编译器 parser 代写 jack


Modern compilers, like those of Java and C#, are multi-tiered: the compiler’s front-end translates from the high-level language to an intermediate VM language; the compiler’s back-end translates further from the VM language to the native code of the host platform. In an earlier workshop we started building the back-end tier of the Jack Compiler (we called it the VM Translator); we now turn to construct the compiler’s front-end. This construction will span two parts: syntax analysis and code generation.


In this project we build a Syntax Analyser that parses Jack programs according to the Jack grammar, producing an abstract syntax tree that captures the program’s structure. We then have a choice, we can morph the logic that generates the abstract syntax tree into logic that generates VM code or we can write separate logic that can apply any number of transformations to our abstract syntax tree. The transformations may include pretty printing the original program, applying specific optimisations to the abstract syntax tree or generating VM code. This mirrors the alternative approaches used in the workshops.


The relevant reading for this project is Chapters 10 and 11. However, you should follow the program structure used in earlier workshops rather than the proposed structure in Chapters 10 and 11. You must write your programs in C++. You should use the

Linux command diff to compare your program outputs to the example output files supplied by us. A set of precompiled classes similar to those used in the workshops and the previous assignment are in the zip file attached below. All the test files and test scripts necessary for this project are available in the zip file attached below.

Component Functions

We have a provided a description of the requirements for each component program on its own page. This includes instructions on how to compile, run and test each component program.


The jparser program uses the provided tokeniser to parse a Jack program and construct an equivalent abstract syntax tree. The specific requirements for this component program are described on the jack_parser() page.


The jcodegen program traverses an abstract syntax tree to generate virtual machine code. The specific requirements for this component program are described on the jack_codegen() page.


The jpretty program traverses an abstract syntax tree produced and prints a Jack program formatted to a specific coding standard. The specific requirements for this component program are described on the jack_pretty() page.


The jopt-r program traverses an abstract syntax tree produced and generates a new abstract syntax tree with redundant program elements removed. The specific requirements for this component program are described on the jack_optimiser_r() page.


The test data including the convention used to name expected outputs for each test are described on the Testingpage.

Startup Files
• assignment-compiler.zip

jack_parser() Description

You must complete the implementation of the jparser program in the file parser.cpp.

The program reads a Jack class from standard input and writes an XML representation of its abstract syntax tree to standard output. It uses the tokeniser functions described in tokeniser.h and j- tok.h to parse a Jack class read from standard input and construct an abstract syntax tree using the functions as described in j-ast.h. The main function is responsible for calling

the jack_parser() function and passing the result to the function jn_print_as_xml(). The jn_print_as_xml() function is responsible for writing an XML representation of the abstract syntax tree to standard output.

Compiling and Running jack_parser

When the Makefile attempts to compile the program jparser, it will use the file parser.cpp, any other .cpp files it can find whose names start parser- and any .cpp files it can find whose names start with shared-. For example, if we have our own class abc that we want to use when implementing jparser and

our own class xyz that we want to use with all of our programs, we would name the extra files, parser-abc.cpp and shared-
xyz.cpp respectively with matching parser-abc.h and shared- xyz.h include files.

The program can be compiled using the command:

% make jparser

The suite of provided tests can be run using the command:

% make test-jparser

The test scripts do not show the program outputs, just passed or failed, but they do show you the commands being used to run each test. You can copy-paste these commands if you want to run a particular test yourself and see all of the output.

Note: Do not modify the provided Makefile or the sub- directories bin, includes or lib. These will be replaced during testing by the web submission system.


The tokeniser described in tokeniser.h and j-tok.h returns Jack tokens. This table is based on Figure 10.5 from the textbook and shows the tokens that the tokeniser recognises.


