Use the 11 stock return series from HW2 to find the weight vector using the following smart beta schemes. Use an upper bound weight of 50% for each stock
- Maximum Diversification Ratio (MDR)
- Global Minimum Variance (GMV)
- Maximum Sharpe Ratio (MSR)
You will need to import ‘minimize’ from scipy.optimize. To help you understand how to use an optimizer, a sample code for the objective function and the optimization for Equal Risk Contribution (ERC) is provided for you (you need to understand and change the code).
def risk_parity_function(weights, cov):
temp =,weights) /, cov),weights)**(1/2)
MC = weights[:] * temp[:]
return (sum(((,cov),weights))**(1/2) / len(weights) -MC)**2))
def risk_parity(data, long = 1):
cov = data.cov()
n = cov.shape[0]
weights = np.ones(n) /n
cons = ({‘type’: ‘eq’, ‘fun’: lambda x: 1 – sum(x)}) bnds = [(0,1) for i in weights]
if long == 1:
res = minimize(risk_parity_function, x0 = weights, args = (cov), method = ‘SLSQP’, constraints = cons,
bounds = bnds, tol = 1e-30)
res = minimize(risk_parity_function, x0 = weights, args = (cov), method = ‘SLSQP’, constraints = cons, tol = 1e-30)
return res.x