
In this lab, you are going to manage emulated disks with a File Allocation Table. It’s a fun lab, so buckle up!

If you want to use VI for binary

This info came from Connor Minton, a CS360 student in 2015:

Open the file with the “-b” option, as in “vim -b foo.dat”

Type the command “:%!xxd”

Edit the hex part (editing the ascii representation will not affect the output)

When you’re done, type the command “:%!xxd -r”

Save and exit

Here is a link that shows an example: http://makezine.com/2008/08/09/edit-binary-files-in-vi/

Jdisk: A disk emulator

Before I describe the actual lab, I’ll discribe the disk emulator that you will use.

I have written a library called “jdisk.” Its interface is in jdisk.h, and the code is in jdisk.c. Here’s the header file.

#ifndef _JDISK_

#define _JDISK_

#define JDISK_SECTOR_SIZE (1024)

#define JDISK_DELAY (1)

void *jdisk_create(char *fn, unsigned long size);

void *jdisk_attach(char *fn);

int jdisk_unattach(void *jd);

int jdisk_read(void *jd, unsigned int lba, void *buf);

int jdisk_write(void *jd, unsigned int lba, void *buf);

unsigned long jdisk_size(void *jd);

long jdisk_reads(void *jd);

long jdisk_writes(void *jd);


It exports a disk-like interface on top of standard unix files. To use the library, you create a jdisk with jdisk_create(). The disk will be composed of sectors whose sizes are JDISK_SECTOR_SIZE (1K), and the disk’s size will be the specified size (which must be a multiple of JDISK_SECTOR_SIZE). The jdisk is then held in the file specified by the file name. When jdisk_create() returns, the file will be created and it will have size bytes, whose contents are unspecified. It returns a void * to you, which is your handle on the jdisk.

You can “attach” to an existing jdisk file with jdisk_attach(). (There is no structure to a jdisk file — its size simply has to be a multiple of JDISK_SECTOR_SIZE, so you can attach to any file of the proper size).

jdisk_unattach() closes the file and frees the memory associated with a jdisk. You don’t have to call jdisk_unattach() — when a process dies, the jdisk will be fine.

All I/O from and to the jdisk must be done on whole sectors. So, for example, jdisk_read() takes a sector number (“LBA” stands for “logical block address”) and a pointer to JDISK_SECTOR_SIZE bytes, and it reads the sector from the jdisk. Similarly jdisk_write() writes the bytes to disk. Sectors are numbered consecutively from 0. The reads and the writes are performed immediately via lseek() and read()/write() system calls.

The last three procedures return information — the size of the jdisk (in bytes), and how many reads/writes have occured since calling jdisk_create() or jdisk_attach().

I have written a program to let you mess with jdisks, called jdisk_test.c. You call it one of three ways:

usage: jdisk_test CREATE disk-file size

jdisk_test W disk-file string|hex       seek_ptr string/hex

jdisk_test R disk-file string|hex|bytes seek_ptr nbytes

The first lets you create a jdisk. The other two allow you to read from and write to the jdisk. You don’t have to work on sector boundaries with jdisk_test — it does all of that magic for you. So, for example, the following will create a jdisk with ten sectors, and then do some writing and reading. When you write, you write bytes, and there is no null character, unless you put it there:

UNIX> jdisk_test CREATE test.jdisk 10240

UNIX> jdisk_test W test.jdisk string 0 James-Plank

UNIX> jdisk_test R test.jdisk string 0 11


UNIX> jdisk_test W test.jdisk string 5 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP

UNIX> jdisk_test R test.jdisk string 0 11


UNIX> jdisk_test R test.jdisk string 2 11


UNIX> jdisk_test R test.jdisk hex 2 11

6d 65 73 41     42 43 44 45     46 47 48


You don’t have to read from or write to the beginning, and you can read and write across sector boundaries. If you write hex, it simply takes a stream of two-digit hex characters.

UNIX> jdisk_test W test.jdisk hex 1020 6d65734142434445464748

UNIX> jdisk_test R test.jdisk hex 1023 3

41 42 43

UNIX> jdisk_test R test.jdisk string 1023 3


UNIX> jdisk_test R test.jdisk hex 10200 3

00 00 00


If you specify the “bytes” flag when you are reading, it will emit the raw bytes. I’ll show you a use of that below.

