代写 Scheme Lambda Calculus nyu-pl-fa18 / midterm-prep

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Practice Questions for Midterm Exam
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Midterm Exam Preparation
The problems below are similar to what you can expect for the midterm, though some are slightly harder than what I’ll ask in the exam.
Static vs. Dynamic Scoping
Consider the following program:
1: var b = 2
2: def f(): Unit = { 3: varb=3
4: ()
5: }
6: def g(): Unit = { 7: f()
8: b+4
9: }
10: def h(): Int = { 11: varb=5
12: g()
13: }
14: g()
15: h()
F. Under static scoping, what value does g() on line 14 return?
L. Under dynamic scoping, what value does g() on line 14 return? M. Under static scoping, what value does h() on line 15 return?
O. Under dynamic scoping, what value does h() on line 18 return?
Parameter Passing Modes
Consider the following program:
def f(x: Int, y: Int) {

println(x + y)
var z = 1
f(z, {z = z + 1; z})
What does this program print if we make the following assumptions about the parameter passing modes for the parameters x and y of params :
F. both x and y are call-by-value parameters L. x is call-by-reference and y is call-by-value M. x is call-by-value and y is call-by-name
O. x is call-by-reference and y is call-by-name
Deep vs. Shallow Binding
def f(x: Int, h: () => Unit): () => Unit = {
def g(): Unit = println(x)
if (x == 0) f(1, g)
else {
g }
var x = 2
def h(): Unit = ()
f(0, h)()
What does this program print:
F. assumingstaticscopinganddeepbinding
L. assumingdynamicscopingandshallowbinding
Call Stacks and Memory Management
Consider the following (faulty) implementation of a merge sort function in C. The function merge_sort takes a pointer a
to the first element of an array of integers and the length of the array a as input, and is supposed to sort the array in-place in ascending order. A few test runs of the compiled code on a test machine produce correct results, which seems to indicate that the implementation is correct. However, there is a problem in the code that may cause merge_sort to produce unexpected results or even crash. What is this problem? Explain why some simple tests may not reveal this issue. Can you suggest a fix that solves it?
Hint: you don’t really need to understand merge sort to spot the problem in the code.
int* merge(int* a, int mid, int length) {
int b[length];
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int k = mid;

while (i < length) { if (k >= length || j < mid && a[j] <= a[k]) { b[i++] = a[j++]; } else { b[i++] = a[k++]; } } return b; } void merge_sort(int* a, int length) { int mid = length / 2; if (mid == 0) return; merge_sort(a, mid); merge_sort(a + mid, length - mid); int* b = merge(a, mid, length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) a[i] = b[i]; } Lambda Calculus F. Foreachofthefollowinglambdacalculusterms,computethesetoffreevariablesandshowanalpha-renamingofthe term such that no variable is bound more than once. i. (¦Ëx.xy)z ii. (¦Ëx.(¦Ëx.x)x)(¦Ëx.x) iii. (¦Ëx.(¦Ëx.x)x)(¦Ëx.x)y L. Showthereductionstonormalformofthefollowinglambdacalculusterms,assumingthedefinitionsprovidedinthe class notes: i. or false 1 ii. iszero 1 2 3 iii. pred 1 Show each beta-reduction step. M. Define a lambda term minus that takes two Church numerals m and n and returns a Church numeral that encodes the number max(0, m - n) . Scheme Programming F. Write a Scheme function find-nth that returns the n -th element of a list. You may assume that n is never greater than the length of the list. Examples: > (find-nth 1 ‘(a b c d))
> (find-nth 2 ‘(a b c d))
> (find-nth 4 ‘(a b c d))

L. Write a Scheme function pack that packs consecutive elements of a list into sublists:
> (pack ‘(a a a b c c c c d d))
((a a a) (b) (c c c c) (d d))
> (pack ‘())
M. Write a Scheme function encode that computes the length encoding of a list (you can use the pack function as a subroutine).
> (encode ‘(a a a b c c c c d d))
((a . 3) (b . 1) (c . 4) (d . 2))
O. Write a Scheme function drop that drops every n-the element from a list > (drop 3 ‘(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
(1 2 4 5 7 8 10)
Challenge yourself and try to implement these functions as efficiently as possible both with respect to run-time/space complexity as well as code complexity (e.g. use tail-recursion, use implementations based on foldl / foldr etc.)