
Part 1 (CDC Cancer Data – Subsetting and Plotting)

Consider the following dataset BYSITE.TXT taken directly from the Center of Disease Control’s website. This dataset describes incidence and mortality crude rates of several types of cancer over time and also includes demographic variables such as RACE and SEX. The variables of interest in this exercise are: YEAR, RACE, SITE, EVENT_TYPE, and CRUDE_RATE.

Load in the BYSITE.TXT dataset. Also look at the levels of the variable RACE.

cancer <- read.table(“BYSITE.TXT”,sep = “|”,header=T, na.strings=c(“~”,”.”))


## [1] 44982    13


## [1] "All Races"
## [3] "Asian/Pacific Islander"
## [5] "Hispanic"

Problem 1.1

"American Indian/Alaska Native"

Create a new dataframe named Prostate that includes only the rows for prostate cancer. Check that the Prostate dataframe has 408 rows.

Problem 1.2

Using the Prostate dataframe from Problem 1.1, compute the average incidence crude rate for each level of RACE. To accomplish this task, use the appropriate function from the apply family. Note: first extract the rows that correspond to EVENT_TYPE equals Incidence. Then use the appropriate function from the apply family with continuous variable CRUDE_RATE.

# code goes here


# code goes here

Problem 1.3

Refine the Prostate dataframe by removing rows corresponding to YEAR level 2010-2014 and removing rows corresponding to RACE level All Races. After removing the rows, convert YEAR into a numeric variable. Check that the new Prostate dataframe has 320 rows.

Problem 1.4

Create a new variable in the refined Prostate dataframe named RaceNew that defines three race levels: (1) white, (2) black, and (3) other. Construct a base-R plot that shows the incidence crude rate (not mortality) as a function of time (YEAR). Split the scatterplot by RaceNew. Make sure to include a legend and label the graphic appropriately.

Part 2 (Basic Web Scraping) Problem 2.1

Open up the SP500.html file to get an idea of what the data table looks like. This website shows the SP500 monthly average closing price for every year from 1871 to 2018. Use regular expressions and the appropriate character-data functions to scrape a “nice” dataset out of the html code. Your final dataframe should have two variables: (1) the variable Time, which ranges from 1871 to 2018; (2) the variable Price which are the corresponding SP500 price values for each year. Name the final dataframe SP500.df and display both the head and the tail of this scrapped dataset.

## [1] "<!DOCTYPE html>"
## [2] "<head>"
## [3] "<style>"
## [4] "#table{width:780px;margin:0 auto}html,body,div,span,applet,object,iframe,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,p,blo
## [5] ""
## [6] "@media only screen and (max-device-width: 779px){html{width:100%}#head{width:100%}#container #ad

Problem 2.2

Create a time series plot of the monthly average SP500 closing price values over the years 1980 to 2018, i.e., use the first 40 lines of SP500.df.

# code goes here
# code goes here

SP500 <- readLines(“SP500.html”) head(SP500)

# code goes here


# code goes here

Part 3 (Knn Regression)

Recall the kNN.decision function from class. In the kNN.decision function, we classified the market direction using a non-parametric classification method known as “k-nearest neighbors.”

##   Year  Lag1   Lag2   Lag3   Lag4   Lag5 Volume  Today Direction
## 1 2001 0.381 -0.192 -2.624 -1.055  5.010 1.1913  0.959        Up
## 2 2001 0.959  0.381 -0.192 -2.624 -1.055 1.2965  1.032        Up
## 3 2001 1.032  0.959  0.381 -0.192 -2.624 1.4112 -0.623      Down

library(ISLR) head(Smarket, 3)

KNN.decision <- function(Lag1.new, Lag2.new, K = 5, Lag1 = Smarket$Lag1,

Lag2 = Smarket$Lag2,
Dir = Smarket$Direction) {

n <- length(Lag1)
stopifnot(length(Lag2) == n, length(Lag1.new) == 1,

length(Lag2.new) == 1, K <= n)
dists <- sqrt((Lag1-Lag1.new)^2 + (Lag2-Lag2.new)^2)

neighbors <- order(dists)[1:K]
neighb.dir <- Dir[neighbors]
choice <- names(which.max(table(neighb.dir))) return(choice)

} KNN.decision(Lag1.new=2,Lag2.new=4.25)

## [1] “Down”

Problem 3.1

In our setting, we consider two datasets that describe yearly US congressional approval ratings over the years 1974 to 2012. The first file Congress_train.csv is the training (or model building) dataset and the second file “Congress_test.csv” is the test (or validation) dataset. The code below reads in the data and plots each set on separate graphs.

## [1] 181


Congress_train <- read.csv(“Congress_train.csv”) n_train <- nrow(Congress_train)



Congress_test <- read.csv(“Congress_test.csv”) n_test <- nrow(Congress_test)

## [1] 181

1980 1990

2000 2010





20 40 60 80


1980 1990

2000 2010


Write a function called kNN.regression which fits a non-parametric curve to a continuous response. Here you will fit a “moving average” to the yearly congressional approval ratings over the years 1974 to 2012. There is only one feature in this exercise, i.e., Year is the only independent variable. Thus for a test time say t = t0, we compute the arithmetic average rating of the K closest neighbors of t0. Using the Congress_train dataset, train your model to predict the approval rating when t = 2000. Set the tuning parameter to K = 5.

Note: to receive full credit, you must extend off of the kNN.decision function. You cannot just look up a moving average function online. The new function should also include euclidean distance and the order function.

# code goes here

Problem 3.2

Compute the test mean squre error using neighborhood sizes K = 1, 3, 5, · · · , 39. In this exercise you will train the model using Congress_train and assess its performance on the test data Congress_test with the different tuning parameters K. Plot the test mean square error as a function of K and choose the best value of the tuning parameter based on this output.

# code goes here

Problem 3.2

Compute the training mean squre error using neighborhood sizes K = 1, 3, 5, · · · , 39. In this exercise you will train the model using Congress_train and assess its performance on the training data Congress_train with the different tuning parameters K. Plot both the test mean square error and the training mean square error on the same graph. Comment on any interesting features/patterns displayed on the graph.



10 20 30 40 50

# code goes here

Problem 3.3 (Extra Credit)

Plot the kNN-regression over the training data set Congress_train using optimal tuning parameter K. In this plot, the years must be refined so that the smoother shows predictions for all years from 1973 to 2015.

# code goes here