If you read from an uninitialized part of a disk, the bytes can have any values. They don’t have to be zeros. You should compile and play with jdisk_test (there’s a makefile in the lab directory).

Jdisks can be as big as 232 sectors. Thus, LBA’s can be any unsigned int.

What is a File Allocation Table (FAT)

A File Allocation Table is a way of implementing a file system on a disk. Any textbook on Operating Systems will have a description, but here is mine, which will match the lab. With a FAT, you partition the disk sectors into two sets of sectors:

The data sectors.

The FAT.

With this organization a file is represented very simply — by its starting sector. This is regardless of the file’s size.

Now, every data sector has a corresponding link in the FAT. If a sector belongs to a file, then the link will hold the identity of the next sector in the file. If the sector is the last sector in the file, then the link will specify that. If a sector doesn’t belong to a file, then it will be on a “free list,” and its link field will specify the next sector on the free list.

So, if you want to, for example, read a file that starts at sector i, you go ahead and read sector i and then read its link. That will tell you the next sector to read, and then you’ll look at that sector’s link field to continue, and so on.

File allocation tables are nice, because the tables are small, compared to the data sectors, and it typically doesn’t cost much to have most of the table in memory.

The Exact Format of Our Disks

In this lab, our disks have a very specific format. When there are D data sectors on the disk, the FAT will be composed of D+1 entries. Each entry will be an unsigned short. The first entry identifies the first sector on the free list. The link field for that entry will be the next sector on the free list, and so on.

The way links identify sectors is as follows. Suppose the first data sector is sector S. If a link’s value is L, then the link is pointing to sector S+L-1. Converesly, data sector X corresponds to link X-S+1.

The FAT occupies the first S sectors of the disk. The value of S is the smallest number that can hold D+1 shorts.

The values of D and S are uniquely determined by the size of the disk. Specifically, D is the largest possible value such that D+S is less than or equal to the size of the disk. Since S is a function of D, this definition is sufficient.

Let me give some concrete numbers to help. In this lab, we are going to affix the sector size to be 1024 bytes. Suppose that my disk is 5000 sectors. Then D will equal 4990 and S will be ten. This is because D+1 links take (4990+1)*2 = 9982 bytes, which requires 10 sectors. If I tried to set D to 4991, then I’d still need 10 sectors for the FAT, and I wouldn’t have enough sectors for both the FAT and the data.

Now, suppose that sector X is on the free list. Then the link for that sector is entry X-S+1 in the FAT. If the value of that link is 0, then sector X is the last sector on the free list. Otherwise, the link points to the next sector on the free list.

Now, suppose now that sector X belongs to a file. Again, the link for that sector is entry X-S+1 in the FAT. If the value of that link is any value except 0 or X-S+1, then the value points to the next sector in the file. If the value is 0 or X-S+1, then the sector is the last sector in the file. If the value of the link is 0, then the entire sector belongs to the file. Otherwise, only part of the sector belongs to the file, and you need to look at the last byte of the sector to determine how many bytes belong to the file:

If the last byte is 0xff, then 1023 bytes of the sector belong to the file.

Otherwise, the last byte contains the high order byte of the number of bytes that belong to the file, and then penultimate byte of the sector contains the low order byte.

For example, if the last byte is 0x2 and the penultimate byte is 0x91, then the number of bytes that belong to the file is 0x291, which is equal to 657. The unused bytes are simply unused — they don’t belong to any file.

I will have some more concrete examples of the last sector in a file below.

You are to write the program FATRW. You call it in one of two ways:

FATRW diskfile import input-file

FATRW diskfile export starting-block output-file

Diskfile should be a jdisk file that has been formatted as a FAT disk (more on that below). When you call “FATRW diskfile import intput-file”, then your program’s goal is to store the file input-file on the disk. Your program will determine the file’s size, and then determine whether the disk has enough free blocks to store the file. If not, it prints an error. If it does have enough free blocks, then it goes ahead and stores the file, modifying the FAT appropriately. It prints the starting block of the file, then it prints the results of jdisk_reads() and jdisk_writes(). See below for an example.

If you call “FATRW diskfile export starting-block output-file”, then your program finds the file starting at block starting-block, and writes it to output-file. Again, it prints the results of jdisk_reads() and jdisk_writes().

