mobile app设计代写 FIT5152 User Interface Design and Usability

Monash University
FIT5152 User Interface Design and Usability

Digital Prototyping Assignment High-fidelity prototyping for a mobile app

Digital prototyping assignment is worth 20% of the total mark for this unit.
This assignment is a group assignment (groups of 2 students from the same tutorial). Digital prototyping assignment consists of a demo and a report:

  •   The demo of the prototype must be presented by both group members to your tutor in 10 minutes in your tutorial in Week 12.
  •   The report submission to Moodle is due by Monday 8am, Week 12, 15th of October.
    The zip file containing all the prototype files PLUS a report should be submitted to Moodle by

    the deadline.

    Aim: The objective of this assignment is to provide you with practical skills for user interface design and prototyping of a real world application by applying design guidelines.

    A. Mobile Triage App

    You will design and develop a digital (high-fidelity) prototype of a mobile triage app.
    Triage is a process of sorting patients based on their need for immediate medical treatment according to certain guidelines. It enables prioritising patients on the basis of the severity of their condition to receive medical facilities in a timely manner.

    There are two main types of triage: i) hospital triage (SORT) which is generally conducted at a casualty clearing station or hospitals, and ii) field triage (SIEVE) which is performed out the hospital, e.g. in environments like mass gathering events where a large number of people gather, and it involves a rapid assessment. In this assignment, you will focus on SIEVE, i.e. field triage.

    There are commonly three triage labels (R, Y, and G). These include:
    1. the red label (R) indicates the immediate priority casualties (Priority 1),
    2. the yellow/orange colour (Y) which is used for those who require urgent treatment (Priority

    3. the green colour (G) representing delayed priority causalities where patients have minor

    injuries (Priority 3)

    Using this app, first the user (most likely a paramedic or a nurse) needs to sign in with a user name and password (and to create an account if not exists). This process can be skipped by the user.
    Then there will be five options to choose from: 1) SEIVE triage, 2) Search by a patient, 3) Search by a triage label (symptom or/and injuries), 4) reports, and 5) the map.

    The triage labels are determined using simple rules based on the patient’s physiological data including their pulse, respiratory rate, and whether the patient is breathing and walking. The picture below shows how these parameters and rules are used to make a decision about the triage label. You do not need to include these rules in the application but the four parameters of pulse, respiratory

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rate, and whether the patient is breathing and walking should be included. Also, as the output, one of the triage labels should be displayed.

Figure 1. This flow chart diagram shows the triage business rules and how the four variables are used in decision making about a triage label.

B. Deliverables

This assignment has TWO main deliverables:
1. The high-fidelity interactive prototype of the mobile triage app (submission of related

files to Moodle in a zip file) and the demo in Week 12

  •   The high-fidelity prototype can be created by using any of mobile app prototyping tools (our recommended tool is MockingBot). For any other tool, first you need to get permission from your tutor.
  •   The prototype must be interactive. The interaction includes: i) navigation between the screens, and ii) the interaction within a screen using UI elements such as buttons, lists, etc.
  •   You do NOT need to store any data.
  •   You do NOT need to include any processing or calculation.
  •   To enable interactions within a screen, you will use hard-coded data (including text, images, maps) according to the requirements of each screen to simulate the real interactions.

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Monash University (Note: make sure you use images/pictures with no copyright restrictions)

2. A written report: (the report will be submitted to Moodle as well)  The report should include:

  1. Title page;
  2. Executive summary;
  3. Table of contents;
  4. Design Guidelines: the description and justification of design guidelines used for

    the interface and the entire application such as navigation, menus, forms etc. The discussions should be in an order using numbered subheadings. You should include screenshots of the prototype related to the topic of discussion.

    1. Design guidelines can include any of the guidelines discussed during the semester such as Norman’s design principles, guidelines for navigation, menus, forms, passwords, graphics, colour, icons, typography, grouping, accessibility, feedback and error messages, and help.
    2. For each screen, you need to discuss at least 4 different guidelines that you have followed in your design. (Avoid repeating the same guidelines for each screen.)
  5. References: In the report, you must cite at least 4 related conference or journal papers in design guidelines and include in Reference List. These 4 papers MUST be from these publishers: ACM, IEEE, ScienceDirect, Springer, ProQuest, IOS Press, or Scopus.
  6. Appendix – A sitemap diagram that shows the top level view of the app and the navigation flow between screens.

