Mini-Project Part I IMSE2113 – Intro. to Information Systems 2019 | March | 13
Assignment 3
Due Date: 2019 Marl 25th @ 5PM Develop the System in Assignment Two into a Functional Web Application using Laravel PHP framework
1. Based on your system design completed in assignment two, start developing the corresponding system using Laravel PHP framework and MySQL Database Server
2. The system submitted for this assignment must contain ALL the functions listed in the requirements section
3. Deploy your system to the FTP server following the deployment guide attached at the end of the tutorial material
4. Zip the web application folder into 1 compressed file, name it with your UID (e.g., then submit the zip file to Moodle under “Mini–Project (Part I)”
1. Uploadyourpersonalwebsitetotheproductionserveronorbeforetheassignmentduedate(i.e.2019 March 25th @ 5PM)
• Zip the web application folder & your database file (e.g. 2019123456.sql) into 1 compressed file, name it with your UID (e.g., then submit the zip file to Moodle under” Mini– Project (Part I)”
• Deploy your system to the FTP server following the deployment guide attached at the end of the tutorial material
2. Test and make sure all the pages in your website are linked together and are accessible at: •
• Onlysubmissionsdeployedandpagesfunctioningcorrectlyontheproductionserverwillbemarked
3. You should include enough hypothetical data in your database for testing and marking purpose
IMSE2113 – Assignment 3 Last modified: December 7, 2015 1
Mini-Project Part I IMSE2113 – Intro. to Information Systems 2019 | March | 13 4. The FTP server will be suspended after the submission deadline, please do not wait until the last
minutes to submit your work
Required Functions
Base on your system design in Assignment 2, start developing the system using Laravel PHP Framework and MySQL Database Server with no less than the required functions (A & B) below:
Type A Functions (All topics)
All submissions should contain ALL the following functions:
• Create model and migration files for all the tables in your system’s database
• Establish model relationships in both the migration files (as foreign keys) and the model files (as
• Run the migration in Laravel Artisan to create the database in MySQL database server
Database Seeders
• Create table seeder files for all the tables in your system’s database
• Insert at least 3 records in each table seeder
• Run the db:seed in Laravel Artisan to seed the database
User Functions
• Modify the User model and the associated migration file with accord to your database design
• Modify the registration and login function in the tutorial base with accord to your system design
• Create a “View User Profile” function
• Create a “Edit User” function
IMSE2113 – Assignment 3 Last modified: December 7, 2015 2
Mini-Project Part I IMSE2113 – Intro. to Information Systems 2019 | March | 13 Navigation Bar
• Add the appropriate links to the navigation bar so all the features of your web application can be accessed easily
Type B Functions (Base on your assigned topic)
Base on the topic you have been assigned and complete ALL of the following functions: Topic 1 – Wine Cellar management system
1. Create a REST-ful controller for the “wine”
2. Implement all 7 REST-ful functions (with routes) of “wine” in the controller
3. Create a” my wine” function in the REST-ful controller to list all “wine” reserved by the current user
Topic 2 – Cargo Port management system
1. Create a REST-ful controller for the” Cargo” at your website
2. Implement all 7 REST-ful functions (with routes) of the” Cargo” in the controller
3. Create a” Cargo” function in the REST-ful controller to list all “business” or “product” created by the current user
Topic 3 – imseCAVE inventory system
1. Create a REST-ful controller for the “inventory” table
2. Implement all 7 REST-ful functions (with routes) of the “inventory” in the controller
3. Create a” borrow” function in the REST-ful controller to list all “items” borrowed by the current user
IMSE2113 – Assignment 3 Last modified: December 7, 2015 3
Mini-Project Part I IMSE2113 – Intro. to Information Systems 2019 | March | 13 Topic 4 – Handmade music box workshop
1. Create a REST-ful controller for the “music box” table
2. Implement all 7 REST-ful functions (with routes) of the “music-box” in the controller
3. Create a” music-box order” function in the REST-ful controller to list all “music-box” ordered by the current user
Topic 5 – Local restaurant
1. Create a REST-ful controller for the “orders”
2. Implement all 7 REST-ful functions (with routes) of the “orders” in the controller
3. Create a “my orders” function in the REST-ful controller created by the user
Grading Criteria
0.1 Penalty
Implementation of Type A Function Implementation of Type B Function
Out of 30 %
15 15
• Late submission will not be entertained, 100% penalty (zero mark) will be strictly enforced
IMSE2113 – Assignment 3 Last modified: December 7, 2015 4