SQL代写 CSE 4/560 Project1: TinyTwitter

CSE 4/560 Project1: TinyTwitter

Due 23:59 10/03/2018 EST September 25, 2018

1 Submission

Failure to comply with the submission specifications will incur penalties for EACH violation.

  • What to submit: A zip file has to be submitted through the ‘submit cse460’ (‘submit cse560’) submit script by 10/03/2018 11:59PM EST. Only zip ex- tension will be accepted, please don’t use any other compression methods such as tar or 7zip.
  • Zip file naming: Use ubit proj1 (NO SPACE!) for the filename, for ex- ample: jsmith proj1.zip, where jsmith is the ubit. The project is an IN- DIVIDUAL project, the filename should contain only one ubit.
  • Sub-structure of zip file: On unzipping the zip file, there should be a folder named with your ubit ubit proj1, under the folder ubit proj1, there should be two files: (1) a .pdf report, and (2) a .sql SQL file.

    2 Description

    You are to design and implement the database schema for TinyTwitter, which is a social network website provides simple functions, main functions of TinyTwit- ter are as the following:

    • User management: user sign up, user login/logout.
    • Tweet management: create and post new tweet, delete a tweet. • Friendship management: follow, unfollow.
    • User-Tweet relationship management: like, comment, re-tweet.

    Your DB schema must be able to support all the functions listed above. You are required to use E/R modeling (an online E/R diagram tool is https://www. draw.io/) to design and present your database, and map your E/R model to a relational database schema and implement the mapped schema use a RDBMS by a set of CREATE TABLE statements. Recommended RDBMSes are:


  • PostgreSQL (https://www.postgresql.org/download/)
  • MySQL(https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/), you must install MySQL Community Server to use MySQL, and you need one of MySQL Shell and MySQL WorkBench for SQL development. If you need a GUI, you may prefer to use MySQL WorkBench.

    You also need to explain how your modeling supports all the required functions. The final product of this is a report (.pdf file), of which the structure will be given later, and a SQL file (.sql file type) which contains all the CREATE TABLE statements you used for implementing your RDB schema.

    Note: you ONLY need to design and implement the database schema for the data needed to support the functions, you are NOT required to implement the functions.

3 Requirements of functions

The specific requirements for each function of TinyTwitter are given in this section. Note that you need to analyze and design the entity sets, attributes and relationship sets by yourself, while this project description only give some of them for clarifying the system requirements.

3.1 User management

Users sign up use their email addresses, the email addresses are used as the TinyTwitter usernames of the users, users need to set their passwords and display names, where:

  • username, password and display name are strings.
  • one account, i.e. one username, has only one display name, and one display

    name corresponds to only one username.

  • one email address can be used to register only one account.

3.2 Tweet management

Users can create a new tweet, which is a string consists of up to 140 characters (including special characters and white spaces).

Users can choose to post their new tweets or save a tweet as a draft (with- out posting it).

The basic set of attributes of tweets are: • time: the posted time of a tweet


• content: the tweet’s content, i.e. a string consists of up to 140 characters (including special characters and white spaces)

You need to think about and model the tweet drafting function by yourself. 3.3 User relationship management

A user can follow other users, by following other users, users can see the posted tweets from their following users.

3.4 User-Tweet relationship management

Users can like a tweet and can see the details of “likes” of a tweet: every user can see the number of “likes” of a tweet, users can also explore who liked the tweet.

Users can comment a tweet and can see the details of comments of a tweet: every user can see the number of comments of a tweet, the content of a com- ment and the user who posted a comment.

Users can also re-tweet others’ tweets, either re-tweeting with additional com- ments or without additional comments.

4 Report template

Here’s a template of the report, your report must contain each of the following sections, you can extend this template to include any necessary sections for your design.

  • E/R schema: in this section you need to introduce your E/R schema and include the picture of your E/R schema.
  • Relational database schema: in this section, you must

    – discuss briefly how you map the E/R schema to your relational database schema. If any design choice is made in the mapping pro- cess, illustrate and explain it briefly.

    – discuss how your relational database schema satisfies all the require- ments listed in section 3.

  • Further discussion: in this section, you need to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of your design.
