database 数据库代写 ITS62904


Assignment (Group Submission)
Weight: 30%
DUE DATE: End of Week 11 (Demonstration Slots) ——————————————————————————– ———————————————–

Assignment Objective:

  1. Students will create the design model for a case study that have been given in the assignment.
  2. Students will be able to create database and tables using the right data type that is most suitable support the data insertion to take place.
  3. Students will be able to produced required reports from the database using SQL query language.


ITS62904 Database System COVER SHEET


We declare that:
▪ We understand what is meant by plagiarism
▪ The implication of plagiarism has been explained to us by our lecturer ▪ This assignment is our own work.


Student Name

Student ID

Contribution **

Overall Score

Your Score





** Evaluate by your group members of your member contribution to the assignment, 0% – 100%

* Minimum 3 members and maximum 4 members
* Your score = Overall Score * Contribution = 4 * 90% = 3.6


Marking Schema



This is a Group assignment. It will be assessed over 100 marks and is worth 30% of the final marks for this module. Marks will typically be awarded on the basis of the following broad criteria, although other constructive factors will be taken into account:

  • –  You are allowed to make references and records all referenced being used for completion of the assignment.
  • –  Case study information have been included and relevant information have been provided.
  • –  You should be able to explain the references made for your answer in detail.
  • –  Take note that the assignment has 3 sessions and all need to be answered.
  • –  You can download and use Visual Paradigm to draw the ER- model.
  • –  Installation on MYSQL server required for database development.
  • –  Fulfilment of requirements (i.e. Number of errors, if your code does not compile).
  • –  Refer to marking schema provided in page (3)
  • –  Correctness of logic and use of appropriate sequel scripting technique.
  • –  Correct results/output – example output database, tables, relationship and data stored.
  • –  Scripting style:o Adherence to MySQL/HeidiSQL/TOAD naming convention and program readability

    o Choice of attributes names and column naming has to adhere to MySQL Documentation.


    It should be made electronically to the assignment submission section through your TIMeS account. It is your responsibility to let me know immediately, via email, if there appears to be any problem at all with your submission.

    Documentation: 2 separate files (Word document & SQL File) – Zipped File name : StudentName_Student_no (Student Leader Name) Hardcopy Format

  1. a)  Cover page
  2. b)  Table of contents – refer to TASK detailed in page (6 onwards).
  3. c)  References page

 Comprises of all the above with proper formatting, all answers must follow the question

number and the labeling used in the assignment.

Note: Late submission will be capped at 60 %

Academic impropriety:

Submitting the course work means you have agreed that your work is original and comply with the rules and regulations of Academic Impropriety.
Note: Copying, cheating, attempts to cheat, plagiarism, collusion and any other attempts to gain an unfair advantage in assessment result in awarding 0 marks to all parties concerned.


CASE STUDY: Event Management Customized (EMC)

EMC runs a startup center based in the Subang Jaya wishes to remodel the business database to store and manage information about their new startup. The startup center takes bookings from clients for adventure filled holidays and team building events. The client to you may or may not opt for accommodation but keen with team building actives and some just opt for accommodation and other relevant services.

Based on your business, you clients are usually classified from family members, businesses, and schools. Information stored about clients includes their unique client number, the client’s name (School name, business name, etc.), and the names and mobile contact details of the persons representing the client organisation. Some schools and business clients have provided more contact details. This to ensure contact are reached precisely on time when required as also to provide on-going marketing information.

The center has a number of accommodation options which includes: a four star hotel called Snooppy Lupiz offering different types of rooms (single, Double, King suite, Luxury suite and others) ; a hostel with large dormitories for children and smaller shared rooms for supervising adults; and a small camping ground. The name and type of these options is stored, along with the total number of people they can accommodate.

Each booking has a unique booking number, the date that booking was made, and the dates of the stay. When booking is made, clients need to state how many people will be staying, and what type of accommodation is required. Type of accommodation have to be stored preciously based on accommodation types that the hotel provides. Clients’ needs to specify whether they will use the restaurant or self-catering facilities. The booking will also include any additional facilities required by the client.

