python 机器学习代写 CSE 158

CSE 158, Fall 2018: Homework 3 Instructions

Please submit your solution by the beginning of the week 7 lecture (Wednesday, Nov 14). Submissions should be made on gradescope. Please complete homework individually.

These homework exercises are intended to help you get started on potential solutions to Assignment 1. We’ll work directly with the Assignment 1 dataset to complete them, which is available here:

Executing the code requires a working install of Python 2.7 or Python 3.
You’ll probably want to implement your solution by modifying the baseline code provided.
Note that you should be able to join the competitions using a UCSD e-mail. The competition pages can

be found here:
though you will need to use the login keys to access the competition:
purchase prediction: category prediction:

Please include the code of (the important parts of) your solutions.

Tasks (Purchase prediction)

First, since the data is quite large, when prototyping solutions it may be too time-consuming to work with all of the training examples. Also, since we don’t have access to the test labels, we’ll need to simulate validation/test sets of our own.

So, let’s split the training data (‘train.json.gz’) as follows:
(1) Reviews 1-100,000 for training
(2) Reviews 100,001-200,000 for validation
(3) Upload to Kaggle for testing only when you have a good model on the validation set. This will save you time (since Kaggle can take several minutes to return results), and also will stop us from crashing their website…

  1. Although we have built a validation set, it only consists of positive samples. For this task we also need examples of user/item pairs that weren’t purchased. Build such a set by randomly sampling users and items until you have 100,000 non-purchased user/item pairs. This random sample combined with your 100,000 validation reviews now corresponds to the complete validation set for the purchase prediction task. Evaluate the performance (accuracy) of the baseline model on the validation set you have built (1 mark).
  2. The existing ‘purchase prediction’ baseline just returns True if the item in question is ‘popular,’ using a threshold of the 50th percentile of popularity (totalPurchases/2). Assuming that the ‘non-purchased’ test examples are a random sample of user-purchase pairs, is this particular threshold value the best? If not, see if you can find a better one (and report its performance), or if so, explain why it is the best (1 mark).
  3. Users may tend to repeatedly purchase items of the same type. Build a baseline that returns ‘True’ if a user has purchased an item of the same category before (at least one category in common), or zero otherwise (1 mark).
  4. To run our model on the test set, we’ll have to use the files ‘pairs Purchase.txt’ to find the review- erID/itemID pairs about which we have to make predictions. Using that data, run the above model and upload your solution to Kaggle. Tell us your Kaggle user name (1 mark). If you’ve already uploaded a better solution to Kaggle, that’s fine too!

Tasks (Category prediction)

First, build training/validation sets consisting of only those reviews that have a ‘categoryID’ field. These are reviews that had exactly one of the 5 categories selected, so that there is no ambiguity in their category label (the test reviews also have only a single, unambiguous category). For this question you may also wish to sub-sample your data (e.g. by taking a random 10%) if experiments are taking too long to run.


5. A trivial predictor might assume that each user tends to purchase only one category of item. For each user in the training set, identify the category of item they purchase most frequently (in the case of a tie, choose whichever category is more popular overall). Then, for each review in your validation set, simply return whichever category you identified as being the most popular (otherwise return 0 if you’ve never seen the user before). Report the performance of this classifier on the validation set (1 mark).

Next, we’ll try looking for the presence of common words. Start by removing punctuation and capitalization, and finding the 500 most common words across all reviews (‘reviewText’ field) in the training set. See the ‘text mining’ lectures for code for this process.

6. The most common words probably won’t do much to help us predict categories. Instead, let’s find which words are more common in each category compared to the others. First, compute the frequency of those 500 words you just found as follows:

number of times the word appears frequencyword = 􏰁500 number of times the ith most popular word appears

Next, compute the above frequency per category, e.g.:

number of times the word appears in ‘Women’s clothing’ reviews frequency[Women]word = 􏰁500 times the ith most popular word appears in ‘Women’s clothing’ reviews

Having computed this we can find which words are more popular in one category compared to their

overall frequency across all categories, i.e.,
frequency[Women′sclothing]word − frequencyword

Report for each of the 5 categories the 10 words that are more frequent in that category compared to other categories (1 mark).

Next, let’s run some classifiers by building a simple feature vector out of our 500 most popular words as follows:

   [commonWords[0] in review, commonWords[1] in review, ..., commonWords[499] in review]

7. Train an SVM to distinguish Women’s clothing and non-Women’s clothing only. That is, discard all other categories from the training set in order to train a binary classifier, but keep them in the validation set (your classifier will simply be wrong for those instances). Train for C ∈ {0.01,0.1,1,10,100} (the regularization parameter for the SVM) and report the best performance you obtain on the validation set (1 mark).

8. (Hard) Rather than training a binary SVM as we did above, train 5 SVMs, that distinguish each category from all other categories (i.e., one which distinguishes Men’s Clothing from all other categories, one of which distinguishes Baby Clothing from all other categories, etc.). Again select C ∈ {0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100} for each classifier using the validation set. For the validation set, classify each point according to whichever of the five classifiers is most confident about the label being positive (see ‘decision function’ in the SVM) library. Report the performance of this classifier on the validation set, and upload the solution to Kaggle by running it on the test data (1 mark).