代写 data structure GUI Java UML operating system database graph statistic 1 Overview

1 Overview
In this assignment, each group will complete an object oriented design of an application that manages a modern library called Tawe-Lib. This electronic system shall adhere to the detailed list of the functionality and requirement specifications provided in this document (Functional Specifica- tion).
2 Functional Specification
The main purpose of Tawe-Lib is to manage a mod- ern library, by for example, keeping track of re- sources such as books, allowing users to borrow and return resources, keeping track of fines, etc. Such a system would normally (these days) be run as a web application, but to make this assignment manageable, Tawe-Lib will run as a stand alone PC application. Only one user can be logged in at a time. All data will be stored in files on the local computer – no networking or web technology will be involved.
It is up to you to design the data structures, algo-rithms and GUI involved in realising this system.
2.1 Users
There are two categories of users within the system: normal users and Librarians.
Each user has the following information associated with their account:
1. A username that uniquely identifies their ac- count.
2. A first name and a last name.
3. A UK mobile telephone number.
4. A full UK address complete with postcode.
5. A profile image.
Additionally, Librarians also have: • Employment date.
• Staff Number.
You should design and implement classes to man- age this information. Also, you should create an graphical user interface that allows Librarians to create new accounts.
2.2 Resources
Resources available in the library fall into various categories: Books, DVDs, and Laptop Computers.
Different types of resources have different infor- mation associated with them. However all re- sources have the following information associated with them:
Object-Oriented Software Design

• Unique ID.
• Title.
• Year.
• A thumbnail image.
Each Book also has: • Author.
• Publisher.
• Genre.
• Language. Each DVD also has:
• Director.
• Runtime.
• Language.
• List of Subtitle Languages.
Each Laptop Computer also has: • Manufacturer.
• Model.
• Installed operating system.
You will also need to build a user interface for al- lowing Librarians to manage resources and copies (see Section 2.3). Librarians shall be able to cre- ate new resources and edit existing ones. When a Librarian creates a new resource (or edits an exist- ing one) they must provide all the data (with the exception of optional data).
2.3 Multiple Copies
There are multiple (identical) copies of each re- source available within the library. For example, there can be 20 copies of the resource (i.e., Book) Java for Everyone by Cay Horstmann.
Each copy of an item has a loan duration associated with it. This can be 1 day, 1 week, 2 weeks, or 4 weeks. When copies are borrowed no due date is set (see Section 2.6).
2.4 Browsing and Searching Resources
Users shall be able to browse all the resources within the library. That is, the user shall be able to look through the resources and have at least the unique ID, title and year displayed. The user shall be able to choose a resource and the system will provide more detailed information. For each resource, the user shall be able to see how many copies of the resource are in the system. For each copy, they shall be able to see if it is available or currently being borrowed (but not by whom).
Users shall also be able to search for resources based on entering partial information in a typical search mechanism. The user shall also be able to filter resources based on the type of resource to only show Books, DVDs, etc.
2.5 Borrowing Copies
Individual copies, not currently borrowed, can be borrowed by users by visiting the Issue Desk and interacting with a Librarian. Only Librarians have the authority to loan copies to users. The system will keep track of which user has borrowed the copy and the date it was borrowed. If the user borrowing the copy has outstanding fines on their account, or overdue copies, then the system will prevent any further items from being borrowed.
2.6 Due Dates and Requesting Items
When a particular copy of a resource is borrowed no due date is set. Instead the user may borrow the copy until someone requests it.
If all copies of a resource are currently being bor- rowed then a user may request that the first copy of the resource to be returned is reserved for them. They will be added to the resource’s request queue. As copies become available they will be reserved for people in the queue (in queue order).
When someone is added to a resource’s request queue the system will automatically set the due date of the oldest borrowed copy where no due date is currently set. The due date will be set to the lat- est of the following:
• tomorrow (the date after this request is being made); or

