Gradient Descent for Univariate Linear Regression
Program in Java to demonstrate univariate linear regression with gradient descent.
On Linux or MacOS: sh $ chmod +x $ ./
On Windows: bat C:\DIRECTORY> gradient-descent.bat These will automatically compile and run the program.
Data is stored as .csv files within the /data folder. The program works on numeric data, thus the data should be formatted as two-column numeric data delimited with commas. You can specify the your own file by changing line 3 of : java static final String DATA_FILE = /* your_file.csv */;
Example data included: * MacdonellDF.csv * Macdonell’s Data on Height and Finger Length of Criminals, used by Gosset (1908) * Format: height, finger_length
Plotting Functions
On line 58 of the GradientDescent class, there is a HypothesisFunction functional interface that is used in plotting the graph for said function. For example, if you want to plot the function: h(x) = x + 2 you’d change that line to be: java HypothesisFunction h_x = (x) -> x + 2; This is called a lambda expression, and it’s useful because it resembles how you’d write the function mathematically. Lambda expressions are of the form:
(parameter1, parameter2,…parameterN) -> { function body } Think of it as just a more compact way of writing methods.
If you want to add external variables in the lambda expression you have to create a temporary variable that is final because of how it is implemented in Java. So if you have variables w1 and w2 and want to express the function h(x) = (w1 * x) + w0 , you’d have to create temporary variables to store the current value. That is:
java double w1 = 0; double w2 = 0; //////////////////// // some code here // //////////////////// final double w_1 = w1; final double w_ As of right now, the HypothesisFunction interface can only handle one parameter x . If you want to pass in more parameters you’d have to go to and change the method signature.
For example, you want to write the function (x1, x2) -> x1 + x2 .
In , change the evaluate method to: java double evaluate(double x1, double x2); As it is, the program is only capable of plotting graphs for univariate regression because it only plots in two dimensions.