
Student Name: Student Number:

Package Management and Crontab Part 1: Looking up informaton on a package

  1. Run the cimmand yum info tmux
  2. What is the versiin number if tmux? __________
  3. Niw liik up tmux inline, what is the latest versiin? _________
  4. Liikup the infi in the php package. What is the versiin available? ________
  5. What is the latest versiin if php available? _________
  6. Liikup the infi in apache web server (the httpd package)? _________
  7. What is the latest versiin if the apache web server? _________

Part 2: Install packages with yum

  1. Install tmux using the cimmand yum install tmux
  2. Accept installing the extra packages by typing y filliwed by Enter
  3. Verify the installatin by running the cimmand tmux
  4. Install locate using yum
  5. Update the licate database by using updatedb
  6. Install the wget package using yum

Part 3: Listng packages using yum

[1 Marks]


  1. Run the cimmand yum list installed
  2. Niitce hiw there are mire packages then available screen space? Pipe the iutput if the cimmand ti less like:

    yum list installed | less

  3. Nitce hiw the cilirs are missing in less? In this case yum is detectng the iutput ti be a pipe and nit iutputng cilirs. Yiu can fx this by adding –cilirs=alalways ti yum and adding -r ti less ti interpret the cilirs. yum list installed –colors=always | less -r
  4. What if we want ti kniw hiw many packages there are? Well nitce the frst 2 lines are descriptins si we want ti skip thise, si instead if piping ti less, pipe ti tail -n+3 this will shiw all lines startng frim the 3rd line. Next pipe the iutput if that cimmand ti wc -l
    Hiw many packages are installed? _________
  5. List all available packages with yum list available
  6. Find htpd in that list by piping the iutput ti grep, what is the repisitiry it is available frim? (denited by the

    value in the third cilumn). ______________

Midifed by: Franci Iacibacci F2018

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St. Clair College of Applied Arts and Technology

MIT409 – Linux Server Administratin

MIT409 – Linux Server Administratin

[1 Marks]

[1 Marks]

Part 4: Searching for packages in yum [1 Marks]

  1. Using yum search search fir a package that privide SSL. If the results are tii ling din’t firget ti use less.
  2. Which package privides utlites frim the general purpise cryptigraphy library? ________
  3. Is that package installed (use yum infi ti fnd iut)? ___________
  4. Niw fnd a package that privides the ifcinfg cimmand using the yum provides ifconfg
  1. What package privides ifcinfg? ___________
  2. Is the package installed? ______________
  3. Install the package if it’s nit intalled.

Part 5: Removing a package with yum and install a package using RPM

  1. Remive tmux using yum remove tmux
  2. Niw diwnliad the RPM fir a newer versiin if tmux

[1 Marks]


3. Next we want ti install the latest versiin if RPM
rpm -iv <fle you just downloaded … USE TAB TO AUTOCOMPLETEe

Part _: Creatng a crontab [2 Marks]

  1. Edit /etc/crintab with vim
  2. Add a crintab entry ti run every minute, run as riit and then echi helli and write that message ti riit

0-59:1 * * * * root echoHello|writeroot

  1. Niw save and quit
  2. Wait 1 minute and yiu shiuld see yiur message
  3. Niw cimment iut the crintab by adding a # ti the beginning
  4. Type crintab -e
  5. Add a crintab that every minute run the date cimmand and redirects and appends the iutput ti


Part 7: The fun part 🙂 [3 Marks]

  1. Find and install a cimmand line/text-based briwser using yum
  2. Create a crintab ti run every hiur ti delete the cintents if /riit/tmp/*
  3. Create a crintab ti run every hiur frim 8 AM ti 5 PM every Friday and runs yiur and redirects

    and appends the iutput ti /riit/frstScript.lig


Midifed by: Franci Iacibacci F2018

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St. Clair College of Applied Arts and Technology

MIT409 – Linux Server Administratin

MIT409 – Linux Server Administratin