Returning Copies
• the earliest date such that the borrower has had the copy for the loan duration. (This en- sures that a borrower has access to the copy for at least the loan duration).
• Reserved Items. A list of items that they pre- viously requested that are now available to pick up. They have been reserved for this user.
• The current balance of the account (i.e., the current amount of fines).
• Transaction History. A chronologically or- dered list showing each transaction on their account. A transaction is either a fine (show- ing the date and time of the fine, the amount, the item that caused the fine, and the number of days the item was overdue) or a payment (showing the date and time of payment and the amount).
2.10 Viewing a Copies Borrowing His- tory
Librarians shall be able to view a particular copy’s borrowing/return history. This will show a chrono- logical log showing each time the copy was bor- rowed or returned, by whom and the date and time of the event.
2.11 Viewing a Overdue Copies
Librarians shall be able to view a list of all overdue copies showing the borrower, and the number of days overdue.
2.12 Profile Images
Each user must have a profile image. Two kinds of profile images are supported:
• Avatars
• Custom Drawings
The system will have a set (say 5 or 6) built in Avatar images. The user can select one of these as their profile picture.
Alternatively, the user will be allowed to create a custom drawing. The system will provide the user with a built-in basic drawing environment that is similar to a paint program with at least the follow- ing functionality:
• Ability to draw straight lines
Borrowed copies can be returned by users by vis- iting the Issue Desk and interacting with a Librar- ian. Only Librarians have the authority to process returns. Upon returning a copy, the system will:
1. Calculate if the returned copy is overdue. If it is overdue then a fine will be applied to the balance of the account as follows:
• For Books and DVDs, the fine is £2.00 per day late, up to a maximum of £25.
• For Laptop Computers, the fine is £10.00 per day late, up to a maximum of £100.
2. If the resource’s request queue is empty then the copy will be marked as available.
3. If the resource’s request queue is not empty then the copy will be reserved for the next per- son in the queue.
2.8 Paying Fines
A user may pay off current fines (fully or partial) by visiting the Issue Desk and interacting with a Librarian. Only Librarians have the authority to pay off fines. A user will be able make a payment between £0.01 and the full outstanding balance of the account (i.e., the outstanding total amount of fines). The balance of the account will be adjusted accordingly. If all the fines are paid off then the user can now resume borrowing items.
2.9 User Dashboard
Each user shall have their own dashboard where they can view the following:
• Borrowed Items. A list of items they are cur- rently borrowing. This shall show the due date of each item (if set).
• Requested Items. A list of items that the user has requested, but are not currently available.

• Ability to draw a particle trace (i.e., clicking and dragging will draw “filled” circles at the location of the pointer).
Once you have the basic functionality working to a high standard, you are welcome to expand upon it to earn higher marks.
2.13 Statistics
The dashboard shall show users statistics about how many items they borrow per week, per month and per year. These will be displayed both textu- ally and graphically.
2.14 Other Properties of Tawe-Lib
The Tawe-Lib must have the following property:
• Data shall be persisted across runs of the sys- tem. For example, if a book is borrowed or other changes made, then those changes are also present after the application has been closed and re-opened. You may save the data to local files when exiting the application. When you restart the application, the data will be loaded from the files. You may also use a database if you so choose.
Tawe-Lib should operate on a single machine. A user logs in to the program and performs actions which are saved locally to disk on that machine. The user logs out. A new user can then log in to view what has changed. When you start the implementation part of the project, please build the system up one step at a time: get one aspect working before starting another.
2.15 Extra Tawe-Lib Features
This section is not technically part of A1, but it will be part of A2. It will be helpful for you to plan for extensibility and hence know about this section.
To achieve top marks in A2, you will need to be cre- ative. At a minimum, all the functionality of the Functional Specification should be completed to a high standard. All features should adhere strictly to the specification. You need to get all this work- ing very well in order to get a low first class mark
(in A2). In order to get higher marks, you would be required extend the implementation in a novel way. All extensions that do not violate the speci- fication will be considered. Substantial extensions to the software, extra reading and learning, will be required to achieve a high first class mark (in A2).
For this assignment (A1), do not include these extra features. Simply design without the extra features, but be aware that they will be required for the implementation (in A2).
3 A1 Tasks
Your team is asked to provide a complete design for the entire system. This design must include at least one complete class hierarchy. Each team member is required to contribute to at least one class in the design. The designer of the class does not necessarily need to implement it in A2.
3.1 Design Document
Your Design Document proposes an object- oriented design for the entire application. In other words, your team incorporates the full functional specification into the design. The Design Docu- ment should be no more than 30 pages including text and diagrams.
The Design Document consists of the sections as detailed below.
3.1.1 Candidate Classes and Responsibili- ties
Provide a list of candidate classes and their respon- sibilities. This list is like the CRC cards in lectures but with a bit more detail. For each candidate class the team has identified, the following information (i.e., card) must be provided:
1. Class Name (in bold)
2. Rough idea behind the class. 3. Author.
4. SuperClass.
5. SubClasses.

