ACTL2102 Foundations of Actuarial Models ACTL5103 Stochastic Modelling for Actuaries S2 2018 Assignment
Due dates and times:
5 October 2018, 5:00pm (sharp).
1 Learning outcomes
This assignment aims to develop the the Business Undergraduate Program Learning Outcomes: 1 Business knowledge, 2 Problem solving, and 3 Business communication, and the following course learning outcomes:
(1) Describe and explain concepts and principles of actuarial modelling.
- (6) Develop an understanding of Markov processes that can be used for insurance, survival, sickness
and nancial modelling
- (7) Develop an understanding of the main concepts of Monte Carlo simulation of a stochastic process
and a capability to carry out simple simulation procedures
- (8) Explain the concepts of Monte Carlo simulation of a stochastic process using a series of pseudo-
random numbers and apply simulation to simple actuarial problems.
- (11) Express his/her views on, and understanding of, an aspect of statistical models.
- (12) Develop communication skills for the presentation of complex statistical models in written report
- (13) Construct written work which is logically and professionally presented.
It aims at giving students an opportunity to apply the knowledge of stochastic process and simulation skills they learn in the context of predicting insurance losses. It requires development of simulation algorithms, and implementation of the simulation algorithms with the software R.
This assignment is an individual assignment.
2 Background
You are an actuarial analyst at the insurance company AL Insurance. Your team is required to estimate the number of claims in the next four quarters for a home insurance product. This product provides cover for damages to the buildings and contents, including those from natural catastrophes.
Your manager has provided you with two models, and you are required to estimate the claim counts under the assumptions of each model. Furthermore, you are required to report your results along with recommendations on the appropriateness of each model. Your manager has also provided you with the following data to assist with your analysis.
The numbers of claims and policies in force in the past 12 months are given in the following table.
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Number of poli- 15 20 20 25 30 30 35 40 50 50 50 60 cies in force (in
Number of 290 382 270 352 392 307 326 442 732 759 912 1203 claims observed
2.1 Model I – a homogeneous Poisson process
The arrival of insurance claims is assumed to be a homogeneous Poisson process. The intensity is 17.44 claims per day.
2.2 Model II – an inhomogeneous Poisson process
The arrival of insurance claims is assumed to be an inhomogeneous Poisson process. The intensity depends on the month in which the claim occurs. Let us denote the intensity function by λ(t) which is specied such that
11.02 per day, during March, April, and May;
11.68 per day, during June, July, and August;
26.41 per day, during September, October, and November; 20.83 per day, during December, January, February.
3 Assignment
Your manager has required you to perform the three following tasks and provide the results in a report. You are also required to provide the R codes that you used for the analyses in the appendix of the report.
3.1 Task I: Simulating the number of claims
You are required to simulate the number of claims in the next 12 months under the assumptions of each model. You should perform an adequate number of simulations under the assumptions of each model and report:
three trajectories of the counting process of claims counts;
the distributions of total claims counts in the next 12 months;
statistics on the simulated claims counts that could assist with your analysis.
For the simulation of a non-homogeneous Poisson process under the assumption of Model II, you can either create your own algorithm or adopt an existing algorithm. If an existing algorithm is used, reference details need to be provided. One available algorithm for this simulation is provided to you in Section 3.6, however you are not restricted to use this algorithm. You are also provided R codes (see Section 3.7) that can be used to simulate a homogeneous Poisson process, and you are welcome to develop your own algorithm and codes.
λ(t) =
3.2 Task II: Commenting on the assumptions of both models
You are required to comment on the appropriateness of the two models. You should explain the advantages and disadvantages of each model. Your analysis should consider the background of your work, the data you are given, and the theoretical properties of the models.
3.3 Task III: Providing recommendations on the model assumptions
You should recommend an alternative model that is more appropriate in estimating the total number of claims in the next 12 months. You should justify the assumptions of your model and provide numerical values for the parameters.
3.4 Requirements
You must perform the analysis with the software R, which is used as the standard software for numerical analysis in your company. You are required to write a report to your manager. The following are the requirements of the report:
- You should create a business report to your manager. Your report should include (at least)
an executive summary;
the results for each of the three tasks. You do not need to present the results in the sameorder as the tasks.