You can use the program FAT in the lab directory to format jdisk files. Here’s an example, where I create a jdisk with 10 sectors, and format it as a FAT:

UNIX> jdisk_test CREATE t1.jdisk 10240


usage: FAT diskfile format

FAT diskfile import input-file

FAT diskfile export starting-block output-file

FAT diskfile report

UNIX> FAT t1.jdisk format

Size(sectors): 10  FAT-Sectors: 1   Data-Sectors: 9


The FAT will be the first 20 bytes of sector 0. This is because D equals 9, and the FAT is composed of D+1 entries, which are unsigned shorts. S equals one. Let’s take a look with jdisk_test (you could use vi as above):

UNIX> jdisk_test R t1.jdisk hex 0 20

01 00 07 00     09 00 08 00     02 00 04 00     05 00 03 00

06 00 00 00


You have to read those shorts as little endian, so “01 00” equals 0x0001 = 1. That means that the first entry in the free list has a value of 1, which corresponds to disk block S+1-1 = 1. Therefore, the first free block is block 1. The link for block one is entry 1-S+1 = 1. That link has a value of 0x0007, which corresponds to disk block S+7-1 = 7. So the next free block is block 7. Its link field is 0x0003, so the next free block is 3. The rest of the free blocks are in this order: 8, 6, 5, 4, 2, 9. The link field of block 9 is 0, so that’s the end of the free list.

You’ll note that all blocks are free. That’s because I just formatted the disk. Now, I’m going to import some files. Each of these files is named for how big it is in bytes.

UNIX> ls -l File-*

-rw-r–r–  1 plank  staff    10 Jan 27 16:07 File-0010.txt

-rw-r–r–  1 plank  staff   591 Jan 27 16:04 File-0591.txt

-rw-r–r–  1 plank  staff  1023 Jan 27 16:04 File-1023.txt

-rw-r–r–  1 plank  staff  1024 Jan 27 16:04 File-1024.txt

-rw-r–r–  1 plank  staff  2047 Jan 27 16:06 File-2047.txt

-rw-r–r–  1 plank  staff  2048 Jan 27 16:05 File-2048.txt

-rw-r–r–  1 plank  staff  3029 Jan 27 16:01 File-3029.txt

UNIX> FATRW t1.jdisk import File-0010.txt

New file starts at sector 1

Reads: 1

Writes: 2

UNIX> FATRW t1.jdisk import File-2048.txt

New file starts at sector 7

Reads: 1

Writes: 3

UNIX> FATRW t1.jdisk import File-2047.txt

New file starts at sector 8

Reads: 1

Writes: 3

UNIX> FATRW t1.jdisk import File-3029.txt

New file starts at sector 5

Reads: 1

Writes: 4

UNIX> FATRW t1.jdisk import File-3029.txt

Not enough free sectors (1) for File-3029.txt, which needs 3.


Let’s take a look at the FAT table:

UNIX> jdisk_test R t1.jdisk hex 0 20

09 00 01 00     02 00 00 00     02 00 04 00     06 00 03 00

06 00 00 00


The free list starts with sector 9, whose link field is 0, so that’s the only sector on the free list. When we imported the 10-byte file, it went to sector one. We can confirm that one pretty easily:

UNIX> cat File-0010.txt

Jim Plank

UNIX> jdisk_test R t1.jdisk string 1024 10

Jim Plank


The link field for block 1 has a value of 1, which means that:

It is the last block of the file.

The number of bytes in the block that belong to the file need to be determined by looking at the last byte of the sector, and maybe the byte before that. Let’s look at those bytes:

UNIX> jdisk_test R t1.jdisk hex 2046 2

0a 00


The last byte is not 0xff, so we build the number of bytes as 0x00 * 256 + 0xa = 10. That’s right. Yay!