6. Responsibilities: a list of services this class provides.
7. Collaborations: a list of classes with which the class communicates.
There should be one of these cards for every class that appears in your class diagrams (see Sec- tion 3.1.2).
3.1.2 Class Diagrams
After specifying the information in Section 3.1.1, draw the classes using UML Class Diagram no- tation. Your class diagrams must use appropri- ate arrows and UML syntax to represent rela- tionship such as collaborations (i.e., associations, compositions, and aggregations) and generalisa- tions/specialisations (i.e., inheritance).
You should carefully think about navigability and multiplicities when drawing the collaboration rela- tionships. If you would like, you can use UML tools such as Papyrus1 (or others).
When providing details about the attributes and operations, you must think carefully about type in- formation and your design. The classes and meth- ods should fit together and function to achieve the intended behaviour. Do not just add operations and collaborations without thinking about how the operations can actually carry out their jobs. You need to take time to think about what collabora- tions your classes need to have in order to provide the services they offer.
Each class in your design (See Section 3.1.1) must appear in at least one UML Class Diagram. Each class hierarchy identified during your design pro- cess must be depicted in a hierarchy in a UML Class diagram.
3.1.3 Hierarchy Descriptions
Each generalisation/specialisation (i.e., inheri- tance) relationship (see Section 3.1.2) must be ac- companied by a short textual description that de- scribes the “is-kind-of” relationship used. Make sure that your team provides justifications that backs up the choices. Make sure that abstract classes are distinguishable from concrete classes in
your diagrams. Your team should be able to iden- tify two (or more) class hierarchies.
3.1.4 Collaboration Descriptions
Each composition and aggregation relationship (see Section ??) must be accompanied by a short tex- tual description that describes the “is-made-up-of” relationship used. Make sure that your team pro- vides justifications that backs up its choices.
3.1.5 Operation Descriptions
For each of your 5 most complex operations (within your classes) you must provide a short paragraph explaining what the operation should do overall, how the operation can be implemented, and how it has access to the data it needs (e.g., through collaborations).
All group members must review the final docu- ments prior to submission. Each individual group member is responsible for understanding the entire contents of all documents. Submission indicates that all group members have read and approved the document unless a conversation that has been documented by your Academic Mentor indicates otherwise.
One member of each group, the Secretary, should lead the submission of the weekly Contribution Breakdowns and the final submission (i.e., the De- sign Document and Contributions Report) on be- half of the group. Points will be deducted for those submissions that do not follow the file naming con- ventions and required file formats.
1 http://www.eclipse.org/papyrus/

Design Documentation Group 7
Implementation Managers: Test Managers: Planning and Quality Manager: Design Manager: Customer Interface Manager: January 20, 2012

