4CCS1PPA Programming Practice and Applications
Coursework 4: London Property Marketplace
Michael K ̈olling, Josh Murphy, Jeffery Raphael Questions? programming@kcl.ac.uk
Before starting this assignment, you should ensure you have completed all the tasks in Lab Work- sheet 7. You should be in a group of four, and have a group set up on the GitHub Enterprise system.
Your task is to develop a GUI for exploring properties that are available for temporary rental in London. You will be working on a real world data set of the London property market, from AirBnB. This data is provided to you through existing Java classes that are available from the KEATS page. You should take some time to familiarise yourself with the methods that you have access to through these classes.
1 Base Tasks
You should aim to complete all base tasks. They are as follows.
Application window
The application is designed to process and display the data from the database in a digestible form for a user. To do this, we will create a multi-panel and multi-window application. The first, and main, window of this application should look similar to the following example.
The window is designed to hold a series of different panels, each of which contain data relating to the retrieval and display of data from the API. Details of what these panels should contain is given in the following sections of this brief. Key behaviour that should be offered by this display is as follows.
• There should be the ability to move left and right through the panels contained in the centre of the display using “back” and “forward” buttons in appropriate positions. In the example, these are shown in the bottom left and right. If there are no additional panels forwards/backwards then the button should cause the display to loop round to the first/last panel.
• The top right of the frame should feature two drop-down boxes, appropriately labelled, allowing a user to select a price range for the properties they want to see statistics about.
• The user should be alerted if they have selected a price range that is invalid, such as the “from” price they have entered is greater than the “to” price.
• The “back” and “forward” buttons should be initially disabled, until the user has selected a price range. This is because the other frames available are going to process and display the data loaded when a user selects a price range, and are thus initially empty. The first panel, however, is unconnected to the data, and should thus be shown to the user when the frame first loads, as discussed in the next section.
Panel 1: Welcome
Having a user land on a blank screen like the one shown in the image above isn’t a good design. Instead, the first panel loaded into the main window when a user loads the application should welcome the user, and give them instructions on its basic use.
Once a prince range is selected by the user, the first window should additionally show which price range is currently selected.
Panel 2: The map
The first data related panel that should become available for access by the user once they have selected a date range is a panel that visually demonstrates the geographic content of the data set. This should be done by showing the user a map of London’s boroughs on the panel. Each
borough on the map should be clearly labelled with its name. 2
Further, for each borough, there should be some visual indication on the map of how many properties are available in that borough. For example, the visual indication could be done by adding markers to each borough where a large marker indicates there are more properties in the borough. Or you could colour each borough depending on the number of available properties, where the greener the colour the more properties are available.
Feel free to make use of the graphic below if you want to (a PNG version is included in the project folder from KEATS). You may use some other visual representation or map if you want to, but your visualisation should be somewhat geographically accurate.
List of properties
Upon a user selecting a price range, and after the appropriate visualisation of property availability is displayed, it should be possible for a user to click any of the boroughs in order to see more about the properties in that specific borough. This information should be presented in a new window, which opens when a borough is clicked. The title of the window should include the full name of the borough that the user has selected.
The window should also display a simple list of available properties with the following details. • Name of the host of the property.
• Price of the property.
• Number of reviews per property.
• Minimum number of nights that someone can stay at the property.
The window should have an additional drop-down menu that allows the user to select whether to sort the list by number of reviews, price, or alphabetically by host name. Making a selection from the drop-down menu should reorder the list automatically.
When one of the properties is clicked, the description of the property should appear in a new window.
Panel 3: Statistics
This panel will present a series of statistics, based on the information derived from the data set, and should thus be available at the same time as the map to be observed by the user, should they navigate to this panel. We will derive eight statistics over the data available.
Panel behaviour
The panel should be separated into four distinct section, which we will refer to as statistic boxes. Therefore, at any given time, only four of the available eight statistics are shown. Each statistic box should look similar to the following, with each box displaying a different statistic.
Using the buttons shown, the user should be able to click between the different available statistics, in a similar manner to the way to which they are able to click between different panels of the main window.
At no point should the same statistic appear twice on the panel. Instead, when the panel is first shown, four different statistics should be selected. Moreover, when the user is clicking between the different statistics, it should not be possible for them to configure the panel such that it shows the same statistic in more then one box.
The base statistics you need to implement are as follows.
• Average number of reviews per property.
• Total number of available properties.
• The number of entire home and apartments (as opposed to private rooms). • The most expensive borough.
– The most expensive borough should take into account the minimum number of nights. For example, a property A with price £25 with 3 minimum nights (£75) is more ex- pensive than a property B with price £30 with 2 minimum nights (£60).
You should also implement four additional statistics that a user can scroll to in any of the statistics boxes. The statistics should be significantly different to those above.
To get full marks for your additional statistics you need to implement statistics that are insightful and technically impressive — for example, you could take some user preferences to inform your additional statistics, or perhaps you could even use a second data set.
Unit Testing
You should provide suitable unit tests for one of the classes in your project. Your testing should be thorough and appropriate.
You should not select one of the classes that were provided by us. You should pick a class of your own that is complex enough to warrant significant testing, e.g. one that provide some core functionality of your project.
2 Challenge Tasks
Once you have completed the base tasks, you can implement a fourth panel.
Panel 4: Surprise us!
The final panel is your blank canvas, designed for you to make your program do something creative and interesting, that it doesn’t do in any of the other panels. This can include launching new windows, if you would like to. Be as creative as you like, but make sure your functional addition is clear. Only one functional addition is required per group.
3 Submission and Deadline
The submission consists of three parts: your code repository, a group report documenting the software, and an individual report.
The code
You have to submit an archive file of the Git repository of your project to the “Assignment 4: code submission” link in the assignment 4 section on the PPA KEATS page, before the due date. Your code will be assessed for:
• correct use of language constructs;
• commenting (is everything well-documented?);
• style (is the code properly organised and formatted, and are the variable names chosen well?);
• design (consideration given to cohesion, coupling, maintainability);
• challenge tasks (extra marks for technically impressive extensions).
The reports
You also need to submit two reports. The first report is a group report and should include the following.
• A description of your GUI, including the functionalities provided by the GUI.
• A description of your additional statistics.
• A description of the functionality provided by your fourth panel.
• A description of your unit tests.
• Known bugs or problems. Note: for a bug in your code that you document yourself, you may not lose many marks, maybe none if it is part of the challenge task. For bugs that we find that you did not document you will probably lose marks.
The second report is an individual report. Each member of the group should have their own individual support. It should include the following.
• If you are happy with the contribution of all your group members the report can just be a single line statement.
• If there a group members who you feel were uncooperative or did not contribute a fair amount of effort, you can describe the issues you were having with that group member in the report. You can include any evidence that supports your case. Remember, we will have access to the Git logs.
The group report should be no more than four pages long.
The group report must clearly state the names and student numbers of all students who worked on the submission.
The same code and group report must be submitted via the assignment 4 submission links on the PPA KEATS page, before the deadline, by all members of your group. The individual report should also be submitted before the deadline.
4 Mark breakdown
The marks are distributed as follows.
• Group report: 2 marks. However, if the report does not adequately describe your code you may lose marks on that part of your code as well. Not submitting a report will result in 0 marks for the entire submission.
• Base tasks
– Application window (1 mark) – Welcome panel (1 mark)
– Map panel (3 marks)
– Statistics panel (5 marks)
• Challenge task (fourth panel) 8 marks.
• Commenting and style 2 marks.
5 Deadline
This assignment (code and reports) is due Saturday 23rd March, 17:00.