p5js javascript 游戏代写

Assignment 2

Due: 5pm Friday 28 September 2018 Individual assignment


Assignment 2 is an extension of your sketch submitted for Assignment 1 applying what has been learnt in the second half of the course. You will implement support for the p5.play library, multiple scenes, loading data from a file, video/sound, image effects, and GUI input.

p5.play Library

In Assignment 1 animations and collisions were handled by writing your own code. For Assignment 2 you must rewrite your sketch so that it uses the p5.play library sprites. You are required to utilise the ‘flipbook’ animation functionality of sprites by assigning multiple images. You will need to have different animation sequences for different modes, e.g. ‘running’ and ‘jumping’. You may use existing image sequences online, however you should attribute the source. It is expected that movement is more complex than Assignment 1. You should also use at least two of: collision, display, bounce. The sketch should have a minimum of 3 sprites.

Multiple Scenes

The sketch should support multiple scenes, e.g. a loading scene, game play, and score. You may use either of the following logic to change scenes: user initiated, time elapsed, or logic (e.g. end of game).

Reading from File

Your project must include a text file which includes data used by the sketch. The file must have at least 10 entries. More marks will be awarded to a JSON file which uses at least 3 properties per object. The data must be used within the sketch in some way that is visible (e.g. text, position, colour, etc).

GUI Input

The sketch must have some form of GUI input through HTML DOM elements such as a button, text input, or slider. The GUI input must have an event handler that has some effect on the sketch. The GUI input must only be visible in one scene.

Video, Sound, Image Effects

Your sketch should incorporate a video or sound. It must also utilise some form of image effect.

Marking Scheme

A full rubric will be available on Learning@Griffith. In addition to the above there will be marks for visual design, complexity, and code structure.


Assignment 2 will be marked in the week 12 labs. You must be present to have the assignment marked.

All of the sketch source files must be zipped and uploaded to Learning@Griffith through the Assignment 2 submission. The documentation and screen capture should be uploaded as individual files (so that we can view them directly within Learning@Griffith without downloading them). In addition the text of the sketch.js should be copied and pasted into the textbox of the assignment submission. The zipped folder, once decompressed, must be able to run in Brackets using Live Preview. Marks will be deducted if the unzipped project can not be run successfully.