Writing Essays and Reports
MCD4700 Introduction to Computer Systems, Networks and Security
In this assignment, the information provided in reports needs to be easy to find, and written in such a way that the reader can understand it. This is one reason why reports are divided into sections clearly labelled with headings and sub- headings. Technical information which would clutter the body of the report is placed in the appendix.
A formal report should have the following arrangement.
Haidar AL-Khalidi
Report Structure
Report title
Your name
Your Student ID Your tutor name Submission date
2. SUMMARY (it is not required in this assignment)
Overview of subject matter Methods of analysis Findings Recommendations
List of numbered sections in report and their page numbers, it should be auto generated.
Terms of reference
Outline of report¡¯s structure
Writing Essays and Reports
Writing Essays and Reports
MCD4700 Introduction to Computer Systems, Networks and Security
The Body varies according to the type of report. Basically, it answers the questions: Who? Why? Where? When? What? How? In an investigative report, it would consist of all the information required to convince the reader that the conclusions and recommendations are
valid/reliable. This information must be presented in a systematic way.
States the major inferences that can be drawn from the discussion
makes recommendations.
List of reference material consulted during research for report. All Faculty of Information Technology masters coursework and undergraduate units should use the American Psychological Association (APA) Style Guide.
Note: some unit lecturers may instead specify Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).
In this assignment you can use either:
a. IEEE style:
http://www.eng.monash.edu.au/current-students/download/using-ieee- system.pdf
b. APAstyle:
Normally APA for information technology while IEEE for engineering.
Writing Essays and Reports
Writing Essays and Reports
MCD4700 Introduction to Computer Systems, Networks and Security
8.APPENDIX (it is not required in this assignment)
Information that supports your analysis but is not essential to its
1- The word limit doesn’t include the title page, the contents page, summary, references, labels and the description of the figures.
2- How to cite a reference using APA/IEEE……………….
3- Tables and figures
Tables, graphics and photos are placed immediately after where they are first referred to in the text. The reader should also be referred (by number) to the diagrams at the appropriate time in the text and the most important features pointed out to them. Tables, and graphics and photos (called figures), should be sequentially numbered. In large reports with many chapters, they are sequentially numbered in each chapter (i.e. for Chapter 2 you will begin from Table 2.1, Figure 2.1). Titles for tables are centered above the table. Titles for figures are centered below the graphic. The source of the table or figure should also be included. The source is usually in a smaller font (e.g. 10 point) and aligned on the left hand margin under a table, and under the title of a figure.
Writing Essays and Reports