代写 Session 12 Non-parametric Approach 2

Session 12 Non-parametric Approach 2
Tim Bailey Nottingham University Business School

􏰀 Variations on HS approach

􏰀 Variations on HS approach 􏰀 Age weighted HS (AW-HS)

􏰀 Variations on HS approach
􏰀 Age weighted HS (AW-HS)
􏰀 Volatility Adjusted HS (Hull-White)

􏰀 Variations on HS approach
􏰀 Age weighted HS (AW-HS)
􏰀 Volatility Adjusted HS (Hull-White)
􏰀 Both approaches address the issue of older data not being representative of current risk climate.

􏰀 Variations on HS approach
􏰀 Age weighted HS (AW-HS)
􏰀 Volatility Adjusted HS (Hull-White)
􏰀 Both approaches address the issue of older data not being representative of current risk climate.
􏰀 AW-HS asserts that more recent losses are more likely to occur tomorrow

􏰀 Variations on HS approach
􏰀 Age weighted HS (AW-HS)
􏰀 Volatility Adjusted HS (Hull-White)
􏰀 Both approaches address the issue of older data not being representative of current risk climate.
􏰀 AW-HS asserts that more recent losses are more likely to occur tomorrow
􏰀 Hull-White ensures the volatility of returns reflect current conditions, through volatility adjustment. So HS risk measures will reflect currrent market conditions.

Age weighting
􏰀 To see how this works, first we show how to perform Basic HS using spreadsheet style operations.

Age weighting
􏰀 To see how this works, first we show how to perform Basic HS using spreadsheet style operations.
􏰀 Calculate losses for each day (or week ,etc)

Age weighting
􏰀 To see how this works, first we show how to perform Basic HS using spreadsheet style operations.
􏰀 Calculate losses for each day (or week ,etc) 􏰀 Calculate the probability of each loss

Age weighting
􏰀 To see how this works, first we show how to perform Basic HS using spreadsheet style operations.
􏰀 Calculate losses for each day (or week ,etc)
􏰀 Calculate the probability of each loss
􏰀 Order the data by loss

Age weighting
􏰀 To see how this works, first we show how to perform Basic HS using spreadsheet style operations.
􏰀 Calculate losses for each day (or week ,etc)
􏰀 Calculate the probability of each loss
􏰀 Order the data by loss
􏰀 Cumulate the probabilities to identify the worst 5% of

Basic HS setup
Set up the data frame, using the FTSE data.
d <- EuStockMarkets[,4] ft <- diff(d)/lag(d, k = -1) P <- 1000 n <- length(ft) df <- data.frame(ft, loss = -P*ft, hsw = 1/n) head(df, n=4) ## # A tibble: 4 x 3 ## ft loss hsw ## *
## 1 0.00679 -6.79 0.000538
## 2 -0.00488 4.88 0.000538
## 3 0.00907 -9.07 0.000538
## 4 0.00579 -5.79 0.000538
􏰀 hsw is the equally likely probability of each loss occurring tomorrow.

Now we sort the everything by the losses, and cumulate the probabilities to find the worst 5% of losses
df <- df[order(df$loss, decreasing = TRUE),] df$cumhsw <- with(df, cumsum(hsw)) df[1:5,] ## # A tibble: 5 x 4 ## ft loss hsw cumhsw ## *
## 1 -0.0406 40.6 0.000538 0.000538
## 2 -0.0307 30.7 0.000538 0.00108
## 3 -0.0306 30.6 0.000538 0.00161
## 4 -0.0287 28.7 0.000538 0.00215
## 5 -0.0277 27.7 0.000538 0.00269
Looking in the cumhsw column for 0.05. There is some way to go yet.

## # A tibble: 11 x 4
## ft loss hsw cumhsw
## *
## 1 -0.0261 26.1 0.000538 0.00323
## 2 -0.0251 25.1 0.000538 0.00377
## 3 -0.0241 24.1 0.000538 0.00430
## 4 -0.0233 23.3 0.000538 0.00484
## 5 -0.0231 23.1 0.000538 0.00538
## 6 -0.0225 22.5 0.000538 0.00592
## 7 -0.0224 22.4 0.000538 0.00646
## 8 -0.0223 22.3 0.000538 0.00699
## 9 -0.0221 22.1 0.000538 0.00753
## 10 -0.0218 21.8 0.000538 0.00807
## 11 -0.0215 21.5 0.000538 0.00861