1 Candidate classes and responsibilities 2
1.1 AddressBook,Contact …………………… 2
1.2 Event …………………………… 3
1.3 Deadlines …………………………. 4
1.4 Lecture,HappyHour,Anniversary. . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.5 Birthday, BankHoliday, Accident, SocialEvent, Concert
1.6 Meeting, Appointment, Meal, Other, EventList . . . . .
1.7 Task………………………..
1.8 TaskList………………………
1.9 View,Calendar………………………. 10
1.10MonthView,WeekView ………………….. 11 1.11DayView,Multi-WeekView ………………… 12 1.12YearlyView ………………………… 13 1.13MovingView,EventData………………….. 14 1.14Date……………………………. 15 1.15DigitalOrganiser ……………………… 16 1.16Time……………………………. 17 1.17Store,File…………………………. 18 1.18UserInterface,User…………………….. 19
2 Class Hierarchy Diagrams and Descriptions 20
2.1 TypesofEvents………………………. 20 2.2 TypesofViews ………………………. 21 2.3 TypesofStorage ……………………… 21
3 Sub-system Diagrams and Descriptions 22
3.1 AddressBookSub-system …………………. 22 3.2 TaskSub-system ……………………… 23 3.3 DigitalCalendarSub-system ……………….. 23 3.4 DigitalOrganiserSub-system ……………….. 24 3.5 StorageSub-system…………………….. 24 3.6 UserInterfaceSub-system…………………. 25
4 Data File Format
….. 5 ….. 6 ….. 7 ….. 8 ….. 9

Chapter 1
Candidate classes and responsibilities
1.1 AddressBook, Contact
Author: Yan Sun
SuperClass: –
Initialise the address book.
Change view between calendar and address book. View all current contacts.
Manipulate contact details.
Collaborations: Event DigitalOrganiser
public Boolean addContact(Contact c)
public Boolean editContact(Contact c)
public Boolean removeContact(Contact c)
public Boolean viewContacts()
Unit Tests:
Add a contact. Edit a contact. Remove a contact.
Author: Ceris Land
Create new contacts. Get contact details. Validate contact details.
Collaborations: AddressBook
public String setName(String n)
public String getName()
public Boolean validateName()
public String setAddress(String a)
public String getAddress()
public String setEmail(String e)
public String getEmail()
public Boolean validateEmail()
public String setHomeTel(String tel)
public String getHomeTel()
public String setFaxNo(String fax)
public String getFaxNo()
public String setURL(String url)
public String getURL()
public Boolean validateURL()
public String setOther(String o)
public String getURL()
public Boolean validateAll()
Unit Tests:
Test all valid/invalid inputs.
Check the contact details are updated.

1.2 Event
Author: Codrin Morhan
SuperClass: –
SubClasses: Deadline Lecture Meal Anniversary HappyHour Accident SocialEvent Meeting Other
Responsibilities: Provide event template. Set event data.
Get event data. Validate event data. Have a generic icon.
Be an abstract class.
Collaborations: View DigitalAddressBook
set ( newValue) return void get () return attributeValue validateDate() return Boolean
validateStartingTime() return Boolean
validateEndingTime() return Boolean
validateAll() return Boolean
Unit Tests:
Date is inside the required interval. Event must have a duration.
Check validation works.

1.3 Deadlines
Author: Adewale Odunlami
SuperClass: Event
SubClasses: WorkDeadline AssignmentDeadline MarkingDeadline BillPlayment
Responsibilities: Same as Event
Have a specific icon.
Collaborations: Same as Event
Same as Event except:
Unit Tests:
Same as Event except:
Starting and ending time are the same.
Author: Adewale Odunlami
SuperClass: Deadline
SubClasses: –
Responsibilities: Same as Deadline Have a specific icon.
Collaborations: Same as Deadline
Same as Deadline
Unit Tests:
Same as Deadline
Author: Adewale Odunlami
SuperClass: Deadline
SubClasses: –
Responsibilities: Same as Deadline Have a specific icon.
Collaborations: Same as Deadline
Same as Deadline
Unit Tests:
Same as Deadline
Author: Adewale Odunlami
SuperClass: Deadline
SubClasses: –
Responsibilities: Same as Deadline Have a specific icon.
Collaborations: Same as Deadline
Same as Deadline
Unit Tests:
Same as Deadline
Author: Adewale Odunlami
SuperClass: Deadline
SubClasses: –
Responsibilities: Same as Deadline Have a specific icon.
Collaborations: Same as Deadline
Same as Deadline
Unit Tests:
Same as Deadline

