Operating Systems 2018-19 Additional guidance on Coursework 1
This assignment has two parts:
1) Scheduler implementation in Java and 2) Experimentation, using a simulation program.
1) Read up on and implement basic metrics for scheduler evaluation by completing
a. turnaround time: getTurnaroundTime()
b. waiting time: getWaitingTime()
c. response time: getResponseTime()
In this simulation framework, a process is ready from the moment it arrives.
2) Read up on and implement four schedulers
a. Round Robin
Round Robin RRScheduler.java
b. Ideal Shortest Job First (no prediction necessary)
c. Multi-level feedback queue with Round Robin
d. Shortest Job First using exponential averaging
First-Come-First-Served (FcfsScheduler.java) is given to you as an example.
3) Design and conduct experiments
This is a valuable general skill that you will come to re-use in future modules (and in any future career requiring analytical ability).
You need to perform three different experiments, each investigating the performance of one or more schedulers, given specific inputs.
Make sure your hypotheses have a narrow, yet informative scope (i.e., you need to be able to learn something from the results).
For example, study the effect of varying a single parameter on a single algorithm while keeping the others stable. If you vary too many parameters at a time, it might be difficult to link cause and effect.
Alternatively, you could compare the performance of different algorithms given a particular input (e.g., a majority of CPU-bound processes, many/few).
Run each experiment several times using multiple, slightly different, input files in order to achieve better reliability of results (average the differences in output for the presentation).