Homework 4: PHP and Web interfacing

CIS 330

For this homework, you will be using PHP and HTML/CSS to allow users to login and order a burger. In order to get a head start, you will need to complete the PHP Tutorial on This part will be due at the time of the second Exam.

The entire menu must be available with all relevant information: descriptions, price, allergen information, etc. The user can then select which items that they would like. Once the user has made their selection, they will click on “Order”. After they click order, they will be shown a page that summarizes their order. Once the user clicks “Confirm” their order will be placed and they will be brought back to the home page. You will assume that each order will consist of only one burger and you will NOT be processing payment.

Points possible: 100

  • –  20 pts for completing W3Schools PHP tutorial
  • –  80 pts for PHP programming assignment