python eecs183 人工智能代写

Reach · eecs183/creative-ai Wiki

Reach · eecs183/creative-ai Wiki 12/6/18, 4)22 PM

eecs183 / creative-ai
Reach jajabarr edited this page on Oct 28 · 26 revisions Once you’ve finished the Core it’s time to extend your learning model. The model you’ve built can generate new songs based on old song data. But it’s limited. Its random data isn’t always very good, and it still only has a terminal text interface. So for the Reach you will build on your learning model in three steps: H. Pickanapplicationforyourmodel Refineyourmodelwithheuristicsuntilitproduces good data Showcaseyourmodelinsomevisuallyinterestingor interactive way By the end, you’ll have the complete package, an interactive program that produces new works of art using modern techniques. Your final project will be your own unique Creative AI. Note that you are welcome to use outside libraries and programs to make your final project as interesting as you desire. We do not require that you limit yourselves to the spec. However, when grading we will only download python libraries and not other external applications. In addition, if you would like to substitute one component of the Reach with your own idea you must contact the staff first. IMPORTANT Pages 11
Project Overview H. Proposal
K. Warmup
L. Core
S. Reach
T. GradingandKeyDates Appendix A. Testing Appendix B. Concepts Appendix C. Advanced Concepts Clone this wiki locally Page 1 of 17


Reach · eecs183/creative-ai Wiki 12/6/18, 4)22 PM

Any new python library you download to use for your REACH implementation must be added (and able to be installed) via in the main project directory. If we cannot install the library via alone, we cannot grade the portion of your REACH implementation which depends on that library.

Table of Contents

Getting New Data (optional) Submission


What data is your model going to generate? In the Core, we asked you to generate Beatles lyrics and Video Game Music. In the Reach, we’d like you to focus on one application. You may pick a different artist to imitate, another genre of music, etc. We suggest that you pick from one of the following categories:


Taylor Swift Lyrics Onion Headlines Poems

Tweets Page 2 of 17

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Video Game Music Guitar Music Classical Music Jazz



H. Thedatayougenerateneedstohavesomeroomto make errors. Tweets often have typos, Jazz is improvised, song lyrics are sometimes meaningless. Don’t pick a highly precise Application.

K. Youneedtobeabletocollectenoughdataforyour Application. You need a data set with thousands of tokens. For example, Taylor Swift has written dozens of songs, enough to train on thousands of tokens, but only a few dozen tweets, not enough data to train on. (An easy way to get around this is to propose a mashup by combining data from two different sources, such as combining Beatles and Taylor Swift lyrics.)

Banned Reach Applications

Beatles Lyrics
Donald Trump Tweets

Heuristics Page 3 of 17

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How will you generate better data? Once you’ve picked the data you’re going to specialize in, you’ll notice that it tends to follow some restrictions. Tweets, for example, have to fit within 280 characters. If you were generating tweets, you wouldn’t want to just run the lyrics generator from the core and tweet the first 280 characters. You have to tweak your learning model with some set of heuristics to make it fit the data you’re generating.

Heuristics are simple rules which solve problems most of the time. Simple rules can be used to refine the output of your learning model. Most Artificial Intelligences, whether they play chess, trade stocks, or tag pictures don’t only rely on a learning model. They incorporate little tricks and best practices that make the model seem smarter than it is. For instance, if you’re racing a computer in Mario Kart, the AI drives slightly faster when you’re ahead of it. The developers didn’t program a better driver than you, they just tweaked the rules. These tweaks can seem arbitrary, with no rational basis, but they make your AI better.

Python has great libraries to help you refine your data. The two we will focus on are the pysynth and spacy libraries. You should have familiarity with pysynth from the core, which can be used to improve your music data.

spacy is an NLP library for Python. Requirements

H. You must use a new feature from pysynth if you are generating music or spacy if you are generating text. Several examples are listed at the end of this section.

K. Youmustusesomeothergenericheuristicsto improve the overall quality of your data. Pick some from the examples listed at the end of this section Page 4 of 17

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and justify why they are appropriate for your model.