1.4 Lecture, HappyHour, Anniversary
Author: Adewale Odunlami
SuperClass: Event
SubClasses: –
Responsibilities: Same as Event
Have a specific icon.
Collaborations: Same as Event
Same as Event except:
Unit Tests:
Same as Event except:
Duration is longer than fifty minutes. Duration is shorter than three hours.
Author: Adewale Odunlami
SuperClass: Event
SubClasses: –
Responsibilities: Same as Event
Have a specific icon.
Collaborations: Same as Event
Protocols: Same as Event
Unit Tests:
Same as Event except:
Duration must be exactly one hour.
Author: Codrin Morhan
SuperClass: Event
SubClasses: Birthday BankHoliday
Responsibilities: Same as Event
Have a specific icon.
Collaborations: Same as Event
Protocols: Same as Event
Unit Tests:
Same as Event except:
Duration must be exactly one day.

1.5 Birthday, BankHoliday, Accident, SocialEvent, Concert
Author: Codrin Morhan
SuperClass: Anniversary
SubClasses: –
Responsibilities: Same as Anniversary Have a specific icon.
Collaborations: View
Same as Anniversary
Unit Tests:
Same as Anniversary except: Duration is less than a day.
Author: Codrin Morhan
SuperClass: Anniversary
SubClasses: –
Responsibilities: Same as Anniversary Have a specific icon.
Collaborations: Same as Anniversary
Same as Anniversary
Unit Tests:
Same as Anniversary
Author: Adewale Odunlami
SuperClass: Event
SubClasses: –
Responsibilities: Same as Event
Have a specific icon.
Collaborations: View
Protocols: Same as Event.
Unit Tests:
Same as Event except:
Starting and ending time are the same.
Author: Codrin Morhan
SuperClass: Event
SubClasses: Concert
Responsibilities: Same as Event
Have a specific icon.
Collaborations: Same as Event
Protocols: Same as Event
Unit Tests:
Same as Event except: Duration is less than ten days.
Author: Codrin Morhan
SuperClass: SocialEvent
SubClasses: –
Responsibilities: Same as SocialEvent Have a specific icon.
Collaborations: Same as SocialEvent
Same as SocialEvent
Unit Tests:
Same as SocialEvent except: Duration is less than a day.

1.6 Meeting, Appointment, Meal, Other, EventList
Author: Codrin Morhan
SuperClass: Event
SubClasses: Appointment
Responsibilities: Same as Event
Have a specific icon.
Collaborations: Same as Event
Protocols: Same as Event
Unit Tests:
Same as Event except: Duration is less than a day.
Author: Codrin Morhan
SuperClass: Meeting
SubClasses: –
Responsibilities: Same as Meeting Have a specific icon.
Collaborations: Same as Meeting
Same as Meeting
Unit Tests: Same as Meeting
Author: Codrin Morhan
Be a list of events.
Provide functionality for manipulating a list events.
Collaborations: Event
public void addEvent(Event e)
public void editEvent(Event e)
public void removeEvent(Event e)
public vodi removeAllEvents()
public void getAllEvents()
public void enumerateEvents()
Unit Tests:
Add an event.
Edit an event. Remove an event. Remove all events. Enumerate the events.
Author: Codrin Morhan
SuperClass: Event
SubClasses: –
Responsibilities: Same as Event Have a generic icon.
Collaborations: View
Protocols: Same as Event
Unit Tests: Same as Event
Author: Adewale Odunlami
SuperClass: Event
SubClasses: –
Responsibilities: Same as Event
Have a specific icon.
Collaborations: Same as Event
Protocols: Same as Event
Unit Tests:
Same as Event except: Duration is at most one hour.

1.7 Task
Author: Simon Maling
SuperClass: –
SubClasses: –
Responsibilities: Creates itself.
Changes itself. Validates itself.
Sets itself to complete.
Collaborations: Time
public Boolean setTask()
public Task getTask()
public Boolean validateTask()
public Boolean deleteTask()
public Boolean completeTask()
public Boolean unCompleteTask()
public ArrayList getIncompleteTasks()
public ArrayList getImportantTasks()
public ArrayList getAllTasks()
public ArrayList orderTasksDeadlineAscending()
public ArrayList orderTasksDeadlineDescending()
public ArrayList orderTasksName()
public ArrayList orderTasksCategory(String cat)
Unit Tests:
Create a task. Complete a task. Uncomplete a task.

