Electronic Submission Deadline:
Tuesday, October 30th at 11am
Learning Outcome(s): To gain some experience with D3. To design initial visualisations of data using this method.
1 Overview
In this assignment, you will be designing and imple- menting a visualisation of a data set individually and making an argument for its effectiveness. Your designs should make perceptually effective based on the lec- tures thus far. Your prototype should be interactive and effective based on the material in the module thus far.
This assignment is individual. This means that you are not to collaborate on the production of your designs and implementation. You can talk about strategies to- gether, but all of the work for this assignment must be done individually and must be your own work.
All written parts of this assignment should presented in a single PDF document as part of your submission. Word documents are not acceptable. Code for your submission should be submitted using a ZIP file. In- clude the data set as part of your ZIP along with in- structions on how to run your program.
1.1 D3 Tutorial
This part of the assignment is not assessed, but is crit- ical to complete it sucessfully.
There is less work and easier than normal assignments, because I would like you all to spend a bit of time learning D3. In this module, I will not teach D3 to you. You will be reponsible for leaning how to pro- gram in D3 on your own. However, I can help explain
how some things work during my office hours if re- quired.
D3 is available here:
To begin, please visit the following official tutorial of D3.
https://github.com/d3/d3/wiki/ Tutorials
I would spend a bit of time doing these tutorials and familiarising yourself with how to use D3 so that you are able to begin to program in it comfortably. This part of the assignment is not worth any marks, but is probably the most important part of the assignment.
1.2 Design of D3 Code Modification
A number of example visualisations are available from the D3 website. We will focus on some of the ones made by Mike Bostock (the inventor of D3).
https://beta.observablehq. com/collection/@observablehq/ visualization
Use paper prototyping to design a modification of two of these examples. In 3/4 of a page explain why you think these modification are effective, citing the notes and the literature. Better designs and support that demonstrate the student has gone beyond the course material is necessary for top marks.
Each of the paper prototypes is worth 10 marks. Each of the of the descriptions is worth 10 marks. Thus, this section of the assignment is worth a total of 40 marks.
Assignment One (A1): Information Visualisation (Individual)
Daniel Archambault
CSCM27/327: D. Archambault Visual Analytics, A1
1.3 Modification of a D3 Example
A number of example visualisations are available from the D3 website. We will continue with the ones of Mike Bostock.
https://beta.observablehq. com/collection/@observablehq/ visualization
Given the visualisations here which have code, imple- ment the modification that you have described in the previous section. The modifications to the visualisa- tions can be to the visual encoding, interaction, or data sets used.
In 3/4 of a page, explain what your modification is and how it works.
More involved modifications that demonstrate a deeper understanding of D3 that follow the principles presented in the module will receive higher marks.
Each implementation is worth 10 marks and your descriptions are worth 10 marks, providing a total weighting of 40 marks for this section of the assign- ment.
1.4 Design of Wine Data Set
Refer to the Wine data set in the UCI Machine Learn- ing Repository:
http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/ datasets/Wine
This multivariate data set has lots of information that can be visually encoded.
a) Clearly state a task that you would like to accom- plish on this data set. The task should be specific and no more than one or two sentences 5 marks.
b) Given this task, design an interface (paper proto- type) that you will include with your PDF 8 marks.
c) Given this design, justify, using the literature and the class notes, why this design is sutable for the visual analytics task you have described in (a). Your answer should be no more than 3/4 of a page. 7 marks
1.5 Submission
All written parts of this assignment should presented in a single PDF document as part of your submission. Word documents are not acceptable. Code for your submission should be submitted using a ZIP file. In- clude the data set as part of your ZIP along with in- structions on how to run your program.
Both PDF and ZIP should be uploaded and submitted to blackboard by the indicated deadline. No hard copy submission is required for this assignment.
CSCM27/327: D. Archambault Visual Analytics, A1