代写 python database Programming Assignment 2

Programming Assignment 2
Brandeis University, COSI 127b
For this assignment, you’ll be helping a library at Old University modernize their data management workflow. Old University’s library system is currently quite a mess: it is stored as a single CSV (comma separated values) file, data.csv, where each row represents a book loan. Here’s a single row of that file, formatted for readability:
Bennett Daniel,
(377) 750-0899,
Think Complexity,
“Downey, Allen”,
(patron name)
(patron card number)
(patron join year)
(patron phone number)
(book barcode)
(book title)
(book year)
(book author)
(author birth year)
(publisher phone)
(checkout date)
(due date)
This row represents a patron, Bennett Daniel, who joined the library in 1973, checking out a book called Think Complexity by Allen Downey, published by Routledge, on the given date (Julian day). The returned column encodes whether or not a book as been returned or not. A 1 is used for returned books, and a 0 used for books that are still out (have not yet been returned).
We know from our knowledge of schema design that this is not a good schema for the library! Luckily, we are going to help Old University out and make them a brand-new library system.
Part 1: Schema Design
For the first part of this assignment, you’ll design a schema to support the library. You’ll do this in two different ways:
• Using an ER diagram. Carefully identify (with prose) the entities and the relationships between them, looking at the data to validate your assumptions. Then, draw (with a computer) an ER diagram representing your proposed schema.
• Using functional dependencies. Carefully enumerate the functional depen- dencies that exist within the library’s data, and explain what each entails.

Then, decompose the schema into a series of relations that are in third normal form (3NF).
Compile both of these designs into a single PDF file, and include it with your submission.
This part of your assignment will be worth 50% of the grade for PA2. We will grade this part of the assignment based on:
• An sensical ER diagram that follows the conventions introduced in class, and is neatly drawn (with a computer).
• A reasonable explaination of the decisions made in the ER diagram
• A correctly denormalized schema in 3NF
• A reasonable explaination of each functional dependency
Part 2: Computer System
Once you’ve designed a suitable schema, you must build Old University a system to (1) load their existing data into an SQLite-managed database, and (2) help the library execute queries against that database.
You must complete this part of the assignment using Python, and you must write your code using Python 3 (version 3.5 or above). We have provided a file, main.py, which contains a skeleton of the functions you need to write, in addition to an interactive menu system. Each function you need to implement starts with a comment explaining what the function should do.
This part of the assignment will be worth 50% of the grade for PA2. This part of the assignment will be graded based on:
• The readability of your Python code
• A correct implementation of the schema you designed
• Correctly using the SQLite Python API (e.g., using ? in queries) • Correctly loading the data into your database
• Generating reports that are neat and easy to read
Please submit your database file (library.db), any Python source files (at least main.py), and a PDF containing your schema design (schema.pdf) to LATTE. You may ZIP, tar, or otherwise compress them if you wish.