- The main body of the report should be no more than 3 pages. Cover page, appendix and
reference list are not counted towards the page limit. There is no specic formatting requirement;
however, you should ensure that the report is professional in a business context.
- You must include an appendix of R codes such that your colleagues from other departments can
replicate your results. Please see Section 3.5 for more details.
3.5 R code
You will also have to submit your full R code (which must be included as text in an appendix, not as an R le, so that it is also checked by Turnitin). Your audience are your colleagues who may need to replicate your results. Your codes must run without further modication (this does not need to include the installation of packages) by just copying and pasting from your submitted document, otherwise no mark will be awarded for those criteria that relate to R. Note that we will check all codes. You will also have to appropriately document your code so that a third party can readily use it.1 For example, you should at least include some comments in your codes (by using the # sign in R) to guide your audience. See the webpage of R markdown 2 for example.
3.6 One algorithm to simulate a non-homogeneous Poisson process The following algorithm is adapted from Algorithm 1 of Lewis and Shedler (1979) 3
Suppose that you would like to generate a non-homogeneous Poisson process {N(t),t ≥ 0} with an intensity function λ(t) (0 ≤ t ≤ T). Denote by λ∗ the maximum of λ(t) over 0 ≤ t ≤ T, that is, maxt∈[0,T ] λ(t) = λ∗.
There is plenty of documentation on the web about how to do this. This link could get you started: http: //
2 3
Simulation of nonhomogeneous Poisson processes by thinning by Lewis, PA W and Shedler, Gerald S: Naval research logistics quarterly 26(3): 403413, Wiley Online Library
Step 1 Simulate a homogeneous Poisson process, {N∗,0 ≤ t ≤ T}, with a constant intensity of λ∗ over the time period [0,T]. If the number of points is 0, then there are no points in the process {N (t), t ≥ 0}; otherwise, proceed to the next step.
Step 2 Denote the ordered statistics of the simulated points of {N∗,0 ≤ t ≤ T} by X1∗,…,Xn∗∗ where n∗ isthenumberofpointsof{N∗,0≤t≤T}andXi∗ isthearrivaltimeoftheith point(1≤i≤n∗).
Step 3 Initialise a variable k = 0 and i = 1
Step 4 Generate a continuous uniform random variable, U, between 0 and 1 Step5 IfU≤λ(Xk∗)/λ∗,thensetkequaltok+1andXk =Xi
Step 6 Set i equal to i+1
Step7 Ifi+1≤n∗,thenstartfromStart4again
Step 8 Return X1,X2,…,Xn where n = k.
This algorithm is based on the thinning property of a Poisson process. One can refer to Lewis and Shedler (1979) for details if interested.
3.7 Sample R codes to simulate a homogeneous Poisson process
# input: # you need to adjust the input values # lambda - the intensity of the homogeneous Poisson process # T_length - the length of time horizon for the simulation
# output: # arrival_time - the collection of all arrival times # last_arrival - the last arrival time
# the intensity of the homogeneous Poisson process lambda <- 0.5
# the length of time horizon for the simulation T_length <- 5
# initial the most recent arrival time last_arrival <- 0
# initial the collection of all arrival times arrival_time <- c()
# simulate the first inter-arrival time inter_arrival <- rexp(1, rate = lambda)
# simulate the inter-arrival times # of the homogeneous Poisson process while (inter_arrival + last_arrival < T_length) { last_arrival <- inter_arrival + last_arrival arrival_time <- c(arrival_time,last_arrival) inter_arrival <- rexp(1, rate = lambda) }
3.8 Additional support
We recommend students to seek feedback from the EDU 4(although you need to give them time to read your report) – connect to the EDU website on Moodle Write well; Learn deeply. The student enrolment key is ASB_LTP.
4 Assignment submission procedure
4.1 Report and R code: Turnitin submission through Moodle
Your assignment must be uploaded as a unique word or pdf document and all parts must be in portrait format. The R code must be provided as an appendix, in a format that we can copy and paste to check it – we will check all codes. As long as the due date is still future, you can resubmit your work; the previous version of your assignment will be replaced by the new version. You must have a cover page with your name and student number.