The file File-2048.txt takes exactly two sectors. It starts at sector 7, whose link field is 3, and thus continues with sector 3, whose link field is 0. That means that sector 3 is the last sector, and all of it belongs to the file. Let’s verify:

UNIX> echo ‘7 1024 * p’ | dc


UNIX> jdisk_test R t1.jdisk bytes 7168 1024 > tmp.txt

UNIX> echo ‘3 1024 * p’ | dc


UNIX> jdisk_test R t1.jdisk bytes 3072 1024 >> tmp.txt

UNIX> diff tmp.txt File-2048.txt

UNIX> FATRW t1.jdisk export 7 tmp.txt

Reads: 3

Writes: 0

UNIX> diff tmp.txt File-2048.txt


The file File-2047.txt takes two sectors, but only 1023 bytes of the second sector. It starts at sector 8, and its link is 6, so its second sector is 6. Sector 6’s link is 6, so it is indeed the last sector, and we need to look at the sector’s last byte to determine the number of bytes that belong to the file:

UNIX> echo ‘7 1024 * p’ | dc


UNIX> jdisk_test R t1.jdisk hex 7167 1



That tells us that 1023 bytes belong to the file — that’s correct!

The last file consumes three sectors. It begins with sector 5, so a look at the FAT confirms that the sectors are 5, 4 and 2. We need to look at the last two bytes of sector 2 to determine how many bytes belong to the file:

UNIX> echo ‘3 1024 * p’ | dc


UNIX> jdisk_test R t1.jdisk hex 3070 2

d5 03

UNIX> echo ’13 16 * 5 + p’ | dc


UNIX> echo ‘3 256 * 213 + p’ | dc


UNIX> echo 981 2048 + p | dc



The answer is 981, and 981 + 2048 = 3029, which is the size of File-3029.txt. Let’s confirm that the bytes are the same:

UNIX> echo ‘5 1024 * p’ | dc


UNIX> jdisk_test R t1.jdisk bytes 5120 1024 > tmp.txt

UNIX> echo ‘4 1024 * p’ | dc


UNIX> jdisk_test R t1.jdisk bytes 4096 1024 >> tmp.txt

UNIX> jdisk_test R t1.jdisk bytes 2048 981 >> tmp.txt

UNIX> diff tmp.txt File-3029.txt



Finally, we can use FATRW to export the files and compare them with the originals:

UNIX> FATRW t1.jdisk export 1 tmp.txt

Reads: 2

Writes: 0

UNIX> diff tmp.txt File-0010.txt

UNIX> FATRW t1.jdisk export 8 tmp.txt

Reads: 3

Writes: 0

UNIX> diff tmp.txt File-2047.txt

UNIX> FATRW t1.jdisk export 5 tmp.txt

Reads: 4

Writes: 0

UNIX> diff tmp.txt File-3029.txt


Be careful — Link numbers do not always equal sector numbers as in that example.

Let’s try a larger disk to illustrate:

UNIX> jdisk_test CREATE t4.jdisk 5120000

UNIX> FAT t4.jdisk format

Size(sectors): 5000  FAT-Sectors: 10   Data-Sectors: 4990

UNIX> jdisk_test R t4.jdisk hex 0 64

01 00 02 00     60 07 69 04     c9 03 c5 03     07 00 09 00

1d 0b 0c 00     64 09 4b 0f     c1 04 65 02     fd 06 23 0c

e9 0b 2b 12     c9 0c 3d 10     f3 0c 54 09     8b 0d cd 04

ff 00 3c 0b     f9 06 00 0d     b6 02 94 0b     c1 08 d0 04


So, we’ve created a much larger disk, and there are 10 sectors of FAT. Therefore, S = 10 and D = 4990. You’ll also notice that the program FAT doesn’t set up its links according to any pattern. That is intentional. The first link on the free list has a value of 1, which corresponds to sector S+1-1 = 10. Now, suppose we import a file with 3029 bytes:

UNIX> FATRW t4.jdisk import File-3029.txt

New file starts at sector 10

Reads: 2

Writes: 5

UNIX> jdisk_test R t4.jdisk hex 0 64

06 00 02 00     60 07 69 04     c9 03 c5 03     07 00 09 00

1d 0b 0c 00     64 09 4b 0f     c1 04 65 02     fd 06 23 0c

e9 0b 2b 12     c9 0c 3d 10     f3 0c 54 09     8b 0d cd 04

ff 00 3c 0b     f9 06 00 0d     b6 02 94 0b     c1 08 d0 04


The start of the free list is now 6 — block S+6-1 = 15. The newly created file starts at block ten, which corresponds to entry 10-S+1 = 1 in the FAT. That entry has a value of 2, so sector 11 is the next one in the file. Sector 11 corresponds to FAT entry 2, which has a value of 0x760, which equals 1888 in decimal. To look at entry 1888 in the FAT, we need to look at the two bytes starting at byte 1888×2 = 3776:

UNIX> jdisk_test R t4.jdisk hex 3776 2

60 07


That entry equals its index, so this is the last block in the file, and we can use the last two bytes in the sector to show how many bytes belong in the file. The sector is sector S+1888-1 = 1987. Let’s look at its last two bytes:

UNIX> echo ‘1898 1024 * p’ | dc


UNIX> jdisk_test R t4.jdisk hex 1943550 2

d5 03


That corresponds to the number 0x3d5 in hex which equals 981. Armed with this information, we can recreate the file:

UNIX> jdisk_test R t4.jdisk bytes 10240 1024 > tmp.txt

UNIX> echo 10240 1024 + p | dc


UNIX> jdisk_test R t4.jdisk bytes 11264 1024 >> tmp.txt

UNIX> echo 1897 1024 * p’ | dc

Unmatched ‘.

UNIX> echo ‘1897 1024 * p’ | dc


UNIX> jdisk_test R t4.jdisk bytes 1942528 981  >> tmp.txt

UNIX> diff tmp.txt File-3029.txt


Or we can just use FATRW:

UNIX> FATRW t4.jdisk export 10 tmp.txt

Reads: 5

Writes: 0

UNIX> diff tmp.txt File-3029.txt


Details of your program

Your program needs to create files and read files within this structure. The output format needs to be just like mine, calling jdisk_reads() and jdisk_writes() at the end to report the disk usage. Your reads and writes must be minimal. In other words:

Don’t read sectors that you don’t need to read.

Don’t read sectors twice.

Don’t write sectors twice.

If you don’t change a sector, don’t write it.

In my implementation, I have a variable for a FAT which contains S pointers, all of which are initialized to NULL. When I need to read a link, I determine which of these pointers corresponds to the sector holding the link, and I check to see if the pointer is NULL. If so, I call jdisk_read() to read the sector, and set my pointer to equal the sector. That way, I only have to call jdisk_read() once per FAT sector.

Whenever I write a link, I first make sure that the proper sector has been read (using the same pointer as above). I then check to see if I am actually changing the link when I write it. If I’m not, I do nothing (and I won’t write the sectors). Otherwise, I write the link, and set a flag denoting that the sector has been modified. At the end of the operation (this only applies to “import”), I write all of the sectors that have been modified using jdisk_write(). In that way, I only write a FAT sector once.

To make all of this easier, I wrote three procedures:

unsigned short Read_Link(int link).

void Write_Link(int link, unsigned short val).

void Flush_Links() (checks the flags and calls jdisk_write().

For reading and writing data sectors, I simply have one buffer of 1024 bytes. I use that one buffer for every read and write of data sectors. I do reading and writing one sector at a time. I use fread() and fwrite() to do file I/O.

You can use either C or C++ for this. If you use C++, you may not use the STL (so, no vectors, no maps, no lists, no sets). I did mine in C++.

Report and Digest

The FAT program also has a “report” function which tells you some information about the jdisk:

UNIX> FAT t1.jdisk report

Total Sectors: 10.  Data Sectors: 9.  Fat Sectors: 1.

Nodes in the free list: 1


File Starting Block 1.  (Link 00001)

File Starting Block 5.  (Link 00005)

File Starting Block 7.  (Link 00007)

File Starting Block 8.  (Link 00008)

UNIX> FAT t4.jdisk report

Total Sectors: 5000.  Data Sectors: 4990.  Fat Sectors: 10.

Nodes in the free list: 4987


File Starting Block 10.  (Link 00001)

UNIX> FAT t7.jdisk report

Total Sectors: 514.  Data Sectors: 512.  Fat Sectors: 2.