C. Details of User Interface

This section describes the main requirements to develop the prototype’s interface (by focusing on the main functionalities).

Based on these descriptions, you will decide on the type and the number of screens, navigation, and the UI elements (such as menus, lists, buttons, icons, images, sliders, text fields, calendar, etc) and their positions on the screen.

You need to justify your selection and design decisions according to the guidelines in Section 4 of the report. The level of your critical thinking, and how relevant and important are these guidelines to the UI elements are considered as part of marking for this part.

You will decide on an appropriate title for each screen.
You will decide on providing save, edit and delete options where required.

1. Sign-up and Sign-in

The sign-up/sign-in screen is the first screen that a user will see. A new user will select the sign-up option that will lead them to User Profile for data entry.

After the user completes the profile data entry, they will be able to sign into the system. Sign-in will involve entering an email and a password.

2. User Profile

The profile data entry will require the new user to enter their details (such as name, DoB, gender, job position, address, mobile phone), and an email and a password as well.

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3. Home/main screen

The home screen will allow primary navigation to other screens: SEIVE triage, Search by a patient, Search by a triage label (symptom or injuries), reports and the map.
This screen will welcome the user by their first name, and show the date and time, their location by suburb, and temperature.

4. Edit User Profile

Users should be able to edit their details that they entered in User Profile. This screen is almost the same as User Profile but all the fields will be populated with the user’s existing data and will be editable.

5. SIEVE Triage

This screen will first allow the user to enter the patient ID, the pulse, respiratory rate, and whether the patient is breathing and walking (each separately). Then it will show the triage label based on this data (using the triage rules at the background). Then this data (plus date and time and location) will be stored in the backend database.

This screen will also allow the user to enter two other fields in addition to the above-mentioned details. They include symptoms (i.e. Fever, Heachache, Joint/Muscle Ache, Rash, Seizure, Unconsciousness, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Not Classified), and injuries (i.e. Bites, Burns, Cardiovascular Problems, Fracture/Sprain/Dislocation, Heat -related Condition, Hypothermia, Laceration, Wounds, and Not Classified).

6. Search by a Patient

This screen will first allow the user to enter the patient ID or surname and retrieve all their information.

7. Multi-Criteria Search by a Triage Label, a Symptom, or/and an Injury

This screen will first allow the user to select a triage label, a symptom or/and an injury, and also a date (or a period of time) and retrieve all patients with that triage label, symptom or/and injury (showing their full names and IDs as a list). If the user clicks on any of these patients in the list, they can view further details.

The search will allow the user to only search by one criteria like only a triage label or multiple criteria.

8. Reports

This screen enables the user to enter a particular date or a period of time and view the patients and their triage labels by selecting different types of graphs (pie chart or bar graph).

9. Maps

The map screen will show the markers/bubbles on the map that present the patients’ triage location. The user can zoom in and out in the map. Each marker/bubble has the colour of the triage label. When the user clicks on a marker, it will display the information about the patient.

Submission Guideline:

You will upload a zip file to Moodle that includes:

  •   All the files related to your prototype,
  •   your final report as a Word document,

    The name of the report file should follow this format: FIT5152Assign4-[student-surnname]- [studentid]-[tutor name]

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Late Submission:

Late Assignments or extensions will not be accepted unless you submit a special consideration form and provide valid documentation such as a medical certificate prior to the submission deadline (NOT after). Otherwise, there will be 5% penalty per day including the weekends.

Plagiarism – PLEASE NOTE.

Before submitting your assignment, please make sure that you have not breached the University plagiarism and cheating policy. It is the student’s responsibility to make themselves familiar with the contents of these documents.

Please also note the following from the Plagiarism Procedures of Monash, available at

Plagiarism occurs when students fail to acknowledge that the ideas of others are being used. Specifically it occurs when:

  • other people’s work and/or ideas are paraphrased and presented without a reference;
  • other students’ work is copied or partly copied;
  • other people’s designs, codes or images are presented as the student’s own work;
  • Lecture notes are reproduced without due acknowledgement.

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