Assignments must be submitted via the Turnitin submission box that is available on the course Moodle website. Turnitin reports on any similarities between the student’s cohort’s assignments, and also with regard to other sources (such as the internet or all assignments submitted all around the world via Turnitin). More information is available at: Please read this page, as we will assume that you are familiar with its content.
Please note that when an assessment item had to be submitted by a pre-specied sub- mission date and time and was submitted late, the School of Risk and Actuarial Studies will apply the following policy. A penalty of 25% of the mark the student would otherwise have obtained, for each full (or part) day of lateness (e.g., 0 day 1 minute = 25% penalty, 2 days 21 hours = 75% penalty). Students who are late must submit their assessment item to the Lecturer-in-Charge (LIC) via e-mail. The LIC will then upload documents to the relevant submission boxes. The date and time of reception of the e-mail determines the submission time for the purposes of calculating the penalty
You need to check your document once it is submitted (check it on-screen). We will not mark assignments that cannot be read on screen.
Students are reminded of the risk that technical issues may delay or even prevent their submission (such as internet connection and/or computer breakdowns). Students should then consider either submitting their assignment from the university computer rooms or allow enough time (at least 24 hours is recommended) between their submission and the due time. The Turnitin module will not let you submit a late report. No paper copy will be either accepted or graded.
In case of a technical problem, the full document must be submitted to your LIC before the due time by e-mail, with explanations about why the student was not able to submit on time. In principle, this assignment will not be marked. It is only in exceptional circumstances where the assignment was submitted before the due time by e-mail that it may be markedand this only if a valid reason is established, and at the discretion of the LIC.
4.2 Plagiarism awareness
Students are reminded that the work they submit must be their own. While we have no problem with students discussing assignment problems if they wish, the material students submit for assessment
4 resources-on-moodle
must be their own. In particular, this means that any R code you present are from your own computer, which you yourself developed, without any reference to any other student’s work.
While some small elements of code are likely to be similar with other students performing the same task, big patches of identical code (even with dierent variable names, layout, or commentsTurnitin picks this up) will be considered as plagiarism. The best strategy to avoid any problem is not to share bits and pieces of code with other students.
Students should make sure they understand what plagiarism iscases of plagiarism have a very high probability of being discovered. For issues of collective work, having dierent persons marking the assignment does not decrease this probability.
Students should consult the Write well; Learn deeply website and consult the resources provided there. In particular, all students should do the quiz about plagiarism to make sure they know how to avoid any issue. For instance, did you know that sharing any part of your work with other students before the deadline is already considered as plagiarism?5
5 Assessment criteria Please refer to the following table.
Yes, that’s right, just sending it, even if the the third party promises not to copy, is already plagiarism in the UNSW policy!
ACTL2102/ACTL5103, S2 2018
Note: R code descriptors are inspired by
Knowledge: Our graduates will have in-depth disciplinary knowledge applicable in local and global contexts. [30 marks]
Students should be able to select and apply disciplinary knowledge to business situations in a local and global environment.
Identify and select relevant knowledge to answer the question
[10 marks]
Does not correctly identify or explain (where necessary) the concepts relevant to the business situation. Does not show understanding of the concepts.
Identify and explain (where necessary) only the basic concepts relevant to the business situation, indicating some understanding.
Identifies and explains (where necessary) some concepts relevant to the business situation, indicating a breadth of understanding.
Identifies and explains (where necessary) most concepts relevant to the business situation, indicating a breadth of understanding.
Accurately identifies and explains (where necessary) all concepts relevant to the business situation, indicating a breadth of understanding.
Apply relevant disciplinary knowledge
[20 marks]
Does not apply relevant techniques to a business situation with accuracy.
Applies techniques to the business situation although some techniques may be irrelevant.
Applies relevant techniques to the business situation, largely but not completely accurately and/or thoroughly.
Insightfully and accurately applies relevant techniques to the business situation, demonstrating a good understanding of concepts.
Insightfully and accurately applies relevant techniques to the business situation, demonstrating a thorough understanding of concepts.
Critical thinking and problem solving: Our graduates will be critical thinkers and effective problem solvers. [40 marks]
Identify and critically analyse a problem or issue.
