Cardiff School of Computer Science and Informatics Coursework Assessment Pro-forma
Module Code: CMT112
Module Title: Web Application Development
Lecturer: Dr Martin Chorley
Assessment Title: Static Website Development Assessment Number: 1
Date Set: 11th October 2018
Submission Date and Time: 1st November 2018 at 9:30am. Return Date:
This assignment is worth 30% of the total marks available for this module. The penalty for late or non-submission is an award of zero marks.
Your submission must include the official Coursework Submission Cover sheet, which can be found here:
Submission Instructions
The coursework submission should consist of three items: a coursework coversheet, a short reflective evaluation document, and a .zip file of the website source code.
Any deviation from the submission instructions above (including the number and types of files submitted) may result in a mark of zero for the assessment.
Congratulations! You have just been hired as a junior web developer! For your first role at the company, you have been asked to produce a prototype website for an important potential client – PontyBridge University. The client has supplied some potential material for the website, and the company has given you some sketch outlines for the pages you need to
Cover sheet
One PDF (.pdf) file
[student number].pdf
Validation Document
One PDF (.pdf) or Word file (.doc or .docx)
RE_[student number].pdf/doc/docx
Source Code
One zip (.zip) file
SC_[student number].zip
create. These files can be downloaded from both the assessment page on the course website1 or the assessment page in the CMT112 module on Learning Central.
In total, you need to create the following three pages:
1. A homepage for the University.
2. The ‘Study’ page, listing some courses they offer.
3. The ‘Research’ page, listing some of their research projects.
Rough designs for each of the three pages have been supplied detailing how they should look at both large (desktop) and small (mobile) resolutions. You should try to match these designs as closely as possible. Additionally, the client has some suggestions on fonts and colours to use to match their existing branding.
As well as the page designs, some potential content for the website has been provided:
1. A selection of slogans to be displayed in the homepage banner
2. A selection of quotes from past students to be displayed in the quote section of the
3. A selection of potential news headlines and descriptions to use for the news items
on the homepage.
4. A selection of marketing images for the University, along with their attribution
Outside of the supplied content, you are free to add content to the website however you wish. For instance, the ‘Study’ page lists a number of courses, but the client has yet to provide their titles and descriptions, so you are free to add these yourself. If other content is needed for your implementation, please feel free to either create this content yourself, or use standard filler content such as lorem ipsum2 text, creative commons3 images, or other freely available images. You should make sure to properly attribute sources of content in the source code for the website, or alongside the content itself. You are also reminded of the need to reference any code or material you use that you have not written yourself.
The client has asked that valid4 HTML and CSS is used wherever possible, and that the use of non-validating code is kept to a minimum. If non-validating code must be used, this should be explained and justified. With your website code, you are asked to submit a document containing the results of validation alongside justification for the non-validating code
1 2
Learning Outcomes Assessed
2. Create static HTML pages and apply CSS rules to style and position elements.
3. Describe, create and manipulate HTML page and element structure
6. Use browser debugging tools to understand performance and execution of code in the browser.
Criteria for assessment
Credit will be awarded against the following criteria:
Component & Contribution
Fail (0-49)
Pass (50-59)
Merit (60-69)
Distinction (70+)
Design of Website (25%)
No design effort has been made
Some pages match some of the reference designs. There may be noticeable differences between pages and reference designs
Most pages match reference designs. There may be some subtle differences between pages and reference designs
All pages match reference designs with very few differences between pages and reference designs
Use of HTML, CSS
HTML structured or used incorrectly CSS inefficient or repetitive
HTML structured correctly
CSS used to style elements Evidence of use of class, id, element selectors
Semantic HTML elements used where necessary CSS rules and selectors efficient
Responsive design implemented
Use of advanced HTML/CSS features not covered in course to date
Standards Compliance (10%)
Code not validated or widespread use of obsolete or deprecated HTML or CSS
Limited amount of non-validating code
HTML & CSS validated
HTML & CSS validated Additional standards checked (e.g. accessibility)
Code Style, Commenting (15%)
No effort at commenting or code layout
Code laid out fairly consistently with some commenting
Code laid out consistently, comments where necessary
Code laid out consistently, comments where necessary Attention paid to file content structure
Feedback and suggestion for future learning
Feedback on your coursework will address the above criteria. Individual feedback and marks will be returned on 29th November via email, with further cohort feedback given in-class.
Feedback from this assignment will be useful for the second assessment in this module, as well as for any future web programming assignments in other modules.