## # A tibble: 4 x 4
## ft loss
## *
## 1 -0.0125 12.5 0.000538 0.0495
## 2 -0.0125 12.5 0.000538 0.0500
## 3 -0.0125 12.5 0.000538 0.0506
## 4 -0.0125 12.5 0.000538 0.0511
So we see 95% VaR is about 12.5 by this method
We can do something like the following to identify ‘automatically’ the loss for the quantile closest to the 95% quantile.
hsw cumhsw

alpha <- 0.05 row.idx <- which.min(abs(df$cumhsw - alpha)) df[row.idx, 'loss'] ## [1] 12.5 ES We can find this analagously, using the probability weights VaR <- df[row.idx, 'loss'] df2 <- df[df$loss > VaR,]
df2$nw <- with(df2, hsw/sum(hsw)) with(df2, sum(nw * loss)) ## [1] 16.82 Note that we have reweighted the tail probabilities so they add to one. Of course, this works too with(df2, mean(loss)) ## [1] 16.82 but the former approach makes it easier to follow the Age-weighted approach discussed later. Age-weighted HS Dowd’s book covers Age-weighted Historical Simulation. 􏰀 Basic HS assumes each loss in the past is equally likely to occur tomorrow Age-weighted HS Dowd’s book covers Age-weighted Historical Simulation. 􏰀 Basic HS assumes each loss in the past is equally likely to occur tomorrow 􏰀 AW HS says the recent past is more likely to recurr Age-weighted HS Dowd’s book covers Age-weighted Historical Simulation. 􏰀 Basic HS assumes each loss in the past is equally likely to occur tomorrow 􏰀 AW HS says the recent past is more likely to recurr 􏰀 Hence more recent losses are given higher probabilities Age-weighted HS Dowd’s book covers Age-weighted Historical Simulation. 􏰀 Basic HS assumes each loss in the past is equally likely to occur tomorrow 􏰀 AW HS says the recent past is more likely to recurr 􏰀 Hence more recent losses are given higher probabilities 􏰀 Weights given by λi−1(1 − λ) 1 − λn where λ is a constant (0.98 often suggested by authors) and n is the sample size. wi = Weights lam = 0.95 lam = 0.98 0 20 40 60 80 100 age 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 w1 Basic HS setup d <- EuStockMarkets[,4] ft <- diff(d)/lag(d, k=-1) P <- 1000; ci <- 0.95 alpha <- 1-ci n <- length(ft) df <- data.frame(age = seq(n,1), ft, loss = -P*ft, head(df) hsw = 1/n) ## # A tibble: 6 x 4 ## age ft loss hsw ## *
## 1 1859 0.00679 -6.79 0.000538
## 2 1858 -0.00488 4.88 0.000538
## 3 1857 0.00907 -9.07 0.000538
## 4 1856 0.00579 -5.79 0.000538
## 5 1855 -0.00720 7.20 0.000538
## 6 1854 0.00855 -8.55 0.000538

Add probability weights depending on age
‘Ancient’ losses are unlikely to recur.
lam <- 0.98 df$w <- with(df,((1-lam)*lam^(age-1))/(1-lam^n)) head(df) ## # A tibble: 6 x 5 ## age ftloss hsw w ## * ## 1 1859 0.00679 -6.79 0.000538 9.98e-19 ## 2 1858 -0.00488 4.88 0.000538 1.02e-18 ## 3 1857 0.00907 -9.07 0.000538 1.04e-18 ## 4 1856 0.00579 -5.79 0.000538 1.06e-18 ## 5 1855 -0.00720 7.20 0.000538 1.08e-18 ## 6 1854 0.00855 -8.55 0.000538 1.10e-18

Probabilities of more recent losses
Here we see a probability of 2% attached to the most recent loss.
## # A tibble: 6 x 5
## age ft loss hsw w
##1 6
##2 5
##3 4
##4 3
##5 2
##6 1

0.0154 -15.4 0.000538 0.0181
-0.0163 16.3 0.000538 0.0184
-0.0277 27.7 0.000538 0.0188
0.00541 -5.41 0.000538 0.0192
-0.0115 11.5 0.000538 0.0196
0.0103 -10.3 0.000538 0.0200

Now we sort the everything by the losses, and cumulate the probabilities to find the worst 5% of losses
df <- df[order(df$loss, decreasing = TRUE),] df$cumw <- with(df, cumsum(w)) df$cumhsw <- with(df, cumsum(hsw)) df[1:5,] ## # A tibble: 5 x 7 ## age ft loss hsw w cumw ## *
## 1 1530 -0.0406 40.6 0.000538 7.69e-16 7.69e-16 0.000538
## 2 1825 -0.0307 30.7 0.000538 1.98e-18 7.71e-16 0.00108
## 3 ## 4 ## 5
212 -0.0306 30.6 0.000538 2.82e- 4 2.82e- 4 0.00161
171 -0.0287 28.7 0.000538 6.45e- 4 9.27e- 4 0.00215
4 -0.0277 27.7 0.000538 1.88e- 2 1.98e- 2 0.00269