The center contains a number of additional facilities for hire. These include Board meeting rooms, conference/forum halls, and computing labs with Internet access. Portable multi-media projection and presentation equipment are also available for hire. You may consider payment chargers for all the facilities being offered. Charges information is to be tabulated by the startup team as the financial information will not be a predomination information till the system rollout.

There are various outdoor pursuits’ facilities including: climbing-wall with safety equipment, paintball-wargames, canoes, swimming, basketball, football… etc. Details of these various facilities, including any hire charges, need to be stored on the database. During any booking, the client may use these facilities. The date when a facility is booked for use must be recorded.

In order to monitor and facilitate the outdoor activities an experienced is staff is assigned to team building activities. Staff may be trained to supervise more than one outdoor pursuit facility. Each member of staff has a unique staff number, and their name and contract details (full or part time) are also recorded



The startup team is also required to carry out findings (research) to improve the above requirement given. As a new team you need be aware of the services that you plan to offer and how you are planning to bring in this records into the database. The research phase is to bring the model to incorporate other relevant information that would make the database a more useful for EMC (relevant to item 4 tabled below in business process change).

The above business requirement is derived from final version document of EMC System Requirement Specification (SRS). The above model requires some changes to cater for business process changes encountered from the year 2016. The detailed requirement have been tabulated to provide proper understanding of what is intended from the startup team. Client information, booking information, activities, facilities…etc have been detailed out clearly to provide a clear direction on what is intended to be part of the final database model required from the startup team. Your task is to ensure that given information is properly analyzed and considered for the database modeling phase. The Team lead have communicated the following information to you and expecting EMC to deliver the changes to accommodate to the current system by (Nov 2018).

Business Process Change: Document Oct 2018 (V1.1.2)

  1. The system should detail down the customers address and multiple contact number for emergencies and direct marketing purpose.
  2. The system need to record staff information, as a requirement for the knowing which staff whom brought the sales. This information is for all the bookings that are made personally with the staff.
  3. Projections – the company would require the system to be able to sales being made. You are required to ensure that all the necessary information is recorded in the table, allowing the user to compute this totals without messy procedures.
  4. Final requirement – open suggestion from your team to include 2 more requirements that would be added advantage for the system. Include the requirement into Business Process Change Nov 2018 (V1.1.2).



A) Business Process Change 2018 (V3.1.7). item 4 – Explanation may include model or attribute discussion.

B) Design

  1. Entity – Relationship Diagram (ERD) – Map the entities with appropriate relationships
  2. Physical Model  Provide the necessary information for Model (Relational Model -ensure data integrity).

C) Deployment

3. Implementation – create database, tables and populate the data (each table should have 30 rows of valid records). – this may not be applicable for all table. Client and booking should sufficiently have at least 30 records.

D) SQL Report:

  1. Provide a list of school that have the most service transaction (service transaction means – they have booked many facilities / services using this system) by state or Town.
  2. Provide a list client by business clients, school and Youth group – representative (name & contact numbers).
  3. Write SQL query to list down total number of rooms that are of type dormitories.
  4. Compute an increase of 5% on booking charges for all the facilities. Upon having the increased price now compute the raw income that would be been achieved in 2016using the new price.

This SQL report (f & g) does not carry any marks but having a system above the users must be able to generate the below mentioned report.

  1. Provide a report that indicates the total number of booking closed by staff in the year 2017.
  2. Identify from the system the staff that have closed the highest sales for the year 2017.7

E) SQL Report – Students report design
Prepare five (4) different types of reports using SQL query language. This reports should one that indicate the students are able to analyze the data stored in various tables can provide very meaningful information to the user / client. The mark allocation for this section is based on the complexity and ability of students to analyze the data recorded in various table.

Marks Tabulation process:

1. Student need to be aware that database design outcome effects the development process of the database. If there design is not being properly considered then the implementation and roll-out carriers the effect of the database design. In simple reduction of marks with design will be carried to development as well. Incorrect and inaccurate design leads to incorrect and inaccurate development as well, although the implementation is complete.

The End