react javascript代写

copy the rechat and rechat-server directories from classes/ to this directory, do not modify the files there

Create a feature branch “rechat-01”

Make the changes listed below and create a PR to merge those changes into master

Be sure to add myself and the TA as reviewers on that PR

Login and Logout

Modify rechat to send the username to the server when they login (as a POST) to the /session/:username endpoint

Modify rechat-server to add that endpoint

Modify rechat to have a Logout button for users that are logged in (in the upper right of the window, above the Display component

the Logout button should NOT be visible if a user is not logged in

The login will return an id number to the user

the id number should be the same for a user that is already “logged in”, but different if the user has logged out.

Example sequence of steps:

Jane logs in and gets back user id 6.

Bob logs in and gets back user id 7.

Jane accidentally closed her browser and reopens it and logs in again.

The server never knew she logged out, so it considers her still logged in and sends 6 again.

Preetha logs in and gets user id 8.

Bob logs in on a second window (while still logged in on the first) and gets back user id 7 again.

Jane logs out.

Jane logs back in, and gets user id 9, not 6.

Modify rechat to send the user Id, not the username, when sending a new message

Modify rechat-server to track the userlist by users that are logged in, not who has sent a message

Users that login but don’t send messages are listed

Users that logout are not listed, but messages that are sent still show their names


Modify rechat-server to assign a unique messageId to every message, and send it in the user list

modify rechat-server /messages to include the messageId in the list of messages

modify rechat-server /messages to OPTIONALLY take a “since” query param that indicates the last messageId the client knows about. The endpoint will respond only with messages since that message.

modify rechat to send that “since” query param and properly add the new messages to the list of known messages


A project will be a React-based application

Your project must communicate with a web service

It can be one you write, or one that is publicly accessible

A DB connection does not count

The calls must be HTTP/HTTPS calls, not websockets or other protocols

You must use at least 2 HTTP methods (example: GET and POST)

You must give the user an experience to follow ( a series of steps with an obvious purpose)

The application must make use of CSS to create a pleasing interface

It cannot be a TODO application or other “many examples found online” application