Nodes in the free list: 354


File Starting Block 2.  (Link 00001)

File Starting Block 10.  (Link 00009)

File Starting Block 72.  (Link 00047)

File Starting Block 107.  (Link 0006a)

File Starting Block 130.  (Link 00081)

File Starting Block 153.  (Link 00098)

File Starting Block 174.  (Link 000ad)

File Starting Block 180.  (Link 000b3)

File Starting Block 206.  (Link 000cd)

File Starting Block 233.  (Link 000e8)

File Starting Block 234.  (Link 000e9)

File Starting Block 243.  (Link 000f2)

File Starting Block 250.  (Link 000f9)

File Starting Block 339.  (Link 00152)

File Starting Block 399.  (Link 0018e)

File Starting Block 400.  (Link 0018f)

File Starting Block 450.  (Link 001c1)


The shell script Digest-Disk.sh uses this functionality to grab each file and calculate its MD5 hash.

UNIX> sh Digest-Disk.sh

usage: sh Digest-Disk.sh FAT-File Directory-Holding-My-FAT-Program

UNIX> sh Digest-Disk.sh t1.jdisk .

When you run it, it creates two files — tmp-digest-output.txt and tmp-digest-short.txt. The first of these has detail about all of the files. The second has the initial information, plus the sorted MD5 hashes. If two jdisks have the same size and hold the same files, then their output of tmp-digest-short.txt should be identical.

UNIX> cat tmp-digest-output.txt

Total Sectors: 10.  Data Sectors: 9.  Fat Sectors: 1.

Nodes in the free list: 1


File Starting Block 1.  (Link 00001)

File Starting Block 5.  (Link 00005)

File Starting Block 7.  (Link 00007)

File Starting Block 8.  (Link 00008)

File from block 1 has a hash of 1bf31cac7815710ad161f90bdc63a285

File from block 5 has a hash of f571501ba07d3a25b9ac9cc4d1b566ef

File from block 7 has a hash of f177cb81362c455b297006db7dd73af0

File from block 8 has a hash of 0735029c6e27cdc776d92df994cf033d







UNIX> cat tmp-digest-short.txt

Total Sectors: 10.  Data Sectors: 9.  Fat Sectors: 1.

Nodes in the free list: 1







To illustrate further, t8.jdisk is a jdisk that is the same size as t1.jdisk, and contains the same files, imported in a different order. Thus, it is different from t1.jdisk, but its tmp-digest-short.txt file is the same:

UNIX> sh Digest-Disk.sh t1.jdisk .

UNIX> mv tmp-digest-short.txt tmp-t1.txt

UNIX> sh Digest-Disk.sh t8.jdisk .

UNIX> mv tmp-digest-short.txt tmp-t8.txt

UNIX> diff tmp-t1.txt tmp-t8.txt


Two grading programs

Finally, I have two shell scripts that you can use to test your programs. The first, which is easier, is Export-Grader.sh. You run it from your own directory that holds your own FATRW program:

UNIX> sh /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/Export-Grader.sh

usage: sh Export-Grader.sh Grading-Directory Disk-File Starting-Block


It will copy the jdisk file to the current directory, and then run my version of FATRW on it, exporting the file. Next it copies the jdisk file again, and runs the version of FATRW that’s in the current directory. It double-checks that the exported files, and the standard outputs of the two programs are identical.

For example, we know that starting block 5 of t1.jdisk holds the file File-3029.txt. So, if I specify that disk and starting block, then Export-Grader.sh will go ahead and use that for testing:

UNIX> ls


UNIX> sh /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/Export-Grader.sh /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT t1.jdisk 5

Making sure the tmp files are all deleted.

Copying: /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/t1.jdisk to tmp-grader.jdisk

Running: /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/FATRW tmp-grader.jdisk export 5 tmp-grader-file.txt

Copying: /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/t1.jdisk to tmp-your.jdisk

Running: ./FATRW tmp-yours.jdisk export 5 tmp-yours-file.txt

Double-checking that the exported files are the same.

Double-checking that the stdout files are the same.

All is good — Success!

