparison
Another Pointbypoint Comparison
ObjectOriented Design
Java Polymorphism Tutorial Polymorphism
Java Abstract Classes
Java Interfaces
JUnit API JavaDoc
JUnit Assert
JUnit (Wikipedia)
JUnit Homepage
TestDriven development (Wikipedia)
jUnit Integration
Eclipse: Tutorial
IntelliJ: Super Simple Example IntelliJ: Basic Configuration IntelliJ: Fancier Use
Workshop Slides
We will bias clarity over cleverness in evaluating
You should adopt a “teaching” mindset, always askin “How would I change what I have written to make it possible for someone else to understand my code wi direct assistance?”
Refer to the standard Grading rubric if any portion of is unclear. Note that the standard rubric assumes a s for each category.
How much effort would it require you to change your library to support a rectangular (not necessarily square) board?
Design your game logic with considerations such as this in mind. Remember, we will be asking you to further extend your code next week.
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How much effort would it require you to add new types of chess pieces to your library? Design your chess with considerations such as this in mind.
leap over other pieces.
The queen combines the power of the rook and bishop and can move any number of squares along rank, file, or diagonal, but it may not leap over other pieces.
The knight moves to any of the closest squares that are not on the same rank, file, or diagonal, thus the move forms an “L”shape: two squares vertically and one square horizontally, or two squares horizontally and one square vertically. The knight is the only piece that can leap over other pieces.
The pawn may move forward to the unoccupied square immediately in front of it on the same file; or on its first move it may advance two squares along the same file provided both squares are unoccupied; or it may move to a square occupied by an opponent’s piece which is diagonally in front of it on an adjacent file, capturing that piece.
We do not expect you to deal with special moves like castling for the king & rooks, or en passant or promotion for the pawn, however, if you want to have a complete Chess game at the end of the project, you might want to implement them for playability’s sake.
Part I: Game Logic
First, select data structures and test and implement logic for the chess board itself. Since there are many types of chess pieces that will be involved in the game, we suggest you deal with this first, dealing with a general chess piece.
Specifically, you should implement the logic for components such as:
The board shape/size a Piece movement on the board
Pieces capturing/killing other pieces
Putting the king in check
Game ending conditions (detecting when a player has won or lost)
You can safely assume that your game will be played with two players and that this number of players will not change in future weeks. You do not need to implement the game loop, but a single for loop handling logic for turns and a GUI should be the only missing pieces for a working chess game in this week’s implementation.
Part II: Chess Pieces
Your library should be able to handle movement for all of the standard chess pieces. This includes where pieces can and cannot move. Imagine that some other component of your code (the players / game loop) need to play the game. What methods do you need to implement for your chess pieces?
a Logic for all of the following pieces should be implemented this week: n
Rook Bishop Knight King Queen Pawn
Again, you only need to worry about the most basic movements for each of these pieces, namely (1) moving across the board and (2) capturing another piece. You do not need to consider special cases such as castling for the king & rooks, or en passant or promotion for the pawn (unless you want to).
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Assignment 1.0 – CS 242 – Illinois Wiki
Remember, we will be asking you to further extend your code next week.
ObjectOriented Design in Java
One of the reasons we start CS 242 off with an assignment in Java is that it is fairly easy to follow good objectoriented design practices in Java, such as inheritance and polymorphism. We will expect you to understand and use these concepts, and they will make your life much easier for assignments like this.
If you are unfamiliar with these concepts or could use a refresher, here is a relatively simple tutorial for using polymorphism in Java: We also suggest you familiarize yourself with abstract classes and interfaces in Java if you have never used them before.
10 ObjectOriented Design Principles Java Programmers
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Unit Testing
Unit testing is a great way to ensure that, given an implementation, the code works correctly. This is enforced by creating small (unit) tests for each function. Each test should be able to call the function it is testing, and determine if the function worked according to its specification.
This can be a strange concept at first, but it is really quite simple: If you know the input to a function, and you know how the function works, you should know exactly what the output of the function is. Since you know what the output should be before even calling the function, you can compare the output you get from making the function call to the expected output. If they match up, then the test has succeeded. Otherwise, it fails.
One test is rarely sufficient to be confident in the correctness of a function. A complete test suite would try all cornercases, as well as the common case. For instance, if a function operates on positive integers, and it is called with a negative parameter, does it do the right thing? The success and failure of tests are completely defined by the person designing the application. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly understand what a function should do in order to test it.
Each test should be named in a fashion that clearly says what it does. Each test should be written in such a way that it is immediately apparent from the prose of its statements:
the objects it works on,
specific methods it tests,
an exception it calls or handles,
any preconditions and postconditions that must be met.
If it doesn’t, the test must include comments that fully explain what is missing.
An example of a valid unit test would look like (for an imaginary Phone object):
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Requirements Chess Pieces
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Requirements Data Structures
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Requirements Game End Conditions
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public class PhoneTests {
//note these are jUnit 4 style tests, the naming
convention is different for jUnit 3 style tests
/** * The constructor is supplied with valid values so no
exceptions should be thrown.
