安全密码 破解代写 Secure Programming COMP3307 COMP7307 Assignment 2 — Fuzzing, Exponentiation and More

Ok, so we outsourced this assignment to a sweat shop worker. Unfortunately, they went AWOL, leaving only a cryptic program. We believe that the assignment is hidden somewhere there, but some work is required to find this out. The program itself is in server.cimg. The relevant part is:

static char *password= [REMOVED];

The program itself listen to communication on port 5555 of gdi.cs.adelaide.edu.au. (Use telnet or nc to connect – this is only available inside the University network or via the VPN, or you can SSH to USS and connect from it.)


We are happy to report that unreliable resources has been located and humanely terminated following assignment recovery. The assignment description can be viewed here.img

Assignment 2 — Fuzzing, Exponentiation and More


This assignment consists of four parts. The submission is a single .tar or .tgz file.1 Opening the file should create a single folder whose name is your a-number.2 Inside the folder there is one PDF file3 and 1–4 subfolders. The PDF file, answers.pdf, contains the answers to Parts 1–3 of this assignment. The subfolders, named part-<n> where <n> is a number between 1 and 4, contain additional information and solutions for Parts 1 to 4.

We will provide a test script that checks these and some other requirements. If your submission does not meet the requirements above we will not test it and your mark will be 0.

Part 1 (20%) — Getting Here.

Break the code that hides the URL of this assignment. This is a part of the assignment even if you reached here without breaking the code! Submit a description of how you broke the code. (Not more than one page of text.) If you used any software to break the code, submit it in the subfolder part-1. Such software can be in any programming language. It will not be evaluated for coding or style quality. Its purpose is only to support your description.

Part 2 (20%) — Integers.

In this part, you are asked to analyse a few function and understand what they do. The functions perform simple arithmetic and bitwise operations on their inputs. We do not ask you to describe these operations, but to explain what the outcome is. For example, consider the function:

int32_t example1(int32_t a) {
  return (aˆ0xFFFFFFFF)+1;


Saying that example1 calculates the exclusive or of the input with the number 0xFFFFFFFF and adds one is technically correct, but is not the expected answer. The correct answer is that the function computes the two’s complement of the input. (Or any equivalent description.)

Similarly, for example2 below, the expected answer is that the function returns bit b of a. Saying that it shifts the number 1 by b bits to the left and returns the result of anding that with a is not sufficient.

uint32_t example2(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
  return (1<<b)&a;


1The contents must match the extension. Files in zip, rar, cpio, ar, or other archive format are not accepted, even if their name ends with .tar or .tgz.

2Don’t forget the ‘a’. Also, make sure the number matches your student ID.

3It is not enough that the name ends with .pdf. The contents must be in PDF format. Submission of text, Microsoft Word, LibreOffice, or similar documents will be ignored.


For all examples, assume that signed numbers are represented using two’s complement and that integer overflow wrap around. For example, MAX INT32+1 results in MIN INT32.

The functions to analyse are:

int32_t f1(int32_t a) { return a & -a;


int32_t f2(uint16_t a, uint16_t b) { return ((int32_t)a – (int32_t)b) >> 31;


int32_t f3(int32_t a) { return (a | -a)>>31;


uint32_t f4(uint32_t a, uint32_t b, int32_t c, int32_t d) { c ˆ= d;

  c = (c | -c) >> 31;

return (a & ∼c) | (b & c); }

Part 3 (35%) — Fuzzing.

For this part your task is to fuzz three versions of the solutions to Assignment 1. You can choose whether to fuzz the bignum library or the calc software (or both). You can use any fuzzing tool available online or develop your own tools. Two recommended tools are libfuzzer (https://llvm.org/docs/LibFuzzer.html) and american fuzzy lop (http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/afl/).

The software to fuzz is included in this assignment description. To extract, use tar xf assignment2.pdf bignums. This will create a folder called bignums that contains ten subfolders, BigNum-0–BigNum-9, each of which contains a solution to Assignment 1. To determine which of those you need to fuzz, use the least significant digits of your a number. Thus, student a1111400 should fuzz BigNum-0, BigNum-1, and BigNum-4.

In answers.pdf please submit a description of what you have done and what you have found. (Up to two pages of text.) Also, please submit any software or configuration files you created for this part of the assignment in the sub-folder part-3.

Part 4 (25%) — Modular Exponentiation.

Extend libbn to support modular exponentiation. The function signature is int bn modexp(bn t result, bn t base, bn t exp, bn t modulus). It accepts three bignums, base, exp, and modulus, and computes baseexp mod modulus.

You may assume that base and exp are non-negative, modulus is larger than 1, that result is not the same as any of the other arguments. You may use bn div from the sample included in this assignment description. To extract use tar xf assignment2.pdf samples.

The function takes four arguments: quotient, remainder, numerator, and denominator. It divides numerator by denominator, storing the whole part of the division in quotient and the remainder in remainder. The function only works with a positive denominator and a non-negative numerator.

The source code of your solution should be in the sub-folder part-4. Typint make in this sub-folder should build libbn.a. it may also build calc, or other programs, libraries, etc., but these will not be


tested. The test script verifies that the library builds and that it passes basic sanity tests. If the test script fails any of these tests, you will receive no marks for this part of the assignment.