1.8 TaskList
Author: Simon Maling
Create a list of tasks. Show itself.
Update itself.
Manipulate a list of tasks.
Collaborations: Time
public Boolean setTaskList(TaskList tl)
public Boolean getTaskList()
public voiid showTaskList()
public ArrayList getIncompleteTasks()
public ArrayList getImportantTasks()
public ArrayList getAllTasks()
public ArrayList orderTasksDeadlineAscending()
public ArrayList orderTasksDeadlineDescending()
public ArrayList orderTasksName()
public ArrayList orderTasksCategory(String cat)
Unit Tests:
Add tasks to the list. Remove tasks from the list. Order the list.

1.9 View, Calendar
Author: Samuel Jenkins
SubClasses: MonthView WeekView DayView Multi-WeekView YearlyView MovingView
Providing the correct view.
Providing valid data.
Handle user input.
Set changes made to the data by the user. Be an abstract class.
Collaborations: Display
public View createDisplay()
public View createDisplay(Object[] oObject)
public Boolean show()
public Boolean show(Boolean bShow)
Unit Tests:
Check to see that the View can display itself. Check to see that the View can hide itself.
Author: Codrin Morhan
Responsibilities: Display calendar
Collaborations: Event
public void display()
Unit Tests:
See if it displays itself correctly.

1.10 MonthView, WeekView
Author: Lloyd Woodroffe
SuperClass: MovingViews
Creating a correctly formatted monthly view. Showing events during a month in the monthly view. Editing the event data in the monthly view.
Collaborations: Event Period
public View MonthlyView()
public View MonthlyView (Event[] oEvent)
public Boolean show()
public Boolean show(Boolean bShow)
public Boolean addEvent(Event Period oPeriod)
public Boolean addEvent(EventPeriod oPeriod, Event oEvent)
public Boolean editEvent(EventPeriod oPeriod, Event oEvent)
public Boolean removeEvent(EventPeriod oPeriod, Event oEvent)
Unit Tests:
Check that an event is added to an Event Period in the monthly view.
Check that a specific event is added to an Event Period in the monthly view.
Check that a specific event is edited in a particular Event Period in the monthly view. Check that a specific event is removed from a particular Event Period in the monthly view.
Author: Lloyd Woodroffe
SuperClass: MovingViews
Creating a correctly formatted weekly view. Showing event data into a weekly view. Editing the event data in weekly view.
public View WeeklyView()
public View WeeklyView (Event[] oEvent)
public Boolean show()
public Boolean show(Boolean bShow)
public Boolean addEvent(Event Period oPeriod)
public Boolean addEvent(EventPeriod oPeriod, Event oEvent)
public Boolean editEvent(EventPeriod oPeriod, Event oEvent)
public Boolean removeEvent(EventPeriod oPeriod, Event oEvent)
Unit Tests:
Check that an event is added to a Event Period in the week view.
Check that a specific event is added to a Event Period in the week view.
Check that a specific event is edited in a particular Event Period in the week view. Check that a specific event is removed from a particular Event Period in the week view.