Does not clearly or correctly identify or define/explain an issue or problem.
Identifies and explains (where necessary) only few key elements of a problem or issue.
Identifies and explains (where necessary) some key elements of a problem or issue, but may not be completely clear, cover all relevant aspects or convey its complexity.
Identifies and defines/explains (where necessary) most relevant, key aspects of a problem or issue, and conveys its complexity.
Clearly identifies and accurately defines/explains (where necessary) all relevant, key aspects of a problem or issue, and conveys its complexity.
[10 marks]
Does not use appropriate theory and/or relevant research to analyse a problem, or uses theory/research inaccurately.
Applies some relevant theory and/or research to analyse a problem or an issue, but analysis may not be entirely accurate, or may not use or synthesise an appropriate range of relevant theories/research.
Accurately applies, synthesises (and critically evaluates where necessary) a range of appropriate theories and research to effectively analyse an issue or problem.
Accurately applies, synthesises (and critically evaluates where necessary) a range of appropriate theories and research to effectively analyse an issue or problem.
Provides few synthesis of relevant concepts.
Provides some (incomplete) synthesis of relevant concepts.
Integrates and synthesises a range of relevant concepts.
Appropriately integrates and synthesises a range of relevant concepts.
Students should be able to identify and research issues in business situations, analyse the issues, and propose appropriate and well-justified solutions.
ACTL2102/ACTL5103, S2 2018
Develop well-justified conclusions or solutions.
The conclusion is inappropriate or poorly justified.
Report offers some conclusions, not adequately justified by analysis, theory and/or research
Report offers some adequate conclusions, partially justified by analysis, theory and/or research.
Presents insightful/strategic conclusions, mostly supported by analysis, evidence, theory and research.
Presents consistent, effective argument, and insightful/strategic conclusions, well-supported by analysis, evidence, theory and research.
[30 marks]
Does not present a consistent argument or draw an appropriate conclusion or propose a solution justified by analysis, theory and/or research.
The R code won’t run without modifications.
The R code runs, but uses only very basic functions which are clearly insufficient for the task at hand.
Does not sufficiently consider or evaluate differing perspectives or alternative solutions (if appropriate), or acknowledge limitations and constraints of own conclusion/solution.
Report offers sound conclusions and solutions supported by thorough analysis, theory and/or research.
The code is huge and appears to be patched together.
The code is brute force and unnecessarily long.
The R code uses appropriate, relatively advanced functions, which harness many of the advanced capabilities of R.
Report presents well-supported, insightful and strategic conclusions and solutions with analysis supported by evidence, research and theory. The report considers and evaluates alternatives (if appropriate), and acknowledges limitations and constraints of findings.
Communication: Our graduates will be effective professional communicators [30 marks]
Report offers some conclusions, but analysis is limited by insufficient analytical justification supported by theory and/or research.
Presents an argument and develops conclusions or solutions, but these may contain some weaknesses or over-simplification, and/or limited justification.
Considers some different perspectives and alternative strategies (if appropriate).
Considers and evaluates differing perspectives and alternative strategies (if appropriate), and acknowledges limitations and constraints of own conclusion/solution.
[3a] Students should be able to prepare written documents that are clear and concise, using appropriate style and presentation for the intended audience, purpose and context.
Presents a clear, and concise response to question
[10 marks]
Does not express (or explain where necessary) aim, ideas and information clearly and precisely in language appropriate for the intended audience, purpose and context (using own words as much as possible).
Uses inaccurate expression/grammar which often makes meaning unclear.
Generally, but not consistently, expresses (and explains where necessary) aim, ideas and information clearly and appropriately for the intended audience, purpose and context (using own words as much as possible).
Generally, expresses (and explains where necessary) aim, ideas and information clearly and precisely in language appropriate for the intended audience, purpose and context (using own words as much as possible).
Consistently expresses (and explains where necessary) aim, ideas, arguments and information clearly, precisely and concisely in language appropriate for the intended audience, context and purpose (using own words).
All parts of text are clear, precise and concise in language appropriate for the intended audience, context and purpose (using own words).
Uses fluent, accurate expression/grammar.