Token Kind

Definition / Value



:: =

//’ any characters until end of line |
‘/*’ any characters up to and including the first ‘*/’ |
‘/**’ any characters up to and including the first ‘*/’



:: =

space, tab, carriage return or newline

the keyword, eg jk_method


:: =

class’ | ‘constructor’ | ‘function’ | ‘method’ | ‘field’ | ‘static’ | ‘var’ | ‘int’ | ‘char’ |
‘boolean’ | ‘void’ | ‘true’ | ‘false’ | ‘null’ | ‘this’ | ‘let’ | ‘do’ | ‘if’ | ‘else’ | ‘while’ | ‘return’

the symbol, eg jk_lcb


:: =

{‘ | ‘}’ | ‘(‘ | ‘)’ | ‘[‘ | ‘]’ | ‘.’ | ‘,’ | ‘;’ | ‘+’ | ‘-‘ | ‘*’ | ‘/’ | ‘&’ | ‘|’ | ‘<‘ | ‘>’ | ‘=’ | ‘~’

jk_integer Constant

jk_integerC onstant

:: =


jk_stringC onstant

jk_stringCo nstant

:: =

“‘ A sequence of printable
ASCII characters and whitespace characters not including double quote or newline ‘”‘

jk_identifie r


:: =

(‘a’-‘z’ | ‘A’-‘Z’ | ‘_’)(‘a’-‘z’ | ‘A’-‘Z’ | ‘0’-‘9’ | ‘_’)*



:: =

end of file, or a non whitespace character, or integer outside the range 0 to 32767, or any other error


  • All input is read using cin.
  • Whitespace characters are one of space, tab, carriage return

    or newline.

  • An integer constant is in the range 0 to 32767.
  • The value of a string constant does not include the enclosing

    double quotes.

  • A string constant can only contain whitespace or printable

    characters but not double quote or newline.

  • No error messages are output.
  • All errors are reported by returning the token jk_eoi. This token

    is not part of a legal Jack program.

  • Once a jk_eoi token is returned, all future attempts to read a

    token will return jk_eoi.

  • In a definition, round brackets ( ) are used to group

    components together.

  • In a definition, * denotes 0 or more occurrences of the

    preceding component.

  • In a definition, | denotes an alternative definition for a

    component. jack_parser()

    A parser goes over the tokenised text and emits output indicating that it “understood” the text’s grammatical structure. In order to do so, the parser must include functions that look for canonical structures in a certain language – in our case Jack – and then emit these structures in some agreed upon formalism. The structure of your jack_parser() function should follow the one developed in workshops rather than the structure in the textbook.

    The following three tables are based on Figure 10.5 of the textbook and describe the grammar of the Jack language that must be recognised:




:: =

One or more classes, each class in a separate file named <className>’.Jack’


:: =

class’ className ‘{‘ classVarDecs subroutineDecs ‘}’

classVarD ecs

:: =

(staticVarDec | fieldVarDec)*

staticVar Dec

:: =

static’ type varName (‘,’ varName)* ‘;’

fieldVarD ec

:: =

field’ type varName (‘,’ varName)* ‘;’


:: =

int’ | ‘char’ | ‘boolean’ | className


:: =

void’ | ‘int’ | ‘char’ | ‘boolean’ | className

subroutin eDecs

:: =

(constructor | function | method)*

construct or

:: =

constructor’ className subroutineName ‘(‘ parameterList ‘)’ subroutineBody


:: =

function’ vtype subroutineName ‘(‘ parameterList ‘)’ subroutineBody


:: =

method’ vtype subroutineName ‘(‘ parameterList ‘)’ subroutineBody

paramete rList

:: =

((type varName) (‘,’ type varName)*)?

subroutin eBody

:: =

{‘ varDecs statements ‘}’


:: =



:: =

var’ type varName (‘,’ varName)* ‘;’

classNam e

:: =


subroutin eName

:: =



:: =


Stateme nts


statement s

:: =



:: =

letStatement | ifStatement | whileStatement | doStatement | returnStatement

letStatem ent

:: =

let’ (varName | arrayIndex) ‘=’ expression ‘;’

ifStateme nt

:: =

if’ ‘(‘ expression ‘)’ ‘{‘ statements ‘}’ (‘else’ ‘{‘ statements ‘}’)?

whileStat ement

:: =

while’ ‘(‘ expression ‘)’ ‘{‘ statements ‘}’

doStatem ent

:: =

do’ ((className | varName) ‘.’)? subroutineName ‘(‘ expressionList ‘)’ ‘;’

returnStat ement

:: =

return’ expression? ‘;’

Expressio ns


expressio n

:: =

term (infixOp term)*


:: =

integerConstant | stringConstant | keywordConstant | varName | arrayIndex | subroutineCall | ‘(‘ expression ‘)’ | unaryOp term

arrayInde x

:: =

varName ‘[‘ expression ‘]’

subroutin eCall

((className | varName) ‘.’)? subroutineName ‘(‘ expressionList ‘)’

expressio nList

:: =

(expression (‘,’ expression)*)?