1.11 DayView, Multi-WeekView
Author: Lloyd Woodroffe
SuperClass: MovingViews
Creating a correctly formatted daily view. Showing event data into a daily view. Editing the event data in daily view.
public View DailyView()
public View DailyView (Event[] oEvent)
public Boolean show()
public Boolean show(Boolean bShow)
public Boolean addEvent(Event Period oPeriod)
public Boolean addEvent(EventPeriod oPeriod, Event oEvent)
public Boolean editEvent(EventPeriod oPeriod, Event oEvent)
public Boolean removeEvent(EventPeriod oPeriod, Event oEvent)
Unit Tests:
Check that an event is added to a Event Period in the daily view.
Check that a specific event is added to a Event Period in the daily view.
Check that a specific event is edited in a particular Event Period in the daily view. Check that a specific event is removed from a particular Event Period in the daily view.
Author: Lloyd Woodroffe
SuperClass: MovingViews
Creating a correctly formatted multi-week view. Showing event data into a multi-week view. Editing the event data in multi-week view.
public View MultiWeekView()
public View MultiWeekView (Event[] oEvent)
public Boolean show()
public Boolean show(Boolean bShow)
public Boolean addEvent(Event Period oPeriod)
public Boolean addEvent(EventPeriod oPeriod, Event oEvent)
public Boolean editEvent(EventPeriod oPeriod, Event oEvent)
public Boolean removeEvent(EventPeriod oPeriod, Event oEvent)
Unit Tests:
Check that an event is added to a Event Period in the multi-week view.
Check that a specific event is added to a Event Period in the multi-week view.
Check that a specific event is edited in a particular Event Period in the multi-week view. Check that a specific event is removed from a particular Event Period in the multi-week view.

1.12 YearlyView
Author: Samuel Jenkins
SuperClass: MovingViews
Creating a correctly formatted yearly view. Showing event data into a yearly view. Editing the event data in yearly view.
public View YearlyView()
public View YearlyView (Event[] oEvent)
public Boolean show()
public Boolean show(Boolean bShow)
public Boolean addEvent(Event Period oPeriod)
public Boolean addEvent(EventPeriod oPeriod, Event oEvent)
public Boolean editEvent(EventPeriod oPeriod, Event oEvent)
public Boolean removeEvent(EventPeriod oPeriod, Event oEvent)
Unit Tests:
Check that an event is added to a Event Period in the yearly view.
Check that a specific event is added to a Event Period in the yearly view.
Check that a specific event is edited in a particular Event Period in the yearly view. Check that a specific event is removed from a particular Event Period in the yearly view.

1.13 MovingView, EventData
Author: Samuel Jenkins
SubClasses: DayView WeeklyView Multi-WeekView MonthlyView YearlyView
Responsibilities: Update view regularly.
public Boolean updateDisplay()
Unit Tests:
Check that the view is updated without error at timely intervals.
Author: Samuel Jenkins
SuperClass: Views
Get the data to be held from the Events.
Collaborations: DayView WeeklyView Multi-WeekView MonthlyView YearlyView Period
public EventPeriod[] getAllEventData(Period period)
Unit Tests:
Check that all events for a view are added to that period.

1.14 Date
Author: Ceris Land
SuperClass: –
Get date of system clock. Set the current date. Display current date. Compare two dates. Compare date to today.
Collaborations: DigitalOrganizer Calendar
EventList AddressBook Task
public DateFormat getDate()
public Boolean setDate()
public Boolean displayDate()
public Boolean isDateAfter(DateFormat d)
public Boolean isDateAfter(DateFormat d1, DateFormat d2)
public Boolean isDateBetween(DateFormat d1, DateFormat d2)
Unit Tests:
Test if date is got correctly.
Test if date is after or between given dates.

1.15 DigitalOrganiser
Author: Yan Sun
Control the main flow of execution of the application. Controls user input.
Initialise the application.
Initialise all other necessary resources.
Exit cleanly; save data upon exit.
Get and store who the current user is.
Collaborations: UserInterface User
Time Store
public Boolean Initialise()
public DateFormat getTime()
public DateFormat getDate()
public Boolean setCurrentUser(User u)
public User getCurrentUser()
public Boolean initialiseCalendar(User u)
public Boolean initialiseEvent(User u)
public Boolean initialiseAddressBook(User u)
public Boolean initialiseAll(User u)
public Boolean initialiseTask(User u)
public Boolean exit(Boolean b)
public Boolean exit()
Unit Tests:
Possible only when all the subsystems are available.

1.16 Time
Author: Ceris Land
Get time.
Set time.
Display time.
Compare time.
Compare time to current time. Determine if time is between two times.
Collaborations: DigitalOrganiser UserInterface Event
EventList Task
public DateFormat getTime()
public Boolean setTime()
public Boolean displayTime()
public Boolean isTimeAfter(DateFormat d)
public Boolean isTimeAfter(DateFormat d1, DateFormat d2)
public Boolean isTimeBetween(DateFormat d1, DateFormat d2)
Unit Tests:
See if time is got correctly. Test if a time is after/between.