Full points for a musical Reach requires that your song consist of at least two musical parts.

Reuse sentences (general)

In the core, songs are generated with almost no repetition. Sentences are grouped together in the chorus and the two verses. But no sentence is ever repeated. Consider some real Beatles song lyrics:

  It's been a hard day's night
  And I've been working like a dog
  It's been a hard day's night
  I should be sleeping like a log

This chorus follows an ABCB pattern, where the first and third sentences are the same.

Music has this property too — phrases or motifs are repeated throughout the length of the song. Consider one of the most famous pieces of music of all time, Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, whose repetition you will instantly recognize:


So when generating data, don’t just randomly create 12 sentences and add them together. Lyrics repeat. Notes repeat. If you’re composing a song, you may want some shorter element that repeats multiple times. The sentence patterns ABAB, ABCB, and ABCC are all very common. Page 5 of 17

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Not all applications of your learning model will benefit. If you were generating haikus, it wouldn’t make much to repeat whole phrases in such a short space.

Build phrases (general)

Very closely related to the previous idea are repeated phrases. Your current models will always generate completely distinct sentences. But why should they? Turn again to the Beatles:

  (Help!) I need somebody
  (Help!) Not just anybody
  (Help!) You know I need someone

Even though every sentence is different, they all start the same way — the backup singers scream “Help!” Each sentence really has two parts. Consider another lyric example, where the phrase “love me do” is repeated multiple times:

  Love, love me do
  You know I love you
  I'll always be true
  So please, love me do
  Whoa, love me do

The musical equivalent is a motif, a short series of notes used throughout a piece. By repeating phrases within different parts of a song you can get more memorable pieces, songs with earworms or patterns you can hum to.

Play around with the desiredLength variable when you generate sentences and you can generate smaller parts which you then stitch together with larger ones. Page 6 of 17

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Filter your sentences (general)

With the random generation you have now, almost any sequence is possible. But not all sequences are possible in real data. Consider music again. Should it really be possible to follow any note with any other note? Perhaps we should require all the notes in a song to stay within the same key.

We can do this via the filter parameter in getNextToken . Remember, you may modify any portion

of the CORE project for your REACH implementation. You could create a generateMusicalSentence function which uses the filter parameter to constrain the possible tokens (notes) returned from getNextToken .

Mix in pre-generated data (pysynth)

One way to improve your song data is to mix in background parts. This can make your songs more complicated and more pleasing to the ear without having to change the notes you’re generating.

One way to harmonize your song is to mix it with Pentatonic Scales. A Pentatonic Scale is a progression of notes on a scale of five notes per octave. For instance, the major pentatonic scale is comprised of the notes C, D, E, G, A. You might represent it in python like this:

  >>> major_pentatonic_scale = [('c4', 4),
  ('d4', 4), ('e4', 4), ('g4', 4), ('a4', 4)]

Likewise, you might also choose to mix your song with a backbeat of one or more parts, which you might represent like this: Page 7 of 17

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>>> backbeat = [('d1', 8), ('g1', 8)]

If your generated song is 120 notes, you would want to alternate between the notes of your backup part for the same length — looping through your backbeat or scale progression until it is 120 notes long. Then you can mix it with your main song using pysynth’s mix_files function.

Using different instruments (pysynth)

Pysynth gives you the ability to choose different synthesizers. If you read through the pysynth code, you’ll see several files named things like and . These files can each generate music much as pysynth in does in general, but will produce different sounds to fit different kinds of instruments. If you want to produce Jazz, the sounds you would want would be very different from if you were trying to create Guitar Music.

Consider which sounds you intend to use as it will make a big difference to your final product.

Part of Speech Tagging (spacy)

To begin with SpaCy, first install it via pip as follows:

$ pip install spacy

SpaCy requires creating “pipelines” or SpaCy objects. Pipelines are created by loading models, which are packages downloaded with SpaCy that provide information on specific parts of language — vocabularies, syntaxes, translations, etc. Feel free to try out the model that you think will help your model most appropriately. Page 8 of 17

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The entire list of models can be found at , but we’ll just use the standard English model for this example. This can be installed by calling the following command in your terminal:

  $ python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

Now we actually have to load that model into our program

  >>> import spacy
  >>> nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")

From here we can use our nlp object to decode specific parts of speech and analyze our sentences from there.

