CSC8105: Coursework Project (2018/2019)
- To assess student’s ability to model and validate high-level prototypes of software used to implement communicating systems.
- To become familiar with a computer-aided tool for the specification and verification of com- municating systems.
There are four arrays of N byte values each, A, B, C and D, stored in processes PrA, PrB, PrC and PrD, respectively. These values are used to calculate a password. Your have been asked to design a validated communication scheme to produce an array R of N byte values (the password), to be stored in process Rcv. The new array (the password being calculated) should satisfy R[i] = max{A[i],B[i],C[i],D[i]} for all 0 ≤ i < N. The connectivity of the five process network is given in the diagram below.
It is assumed that:
- message passing is the only means of interprocess communication;
- process Rcv is not allowed to carry out any calculations involving the data received;
- message passing is assumed to be asynchronous, i.e. it is carried out using buffered channels, which are assumed to be error-free in Task 1;
- a single message can carry at most one byte data value used in calculations;
- the four outer processes can communicate and the design should allow data received, say, by P rA from P rD, to be forwarded to P rB (unless P rA is certain that P rB does not need this data);
- any of the four outer processes can calculate and send the values of array R to Rcv. Project Tasks
- (1) Develop a highly concurrent symmetric solution to the above problem, using as few message exchanges as possible. Write a PROMELA program which would provide a validation model for your solution. Formulate the relevant correctness requirements and verify, using SPIN, that they are indeed satisfied. Start with N = 2 (or even N = 1) and see what is the largest value of N for which the validation task can still be carried out in ‘reasonable’ time.
- (2) It turned out that the channels outgoing from PrA can duplicate messages. Modify your solution to cope with these problems. Again, formulate correctness requirements and validate them using SPIN.
Marking Scheme
- Task 1 (75% in total): design: 25%, PROMELA code: 40%, and validation results and explanations: 10%.
- Task 2 (25% in total): design: 10%, PROMELA code: 10%, and validation results and explanations: 5%.
The assignment must be submitted to NESS in a single .zip file by
8.45am on Monday, 26th November 2018
In your submission you should provide, for each of the two tasks: • PROMELA program;
• brief explanations of how your solution works;
• validation results produced by SPIN.Hint
The following can be used as rough template while working on your solution. Note that PrA has myidequal to0, PrB hasmyidequal to1, etc.
#define N 2 byte init_data[8];
proctype proc (byte my_id, next_id, previous_id; chan to_next, from_previous, to_receiver) { byte my_data[N]; byte i=0;
- /* declare more variables */
- /* initialise the array for this process */
:: i<N -> my_data[i] = init_data[my_id*N + i]; i++ :: i==N -> break
/*add communication etc */}
proctype receiver (chan from_A, from_B, from_C, from_D) { byte result[N] ;
/* declare more variables */
/* add communication etc */}
init {
chan AtoB = [N] of { byte }; chan BtoC = [N] of { byte }; chan CtoD = [N] of { byte }; chan DtoA = [N] of { byte }; chan AtoR = [N] of { byte }; chan BtoR = [N] of { byte }; chan CtoR = [N] of { byte }; chan DtoR = [N] of { byte };
atomic {
init_data[0]=2; init_data[1]=0; init_data[2]=5; init_data[3]=8; init_data[4]=4; init_data[5]=1; init_data[6]=3; init_data[7]=9;
run proc (0,1,3,AtoB,DtoA,AtoR); run proc (1,2,0,BtoC,AtoB,BtoR); run proc (2,3,1,CtoD,BtoC,CtoR); run proc (3,0,2,DtoA,CtoD,DtoR); run receiver(AtoR,BtoR,CtoR,DtoR)}}