1.17 Store, File
Author: Simon Maling
SuperClass: –
SubClasses: File
Responsibilities: Save data.
Backup data. Restore data.
Get a saved file.
Be an abstract class.
Collaborations: DigitalOrganiser User
public int getStoreType()
public Boolean setStoreType(String s)
public String getStoreLocation()
public Boolean setStoreLocation(String s)
public Boolean save()
public Boolean backup()
public Boolean restore()
public Boolean load()
Unit Tests:
Save a file.
Exit program and check file exists. Try backupping.
Author: Simon Maling
SuperClass: Store
Decide which file to load. Create a new file.
Write to a file.
Save file.
Delete file.
Restore backup file.
Collaborations: DigitalOrganiser User
public Boolean newFile(String s)
public Boolean inputFile()
public Boolean writeFile()
public Boolean saveFile()
public Boolean appendFile()
public Boolean deleteFile()
public Boolean restoreFile()
Unit Tests:
Test all the methods.

1.18 UserInterface, User
Author: Simon Maling
Initiates GUI.
Updates GUI.
Control display of calendar,address book and tasks.
Collaborations: DigitalOrganiser Event AddressBook TaskList
public void showCalendar()
public void showCalendar()
public void showTasks()
Unit Tests:
Testing depends on other classes/subsystems.
Author: Yan Sun
Create a new user.
Store user name and password.
Delete an user.
Record who is the current user.
Associate events,calendar and address book with user. Check password.
Collaborations: DigitalApplication
public User getUser()
public Boolean newUser()
public Boolean deleteUser()
public Boolean setPassword()
public Boolean comparePassword(String pass)
Unit Tests:
Create an user. Delete an user. Check user validity.

Chapter 2
Class Hierarchy Diagrams and Descriptions
2.1 Types of Events
HappyHour/Deadline/Lecture/Meal/Accident/Anniversary/Other/SocialEvent/Meeting is-kind-of Event.
AssignmentDeadline/MarkingDeadline/BillPayment/WorkDeadline is-kind-of Dead- line.
Birthday/BankHoliday is-kind-of Anniversary. Concert is-kind-of SocialEvent.
Appointment is-kind-of Meeting.

2.2 Types of Views
Moving view is-kind-of View. Multi-Week/Day/Month/Yearly View is-kind-of MovingView.
2.3 Types of Storage
File is-kind-of Store.

Chapter 3
Sub-system Diagrams and Descriptions
3.1 Address Book Sub-system
Contact is-part-of AddressBook.

3.2 Task Sub-system
Task is-part-of TaskList.
3.3 Digital Calendar Sub-system
Event is-part-of EventList. EventList is-part-of Calendar Views. Calendar Views is-part-of Calendar.

3.4 Digital Organiser Sub-system
UserInterface is-part-of DigitalOrganizer.
The Storage Sub-system is-part-of DigitalOrganizer. The Storage Sub-system is-part-of UserInterface. Date and Time Sub-system is-part-of UserInterface.
3.5 Storage Sub-system
User is-part-of the Store.

3.6 User Interface Sub-system
TaskList is-part-of UserInterface. AddressBook is-part-of UserInterface. Calendar is-part-of UserInterface.

Chapter 4
Data File Format
We will use serialization for our files and we will use this to save objects directly to the files. We will use an ascii text file, the file will be named as either usernameCURRENT or usernameBACKUP[DATE]. The first name for when the file is the current file being used and the second one for when a backup is being made.
The file: Saving to the file will be done by the store class. The file will be saved to by saving the users store object to the file. This will include the date created as a date period object, and the last saved date also as a date period and time period object (this will be replaced by the current date every time the file is saved). The store holds everything for the specific user.
The store object will include: The user object containing the username, and preferences of that user. Backups will be exactly the same except they will have backup and the backup date in the filename. This will mean that there are multiple files (one for each users).