Let’s say we want to analyze a string that says:

The apple does not fall far from the tree

We can do that by the following:

  >>> doc = nlp("The apple does not fall far
  from the tree")

Now our doc variable holds a list of nlp objects, representing the tokens(words) in our original string, which we can decode with the following:

  >>> for token in doc:
  >>>     print token.text + " : " + token.pos_

This will iterate through every nlp object in the string and print it’s text as well as it’s part of speech, which will look something like this: Page 9 of 17

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  The : DET
  Apple : NOUN
  Does : VERB
  Not : ADV
  Fall : VERB
  Far : ADV
  From : ADP
  The : DET
  Tree : NOUN

Using this part of speech tagging, we can create a very powerful and effective set of rules for our text generation, turning our gibberish text into something that follows a set of rules that we can define. It’s ultimately up to you how to make these rules and use them, but using the .pos_ member variable in SpaCy is a great start.

Consider this fake onion headline:

John Lennon Drags His Office Chair Everywhere He Goes And

The sentence almost makes sense — if it had stopped at the word “Goes,” it would have been perfect. Why should the sentence end on the word “And”? Right now the only relationship between words is that they match some ngram we saw in our trained data.

With spacy, we can determine individual parts of speech for a given a text, and decide whether or not our sentence is grammatically correct or complete according to how we want our sentences to be structured.

To fix this, we could write a rule saying that the last word of a generated headline can NOT be a conjunction, adjective, or determiner, which would give us the exact result that we want. Page 10 of 17

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Additional documentation on POS tagging can be found at


How will you display your model? Your model may be doing very cool things, but it’s still only a text-based menu interface that produces text or wav files. We want you to find some way to showcase your project, so that users can see the data you’ve produced. We suggest you pick one of the following applications:


Integrate your learning model with twitter. This reach will give you experience working with twitter’s API and applying your model to other kinds of data. To begin, you’ll need to download the python tweepy module. If you have pip installed you can install tweepy like this:

 pip install tweepy

You will also need to register a twitter account. Feel free to customize your account however you like, but remember to keep it eecs183-appropriate. You will need to generate an access token (This is what will allow your project code to be authorized to use twitter’s features.) Once you’ve done that, you can begin working with your twitter bot. A good explanation of how to get started can be found here. Page 11 of 17

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Once you get your twitter bot working, you can extend it in whatever ways interest you. You could, for instance, train your bot on a public figure’s timeline and generate new tweets for that figure. You could turn your twitter bot into a public interface for your music generation and attach songs as a wav file.


H. Youimplementabotwhichsuccessfullyreadsfrom or posts to twitter when we run . Your bot does not need to run perpetually on a server to earn full points.

K. Yourbotshouldrunwithoutourhavingtotypein passwords. Your twitter bot should store its authentication keys in your project directory and read them at runtime. If we cannot test your bot we cannot grade it.


Integrate your learning model with Reddit. This will give you real-world experience in using powerful API calls as well as understanding the potential for automated services in the many available public arenas. We recommend the python library praw (although Reddit itself has a very well documented REST API). To begin, you’ll want to download the praw module:

 pip install praw

You will also need to create a reddit account. This is your account once it is created, however remember to keep it eecs183-appropriate. You will need to create an app key (This will allow you to use the front-end API and submit POST requests to the Reddit server). Following this guide may be a very helpful start. Page 12 of 17

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Once you have your very own Reddit bot up and running there are many ways to extend it. Reddit itself has a variety of bots you’ll see up and running while casually browsing the site which may give you inspiration. Your bot could post song links or upload word clouds about the post content. Find something that interests you and show us what is possible.

