“”” Where’s That Word? functions. “””
# The constant describing the valid directions. These should be used
# in functions get_factor and check_guess.
UP = ‘up’
DOWN = ‘down’
FORWARD = ‘forward’
BACKWARD = ‘backward’
# The constants describing the multiplicative factor for finding a
# word in a particular direction. This should be used in get_factor.
# The constant describing the threshold for scoring. This should be
# used in get_points.
BONUS = 12
# The constants describing two players and the result of the
# game. These should be used as return values in get_current_player
# and get_winner.
P1 = ‘player one’
P2 = ‘player two’
P1_WINS = ‘player one wins’
P2_WINS = ‘player two wins’
TIE = ‘tie game’
# The constant describing which puzzle to play. Replace the ‘puzzle1.txt’ with
# any other puzzle file (e.g., ‘puzzle2.txt’) to play a different game.
PUZZLE_FILE = ‘puzzle1.txt’
# Helper functions. Do not modify these, although you are welcome to
# call them.
def get_column(puzzle: str, col_num: int) -> str:
“””Return column col_num of puzzle.
Precondition: 0 <= col_num < number of columns in puzzle
>>> get_column(‘abcd\nefgh\nijkl\n’, 1)
puzzle_list = puzzle.strip().split(‘\n’)
column = ”
for row in puzzle_list:
column += row[col_num]
return column
def get_row_length(puzzle: str) -> int:
“””Return the length of a row in puzzle.
>>> get_row_length(‘abcd\nefgh\nijkl\n’)
return len(puzzle.split(‘\n’)[0])
def contains(text1: str, text2: str) -> bool:
“””Return whether text2 appears anywhere in text1.
>>> contains(‘abc’, ‘bc’)
>>> contains(‘abc’, ‘cb’)
return text2 in text1
# Implement the required functions below.
def get_current_player(player_one_turn: bool) -> str:
“””Return ‘player one’ iff player_one_turn is True; otherwise, return
‘player two’.
>>> get_current_player(True)
‘player one’
>>> get_current_player(False)
‘player two’
# Complete this function.
“””Where’s That Word? main program.”””
from typing import List, TextIO
from puzzle_functions import FORWARD, BACKWARD, UP, DOWN
import puzzle_functions
def get_num_rows(puzzle: str) -> int:
“””Return the number of rows in puzzle.
puzzle is a game board.
>>> get_num_rows(‘abcd\nefgh\nijkl\n’)
return puzzle.count(‘\n’)
def get_num_cols(puzzle: str) -> int:
“””Return the number of columns in puzzle.
puzzle is a game board.
>>> get_num_cols(‘abcd\nefgh\nijkl\n’)
return puzzle.index(‘\n’)
def print_puzzle(puzzle: str) -> None:
“””Print the puzzle with row and column numbers and two spaces between
each letter.
# Split puzzle into rows and get dimensions.
puzzle_rows = puzzle.strip().split(‘\n’)
num_rows = get_num_rows(puzzle)
num_columns = get_num_cols(puzzle)
# Print the column headings.
print(‘ ‘, end=”)
for col_number in range(num_columns):
print(col_number, ‘ ‘, end=”)
# Print each row number and row.
for row_number in range(num_rows):
print(row_number, end=’ ‘)
print(‘ ‘.join(puzzle_rows[row_number]))
def print_words(words: List[str]) -> None:
“””Print the items from words.
for word in words:
print(word, end=’ ‘)
def get_guess(current_player_name: str, remaining_words:
List[str]) -> str:
“””Keep prompting user current_player_name for a guess. If user inputs
a valid guess (it is in remaining_words), return it.
guess = None
print(current_player_name + “‘s turn”)
while guess not in remaining_words:
guess = input(current_player_name + ‘, please enter a word: ‘).strip()
return guess
def get_direction(current_player_name: str) -> str:
“””Keep prompting user current_player_name for direction. If user
inputs a valid direction (it is in DIRECTIONS), return it.