:: =

+’ | ‘-‘ | ‘*’ | ‘/’ | ‘&’ | ‘|’ | ‘<‘ | ‘>’ | ‘=’


:: =

-‘ | ‘~’

keywordC onstant

:: =

true’ | ‘false’ | ‘null’ | ‘this’


  • All input must be read using the tokeniser functions described in tokeniser.h and j-tok.h.
  • You should use the symbol table functions described in symbols.h.
  • There must be no output written to cerr or cout.
  • All output must be written using the functions

    in iobuffer.h, remember to call print_output().

  • If a parsing error occurs the program must immediately

    call exit(0) and have not produced any output.

  • During testing you may output error messages and other log

    messages using the functions

    in iobuffer.h. The tokeniser_context() function will show the tokeniser’s current position in the input being parsed.

  • In a definition, round brackets ( ) are used to group components together.
  • In a definition, ? denotes 0 or 1 occurrence of the preceding component.
  • In a definition, * denotes 0 or more occurrences of the preceding component.
  • In a definition, | denotes an alternative definition for a component.

    The Abstract Syntax Tree

    The abstract syntax tree returned by the jack_parser() function should contain one node for each rule given in the tables above

with a few exceptions. These exceptions must match those in the supplied test data.

There is no program node. Jack source files only contain a single class so the root node must be a class.

Static variables, field variables, parameters and local variables are all represented using jn_var_dec nodes. The order of these nodes must match the order in which their variables are declared.

There are no explicit statement nodes, everywhere
a statement node may appear a node for the specific kind of statement is provided instead.

There are two ifStatement nodes, one with an else statement and one without.

There are two return nodes, one for a simple return and one for returning an expression.

There are no explicit expression nodes, everywhere
an expression node may appear a node for the specific kind of expression is provided instead.

When parsing an expression, each time a new infixOp is found, a new jn_infix node is created. The left hand side of the
new jn_infix node is the expression parsed so far and the right hand side is the next term to be parsed.

There are no term nodes implicit or explicit in the abstract syntax tree implementation.

When creating nodes to represent a subroutine call in a do statement or expression where no varName or classNamehas been provided, the subroutine is assumed to be a method of the class being parsed. Therefore, a keywordConstant node containing this should be created.

Errors to Catch

There are lots of different kinds of errors that a compiler may be able to detect. However, for the purposes of this assignment we are only interested in detecting the following errors:

Syntax errors. If at any point in the parsing you cannot find the next symbol that must be present you have detected a syntax error.

Declarations of more than one variable with the same name in the same context. That is, no two static, field, parameter or local variables can have the same name, no static variable can have the same name as a field variable and no parameter can have the same name as a local variable.

Attempting to use an undeclared variable. Not all such errors can be detected because in a subroutine call we cannot tell the difference between an undeclared variable and the name of another class.

Attempting to return a value from a void function or void method or an attempt to not return a value from a non void function or method or an attempt to return something other than this from a constructor.

A constructor, function or method that might not execute a return statement.

A constructor declared with a return type that is not its own class. Errors to Ignore

The following semantic errors will be ignored and the parsing allowed to complete:

Attempts by a function to access a field of its class. This is a significant error that we will ignore. The program will still run on the Hack machine but it will be reading or writing the wrong memory locations.

Attempts to declare more than one constructor, function or method with the same name or to call a constructor, function or method that does not exist. Detecting errors in naming subroutines will be

deferred to the assembler when the final VM code version of a program is translated into assembly language.

Attempts to apply operators, infix or unary, to values of the wrong types. This is a potentially significant error that we will ignore.

Attempts to return a value of a different type from the declared return type of a function or method. This is a potentially significant error that we will ignore except in the case of constructors.