Donna Graves COMP 35 Lab Exercise #8: ADDCOB-Validate Input
We will begin to build code for your final assignment. All work must be your own.
Sign onto your TSO account:
1. Create a new member called ADDCOB on your PDS called KC03O??.COMP35.CNTL.
2. Copy the JCL required for COBOL CICS programs, called CICSCOB, on SLC.CPA.SOURCE.PDS into ADDCOB.
3. Copy the program, called ADDCOB, into the appropriate place (see JCL comments).
4. Make the necessary changes to the JCL:
Change the ?? to your 2 digit CICS id
Add your name and a suffix after the jobname.
Add your name as the author id.
Don’t forget to change the JCL parameter that appears at the end of the job to point to your
program name. i.e. //LKED.SYSIN DD * NAME ADDP??(R)
We will be using my programmer defined symbolic map. You will need to copy it. It is called ADDMAP. Note: If you have an ADDMAP on your map PDS, you may need to delete it to ensure you access mine.
5. Submit the program. Continue only If you have a clean compile.
Sign onto CICS:
Recall: You will need to have CICS point to the newest version of your program. To run your program, type in the trans-id. e.g. AD??
Get to know the program. Compare the screen layout that appears on page 7 on your project.
Take a look at the data provided on pages 3 & 4 in the project and try entering some ticket#s for a patron. Note: If your files are not open, you will need to type: CEMT SET FI(*??) OPE
The program is not very user friendly. It’s going to require a lot of changes to make it work properly.
Start by making the following changes:
Step 1: Add the code to display the number of tickets. You should have already done this in the inquiry program. Step 2: Add the code that will ensure the cursor is positioned at the patron number when the map is refreshed.
We just did this in teaching lab ex#8
Step 3: Edit the patron number. If the number is invalid: We just did this in teaching lab#8 too
Position cursor at the field
Set up an error message (not a generic one – a specific user friendly one)
Change the colour and make the field bright (note you will need to COPY ATTR. to do this) Change valid-data-sw
Total lab points: Participated and completed exercise during scheduled lab 2 Participated but not able to complete exercise during scheduled lab 1 Exercise completed on the day of the scheduled lab** 1 Exercise not completed on the day of the scheduled lab 0
** If a student is not able to attend a lab, for any reason, he/she loses the point allocated for participation.
Note: Blank lines at the end of your program will cause a sequence error. Remove any and and resubmit.
A sequence error appears as ** in columns 1-7
35Ex8validate input addcob COMP 35 Page 1