## # A tibble: 7 x 7
## age ft loss hsw w cumw cumhsw
## *
## 1
## 2
## 3
## 4
## 5 1560 -0.0231 23.1 0.000538 4.19e-16 0.0384 0.00538
## 6 47 -0.0225 22.5 0.000538 7.90e- 3 0.0463 0.00592
## 7 1081 -0.0224 22.4 0.000538 6.69e-12 0.0463 0.00646
210 -0.0261 26.1 0.000538 2.93e- 4 0.0200 0.00323
261 -0.0251 25.1 0.000538 1.05e- 4 0.0201 0.00377
80 -0.0241 24.1 0.000538 4.05e- 3 0.0242 0.00430
18 -0.0233 23.3 0.000538 1.42e- 2 0.0384 0.00484

## # A tibble: 6 x 7
## age ft loss hsw w cumw cumhsw
## *
## 1 1678 -0.0204 20.4 0.000538 3.87e-17 0.0466 0.0108
## 2 1246 -0.0201 20.1 0.000538 2.39e-13 0.0466 0.0113
## 3 156 -0.0189 18.9 0.000538 8.73e- 4 0.0475 0.0118
## 4 177 -0.0185 18.5 0.000538 5.71e- 4 0.0481 0.0124
## 5 8 -0.0181 18.1 0.000538 1.74e- 2 0.0654 0.0129
## 6 544 -0.0178 17.8 0.000538 3.44e- 7 0.0654 0.0134
􏰀 So we see 95% VaR is about 18.5 by this method

## # A tibble: 6 x 7
## age ft loss hsw w cumw cumhsw
## *
## 1 1678 -0.0204 20.4 0.000538 3.87e-17 0.0466 0.0108
## 2 1246 -0.0201 20.1 0.000538 2.39e-13 0.0466 0.0113
## 3 156 -0.0189 18.9 0.000538 8.73e- 4 0.0475 0.0118
## 4 177 -0.0185 18.5 0.000538 5.71e- 4 0.0481 0.0124
## 5 8 -0.0181 18.1 0.000538 1.74e- 2 0.0654 0.0129
## 6 544 -0.0178 17.8 0.000538 3.44e- 7 0.0654 0.0134
􏰀 So we see 95% VaR is about 18.5 by this method
􏰀 With Basic HS we are only at the 98.8% quantile at this value!

We can find this analagously, using the probability weights
df2 <- df[df$loss > 18.5,] df2$nw <-with(df2, w/sum(w)) with(df2, sum(nw * loss)) ## [1] 25.03 Note the need to reweight the tail probabilities so they add to one. Age-weighted HS function HS_aw <- function(r, P = 1000, lam = 0.98, ci = 0.95){ alpha <- 1-ci n <- length(r) df <- data.frame(age = seq(n,1), r, loss = -P*r) df$w <- with(df,((1-lam)*lam^(age-1))/(1-lam^n)) df <- df[order(df$loss, decreasing = TRUE),] df$cumw <- with(df, cumsum(w)) VaR <- df[which.min(abs(df$cumw - alpha)),'loss'] df2 <- df[df$loss > VaR,]
df2$nw <- with(df2, w/sum(w)) ES <- with(df2, sum(nw * loss)) res.vec <- c(VaR = VaR, ES = ES) names(res.vec) <- paste0(names(res.vec),100*ci) return(res.vec) } HS_aw(ft) ## VaR95 ES95 ## 18.48 25.03 Volatility Adjusted Loss Distribution 􏰀 Hull and White (1998) suggested approach. Volatility Adjusted Loss Distribution 􏰀 Hull and White (1998) suggested approach. 􏰀 Problem - HS generated risk measure estimates may be distorted if returns have non-constant volatility. Volatility Adjusted Loss Distribution 􏰀 Hull and White (1998) suggested approach. 􏰀 Problem - HS generated risk measure estimates may be distorted if returns have non-constant volatility. 􏰀 We would like Returns to be adjusted to have constant volatility, and Volatility Adjusted Loss Distribution 􏰀 Hull and White (1998) suggested approach. 􏰀 Problem - HS generated risk measure estimates may be distorted if returns have non-constant volatility. 􏰀 We would like Returns to be adjusted to have constant volatility, and 􏰀 The volatility should reflect today’s trading environment. How? Volatility Adjusted Loss Distribution 􏰀 Hull and White (1998) suggested approach. 􏰀 Problem - HS generated risk measure estimates may be distorted if returns have non-constant volatility. 􏰀 We would like Returns to be adjusted to have constant volatility, and 􏰀 The volatility should reflect today’s trading environment. How? 􏰀 Use GARCH to transform the returns so they possess today’s volatility, then map to losses and calculate risk measures via Historical Simulation.