The R code is poorly organised and very difficult to read. It is not organised for reusability.
The R code is readable only by someone who knows what it is supposed to be doing. A third party could reuse some of it with some work.
The R code is fairly easy to read. A third party could reuse most of it with some work.
The R code reads well, and could mostly be reused by a third party.
Uses generally accurate expression/grammar, though meaning could be clearer.
Uses generally accurate expression/grammar, but meaning occasionally needs to be clearer.
Uses fluent, accurate expression/grammar (or with negligible errors which do not interfere with clarity).
The R code is exceptionally well organised and very easy to follow. It is comprehensively and clearly documented so that a third party can readily use it.
The R code is uses basic functions, and only some of the advanced capabilities of R.
The code is fairly efficient without sacrificing readability and understanding.
The code is fairly efficient, but sacrifices readability and understanding.
The R code uses exceptionally advanced functionalities consistently, which go far beyond that of a basic R tutorial.
The code is extremely efficient without sacrificing readability and understanding.
ACTL2102/ACTL5103, S2 2018
Present a logically structured response to question
[10 marks]
Does not present main argument, ideas logically or structure text coherently to achieve aim. e.g., text has unclear focus, irrelevant material, ideas are not sequentially or logically developed.; inadequate introduction, conclusion; paragraphs not developed or linked.
Generally presents main argument, ideas and information logically and structures text coherently to achieve aim e.g.:
– Text has a generally clear focus, with little or no irrelevant material; ideas are generally developed sequentially and logically, but this could be more consistent – Text has an adequate structure (e.g. introduction and conclusion; paragraphs generally well- developed and linked, although text could be more cohesive)
Generally presents main argument, ideas and information logically and structures text coherently to achieve aim e.g.:
Presents all ideas / arguments / information logically and persuasively, and structures text coherently and effectively to achieve aim:
Presents a text that is logical, persuasive, and structured coherently such that it exceeds the aim:
Presents text professionally and references sources accurately (includes R code) [10 marks]
Does not present document appropriate for business context. Little evidence of editing (frequent spelling/ punctuation errors)
Does not accurately use essay format or follow requirements Does not reference sources appropriately/ accurately in-text, or in reference list.
Presents document at a professional standard, and appropriate for business context. Some evidence of editing (only minor spelling/punctuation errors)
Presents document at a professional standard, and appropriate for business context. Text is generally error-free in spelling/punctuation.
Presents a professional document that is professional for business context.
Evidence of thorough editing (no/negligible spelling /punctuation errors)
Presentation is a high standard. Editing is thorough. The format is highly professional for business context.
The documentation of the R code is simply comments embedded in the coe and does not help the reader understand the code.
– Text has an adequate structure (e.g. introduction and conclusion; paragraphs generally well- developed and linked, although text could be more cohesive)
– Text has a clear, coherent structure, (e.g. introduction clearly defines aim/argument; paragraphs are well-developed, clearly linked and progress the argument; clear conclusion follows from discussion and reinforces key points)
The documentation is well written and clearly explains what most of the code is accomplishing and how.
– Text structure and all sections are seamlessly coherent.
The documentation of the R code is simply comments embedded in the code with some simple header comments separating routines.
The documentation of the R code consists of embedded comment and some simple header documentation that is somewhat useful in understanding the code.
The documentation is comprehensive and well written, and clearly explains what the code is accomplishing and how.
Uses appropriate essay format and follows formatting requirements References sources in-text and in reference list mainly accurately and in correct Harvard style.
Uses appropriate essay format and follows formatting requirements References sources in-text and in reference list mostly accurate and in correct Harvard style.
References sources accurately (in Harvard style) in-text and in reference list.
Integrates sources effectively into text.
References sources accurately (in Harvard style) in-text and in reference list.
Integrates sources into text seamlessly.
– Text has a generally clear focus, with little or no irrelevant material; ideas are generally developed sequentially and logically, but this could be more consistent
– Text has a clear focus, with no irrelevant or repetitive material, and a logical development and sequence of main ideas and supporting material
– Text has a clear focus, with no irrelevant or repetitive material, and a logical development and sequence of main ideas and supporting material