UNIX> ls

FATRW                tmp-grader-stderr.txt  tmp-yours.jdisk

tmp-grader-file.txt  tmp-grader-stdout.txt  tmp-yours-stderr.txt

tmp-grader.jdisk     tmp-yours-file.txt     tmp-yours-stdout.txt

UNIX> rm tmp*


The program Import-Grader.sh is more complex, but it double-checks importing files. Again, it copies the jdisk and imports the given file from the given directory. It does this with my version of FATRW and the one in the current directory. It calls Digest-Disk.sh on both jdisks, and compares the output of the tmp-digest-short.txt files. They must be identical. It then compares the new jdisk file to the old one, and determines how many sectors have changed. That number must equal the number of jdisk_write()’s that you report on line three of your standard output (plus or minus one — I was in a kind mood):

UNIX> ls


UNIX> sh /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/Import-Grader.sh

usage: sh Import-Grader.sh Grading-Directory Disk-File Import-File

UNIX> sh /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/Import-Grader.sh /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT t4.jdisk File-3029.txt

Making sure the tmp files are all deleted.

Copying: /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/t4.jdisk to tmp-grader.jdisk

Running: /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/FATRW tmp-grader.jdisk import /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/File-3029.txt

Running: sh /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/Digest-Disk.sh tmp-grader.jdisk /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT

The file information is in tmp-grader-short.txt

Copying: /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/t4.jdisk to tmp-your.jdisk

Running: ./FATRW tmp-yours.jdisk import /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/File-3029.txt

Running: sh /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/Digest-Disk.sh tmp-yours.jdisk /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT

The file information is in tmp-yours-short.txt

Checking to see how many sectors you changed.

Your number of writes (+- 1) matched the number of changed sectors.

Your digest file and the correct digest files match.  Success!

UNIX> ls

FATRW          tmp-grader-short.txt   tmp.txt      tmp-yours-stderr.txt

tmp-digest-output.txt  tmp-grader-stderr.txt  tmp-yours.jdisk    tmp-yours-stdout.txt

tmp-grader.jdisk       tmp-grader-stdout.txt  tmp-yours-short.txt

UNIX> rm tmp*


…. And Gradescripts

The directory /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/Gradescripts has 100 gradescripts that test importing, and 63 that test exporting. Simply run them as shell scripts. There is a gradeall that tests them all. It takes a little while, mostly because of t3.jdisk.

UNIX> sh /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/Gradescripts/Gradescript-001.sh


UNIX> cat /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/Gradescripts/Gradescript-001.sh

sh /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/Import-Grader.sh /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT t9.jdisk t8.jdisk | tail -n 1 | awk ‘{ print $NF }’

UNIX> sh /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/Import-Grader.sh /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT t9.jdisk t8.jdisk

Making sure the tmp files are all deleted.

Copying: /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/t9.jdisk to tmp-grader.jdisk

Running: /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/FATRW tmp-grader.jdisk import /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/t8.jdisk

/home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/FATRW exited with an error.  See tmp-grader-stderr.txt

Copying: /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/t9.jdisk to tmp-your.jdisk

Running: ./FATRW tmp-yours.jdisk import /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/t8.jdisk

Both your program and the correct one exited with an error.  Success!

UNIX> sh /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/Gradescripts/Gradescript-052.sh


UNIX> cat /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/Gradescripts/Gradescript-052.sh

sh /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/Import-Grader.sh /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT t6.jdisk t5.jdisk | tail -n 1 | awk ‘{ print $NF }’

UNIX> sh /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/Import-Grader.sh /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT t6.jdisk t5.jdisk

Making sure the tmp files are all deleted.

Copying: /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/t6.jdisk to tmp-grader.jdisk

Running: /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/FATRW tmp-grader.jdisk import /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/t5.jdisk

Running: sh /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/Digest-Disk.sh tmp-grader.jdisk /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT

The file information is in tmp-grader-short.txt

Copying: /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/t6.jdisk to tmp-your.jdisk

Running: ./FATRW tmp-yours.jdisk import /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/t5.jdisk

Running: sh /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/Digest-Disk.sh tmp-yours.jdisk /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT

The file information is in tmp-yours-short.txt

Checking to see how many sectors you changed.

Your number of writes (+- 1) matched the number of changed sectors.

Your digest file and the correct digest files match.  Success!

UNIX> /home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/gradeall

/home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/Gradescripts/Gradescript-001.sh Success!

/home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/Gradescripts/Gradescript-002.sh Success!

/home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/Gradescripts/Gradescript-003.sh Success!

/home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/Gradescripts/Gradescript-004.sh Success!

/home/plank/cs494/labs/Lab-1-FAT/Gradescripts/Gradescript-005.sh Success!