Please avoid spamming reddit — your bot can be rate- limited by reddit or banned entirely if you spam too much in one subreddit. To help you out, we’ve created /r/eecs183, found here. Please feel free to test and spam to your heart’s desire here.


H. Youimplementabotwhichsuccessfullyreadsfrom or posts to reddit when we run . Your bot does not need to run perpetually on a server to earn full points.

K. Yourbotshouldrunwithoutourhavingtotypein passwords. Your reddit bot should store its username and passwords in your project directory and read them at runtime. If we cannot test your bot we cannot grade it.


The wordcloud library is used for creating tag clouds out of text data. This can be a powerful way to represent your musical or textual data, depending on what you decide to represent. Installation is minimal.


H. Yourprogramgeneratewordcloudswhenwerunthe file . Page 13 of 17

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K. Yourprogramgeneratewordcloudsatruntime.Itis not enough for you to submit word clouds you have produced, we must be able to generate them programmatically.

Data Visualization

matplotlob and are two graph-generating python modules you can use to represent your data. With graphing software you can focus on many aspects of your data — you could, for instance, compare the most frequent words when you run your models on Beyonce lyrics vs. Taylor Swift lyrics, or you could create a picture of a song by plotting each note as a point on a graph.


H. Yourprogramgenerategraphswhenwerunthefile which somehow relate to your model


K. Yourprogramgenerategraphsatruntime.Itisnot enough for you to submit graphs you have produced, we must be able to generate them programmatically.

Getting New Data (Optional) Lyrics

If your group chooses to use lyrics from an artist other than the Beatles, you can use the web scraper we have written to get the lyrics of the new artist and save them in the data/lyrics directory for you. A web scraper is a program that gets information from web pages: ours, which lives in the data/scrapers directory, scrapes the pages of Page 14 of 17

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If you navigate to the data/scrapers folder and run the file, you will be prompted to

input the name of an artist. If that artist is found on, the program will make a folder in the

data/lyrics directory for that artist, and save each of the artist’s songs as a .txt file in that folder.


If your team chooses not to use the provided music from the Nintendo Gamecube, you will need to either use the file to get music data from another video game console, or else find an alternative way to get MIDI files.

To get new data for a video game console, run the program in the data/scrapers

directory. The program will ask you to input the name of a platform; examples are “gameboy” or “xbox”. To see the full list of platforms, take a look at the

vgMusicPlatforms.txt file in the same directory – the platforms are the second column of data in that file. After you type in a valid platform, the program will grab MIDI files from for that platform and call another program to convert those MIDI files into .txt files, saving all those files in the data/midi/<platform> directory. Don’t be alarmed if this takes a little while, depending on the number of MIDI files it finds to download.

Submission Page 15 of 17

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We will grade the last submission to your GitHub team repository on the master branch before the project deadline. We will NOT grade earlier submissions, revert to an early commit, switch to a different branch, or make any changes to your project. We will run your project exactly as they are submitted. We will not grade changes pushed to your repository after the deadline.

Grading for the Reach is more open-ended than what you are used to from the rest of EECS 183. This is by design. The goal is for you to create something new that an autograder can’t assign points to. This might make it hard to get a sense of when you’re “done” with the Reach. While we can’t grade your assignments ahead of time, successfully implementing the requirements for each Reach section is enough to earn full points.


H. Yourcodemustbepushedtoyourmasterbranchon GitHub before midnight on the day of the deadline. You can verify your submission by navigating in your web browser to your repository page and examining the code files there.

  1. You must include a file named root directory of your repository. The file must include a summary of what your reach does and instructions on how to run your program. Please copy the template from the Grading section of the spec.
  2. Everythingmustrunfromthemainfile . We will run all submissions by navigating to the project’s root directory and running python .

Notes: Page 16 of 17

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You are allowed to change any of the functions we implemented for you: i.e. main , getUserInput , and so on. We’ve already autograded your core and there is no autograder for the reach.

You are certainly allowed to play around with your music using software like Garage Band and the like. However, the only software we will consider when grading are python libraries which can be downloaded by the staff. Page 17 of 17