direction = None
while direction not in DIRECTIONS:
direction = input(current_player_name + ‘, enter the direction (‘ \
+ ‘, ‘.join(DIRECTIONS) + ‘): ‘)
return direction
def get_row_or_col_num(is_row: bool, upper_bound: int, guess: str) -> int:
“””Keep prompting user for row/column where guess occurs. If user
inputs a valid row/column number (it is a number between 0 and
upper_bound), return it.
if is_row:
row_or_col = ‘row’
row_or_col = ‘column’
row_or_col_num_str = ”
while (not row_or_col_num_str.isnumeric() or
int(row_or_col_num_str) not in range(upper_bound)):
row_or_col_num_str = input(‘enter the ‘ + row_or_col +
‘ number where ‘ + guess + ‘ occurs: ‘)
return int(row_or_col_num_str)
def take_turn(puzzle: str, remaining_words: List[str],
current_player_name: str) -> int:
“””Prompt the current player to make a guess, and then return the
number of occurrences of that word in the puzzle. If the guess
isn’t in the list of remaining words, then return 0. Remove the
guess from the list of remaining words.
guess = get_guess(current_player_name, remaining_words)
direction = get_direction(current_player_name)
is_row = True
# Decide whether we should ask for a row or a column number and
# calculate the upper bound on that number.
if direction == puzzle_functions.UP or direction == puzzle_functions.DOWN:
upper_bound = get_num_cols(puzzle)
is_row = False
elif (direction == puzzle_functions.FORWARD or
direction == puzzle_functions.BACKWARD):
upper_bound = get_num_rows(puzzle)
row_or_col_num = get_row_or_col_num(is_row, upper_bound, guess)
num_words_left = len(remaining_words)
points = puzzle_functions.check_guess(puzzle, direction, guess,
row_or_col_num, num_words_left)
if points != 0:
return points
def game_over(remaining_words: List[str]) -> bool:
“””Return True iff remaining_words is empty.
>>> game_over([‘dan’, ‘paul’])
>>> game_over([])
return remaining_words == []
def get_puzzle_words(puzzle_file: TextIO) -> List[str]:
“””Return the puzzle words in puzzle_file. These are the words in the
first line of the file.
return puzzle_file.readline().strip().split(“,”)
def read_puzzle(puzzle_file: TextIO) -> str:
“””Return the puzzle in puzzle_file.
Precondition: get_puzzle_words() was called prior to read_puzzle.
return puzzle_file.read()
def play_game(puzzle: str, remaining_words: List[str]) -> None:
“””Prompt the players to guess words that occur in the puzzle. Print
the score after each turn. Print the winner.
# Whether it’s player one’s turn. If False, it’s player two’s turn.
player_one_turn = True
# The scores for the two players.
player_one_score = 0
player_two_score = 0
** Where’s That Word? **
# Prompt for a guess and add up the points until the game is over.
while not game_over(remaining_words):
print(‘the words left to be found: ‘)
# Get the name of the player whose turn it is.
current_player_name = puzzle_functions.get_current_player(
# Have the player take their turn and get the score.
points = take_turn(puzzle, remaining_words, current_player_name)
if (points == 0):
print(“incorrect guess :-(“)
print(“correct guess!!!”)
# Update the score for whoever’s turn it is.
if player_one_turn:
player_one_score = player_one_score + points
current_player_score = player_one_score
player_two_score = player_two_score + points
current_player_score = player_two_score
print(current_player_name + “‘s score is ” +
str(current_player_score) + “\n”)
player_one_turn = not player_one_turn
print(‘woohoo!!! ‘,
puzzle_functions.get_winner(player_one_score, player_two_score)
+ ‘!!!’)
if __name__ == ‘__main__’:
puzzle_name = puzzle_functions.PUZZLE_FILE
game_file = open(puzzle_name)
game_words = get_puzzle_words(game_file)
game_puzzle = read_puzzle(game_file)
play_game(game_puzzle, game_words)