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Assignment 1.0 – CS 242 – Illinois Wiki
public void ValidConstructor1() throws Exception {
String number = "15555555555"
String name = “John Smith”
Phone phone = new Phone(name,number); assertEquals(number, phone.getNumber());
Good testing requires you to test for the unexpected. Every function should have at least one test. However, to get full credit, you should write tests which cover all corner cases and other possibilities that your library may eventually encounter. You do not need to write tests for extremely trivial, small functions (5 lines or less).
A common misconception is that more tests are always better. While good test coverage of your code is important, you can make the most of your time when unit testing by strategically selecting the test cases to implement. For example, if we are testing a function that adds two positive integers, we could test inputs 5, 0, 5, 6, 7, INT_MAX, etc., but testing all of 5, 6, and 7 may be redundant, since they are all fairly small positive numbers and so are very similar, likely redundant test cases.
This assignment
For your assignment, we expect you to thoroughly test both the game logic and chess pieces for your library. This is extremely important because the errors will propagate into future assignments!
For example, you may want to test:
What happens when a player tries to move a piece to an empty space on the board?
What happens when a player tries to move a piece to an invalid space (off the board)?
What happens when a player captures another piece? Does the captured piece disappear?
What happens when a player tries to move to space already containing one of his/her pieces?
What happens when the player’s king is put in “check”?
Which player moves first?
Some common checkmate/stalemate scenarios (Extra Credit)
Checkmate: Stalemate:
Remember, testdriven development means writing your tests before you write their implementation!
Testing Chess Pieces, Game Logic
Testing Data Structures
assertEquals(name, phone.getName());
* This test checks the case where the constructor is supplied a phone number with too many dashes.
public void TooManyDashes() throws Exception { String number = “999999999999”;
String name = “John Smith”; Phone phone = new Phone(name,number);
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//more tests below...
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Full Score
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2018/9/18 Assignment 1.0 – CS 242 – Illinois Wiki
When writing your functions always keep in mind writing them so that they are easy to test. The more focused each individual function is, the easier it will be to test, and the more correct your code will be. Modularity is key to unittesting. It may be a good idea to split your library into multiple classes based on the data structure(s) you use as an internal representation for the chessboard.
There are some resources which aid in the unit testing process, such as JUnit for Eclipse and IntelliJ. You are free to use these if you would like. Eclipse and JUnit are available on the CSIL Linux computers, and an introduction to using JUnit with Eclipse is provided in this assignment description.
jUnit in Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA
One of the reasons we require you to use either EclipseofIntelliJ for this assignment isjUnitintegration. Both IDEs have had support forjUnitintegration for some time.
There is a thorough tutorial for using jUnit+ Eclipse here:
IntelliJ IDEA
There is some documentation for usingjUnitwith IntelliJ here as well:
Super Simple Example Basic Configuration Fancier Use
Introduction to JUnit (A comprehensive JUnit
tutorial page)
An example of jUnit4 tests was shown above. Generally, developers put all unit tests for one type in one file, with multiple files of tests composing a test suite for the library or application. It will be much easier for you to keep things organized if you follow a similar pattern. Although Eclipse and IntelliJ will let you run a single file containing JUnit tests directly, it takes a bit more effort to run all tests in all files at once (your test suite).
For example, say I had tests for a Phone object in a file called PhoneTests and tests for an Address object in a file called AddressTests, I could have the IDEjUnitrunner run them both by creating a file called something like ContactInfoTests and have it contain:
The following examples will work for both Eclipse and IntelliJ but are unnecessary for IntelliJ. It is possible to simply create “Run Configurations” in IntelliJ IDEA to accomplish this without adding any code, rather than create additional classes as we describe below.
package contactInfo.tests; import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Suite;
/** * Runs all tests for classes in the
<code>contactInfo</code> package * @author Jerome Bell * */
@RunWith(Suite.class) @Suite.SuiteClasses({AddressTests.class, PhoneTests.class})
public class ContactInfoTests {
} 5/6
2018/9/18 Assignment 1.0 – CS 242 – Illinois Wiki
If I was to then instruct my IDE to run ContactInfoTests as ajUnittest, it would run all the tests in both the PhoneTests class and the AddressTests class. You might not need to, but you can chain it up even further if you divide your tests into subcategories and have a master suite file like:
package allTests;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Suite;
import contactInfo.tests.ContactInfoTests; import persistence.tests.DatabaseInterfaceTests;
@RunWith(Suite.class) @Suite.SuiteClasses({ContactInfoTests.class, DatabaseInterfaceTests.class})
public class RunAllTests extends TestSuite{ }
Sample code and tests
To assist you in your efforts, here are two sample files and You do not need to use this class, but feel free to take portions of it to use in your chess data structures.
Last bit of help
When we solve these assignments, we do in fact write all of the tests before the methods they test. After writing the tests, we write stub implementations of the tests that call them. The code then compiles without errors, but the tests fail since they didn’t do anything yet. This is normal. Then one by one, we write the implementation for each of the methods until all of the tests pass.
Still confused or need help?
First, ask questions on Piazza. If you have a question, there is a pretty good chance someone else has an even better chance that someone else in the class or one of the TAs will be able to answer it for you. If you are still having a problem, email your moderator or one of the TAs to get advice. Remember, its best to ask questions early on so they have time to be answered. Don’t wait until the last second to get started then realize that you are confused. 6/6