代写 html Java javascript graph Summary

You will write an application to build a Document Object Model (DOM) for a given HTML file, and process it with a set of given input commands that will transform the tree.

Document Object Model
The Document Object Model (DOM) is a platform- and language-neutral interface that will allow programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure and style of documents. The document can be further processed and the results of that processing can be incorporated back into the presented page. (This is quoted from the W3C Document Object Model specification web page.)
When you access a web page, the browser builds a DOM tree structure for the HTML content in the page.
Consider the following HTML example:

The quick brown fox

which is rendered by a browser as:
The quick brown fox

The DOM tree for this HTML content would look like this:

| | |
The em brown fox
Note: There is a space character after “The”, and before “brown” so the corresponding nodes of the tree actually store “The ” and ” brown fox”.
You can see the DOM tree for any HTML document in the browser. In Chrome, go to View –> Developer –> Inspect Elements. In Firefox, go to Tools -> Web Developer -> Inspector.
Open the sample.html file for the above example in your browser, and look at its DOM. You will notice that under the root html node, in addition to the body node, there is also a head node (with nothing under it), which corresponds to the head tag. The head tag is not used in the example above, and is automatically supplied by the browser. The HTML documents in this assignment will not have a head tag. You will also notice the trailing space character included in “The ” and the leading space character included in ” brown fox”.
Web developers can build a “dynamic” HTML page by embedding, say, Javascript code in the page, that can manipulate the DOM tree. For example, such code can show or hide individual columns in an HTML table upon user request.
In the example above, you could have Javascript code within the page make calls to the DOM tree, to replace the em tag with the b tag, and remove the center tag, for the following result:

| | |
The b brown fox
The browser keeps track, and renders the tree onto the web page like this:
The quick brown fox
Bring up try.html in your browser. This page has javascript code embedded in HTML, that replaces em with b or vice versa when you click a button. It does this by changing the DOM tree representation of the page. 
You can view the web page’s HTML source using the keyboard shortcut option-command-u (Mac) or ctrl-u (Windows)

Restricted HTML for Assignment
For this assignment, you will work with the following restricted set of HTML tags:
top level
second level
emphasis (italics)
row (within table)
column (within tr)
ordered (numbered) list
unnumbered list
list item (within ol or ul)
Moreover, the format of the HTML document itself (supplied through an input file) will be restricted to the following:
• Every tag will consist of the tag name (such as p) surrounded by < and >
There will not be anything else in a tag, not even spaces.

 is good, but < p> is not (space before p), and 

 is not (tag has an attribute named id)
• Every tag will appear on a line by itself – there will be nothing else on that line
• Every HTML file will mandatorily have the html and body tags
• The HTML will be well-formed, in that every tag will have a closing counterpart. For instance, every tag construct of the form  will be closed by 
• If there is a table tag in the document, there will only be one such tag. (In other words, there won’t be more than one table tag, if at all there is one.)
• A table can have any number of rows (tr tags nested under table), and a row can have any number of columns (td tags nested under tr), but all rows will have the same number of columns.
• Nesting of the same type of tags is only permitted with ol and ul tags. That is, an ol tag may have another ol tag nested within it, and a ul tag may have another ul nested within it. But you may NOT have a b tag within a b tag, etc.
• There will not be any tags not defined in the above list
Following are some sample HTML pages. Click on a link to see the page, and view the page source to see the underlying HTML:
p, em, and table tags
ol and ul tags
Nested ol and ul tags

DOM Tree Structure
Since the nodes in the DOM tree have varying numbers of children, the structure is built using linked lists in which each node has three fields: the tag (which can be an HTML tag or plain text), the first child (which is null if the tag is plain text), and the sibling, which is a pointer to the next sibling.
As an example, consider the following input HTML:



brown fox

(The third line is actually “The “, i.e. trailing blank space, and the “brown fox” line has a leading space before “brown”.)
The DOM tree implementation for this HTML would look like this:
|html| |\|
|body| |\|
———- ——- —————-
|The |\|-|-> |b| |-|-> | brown fox|\|\|
———- —|— —————-
Note: Tree nodes containing tags do NOT include angle brackets with the tags.
So, if a node stores the tag b, it stores the string “b”, NOT the string ““. 
Also, closing tags (e.g. “/em”) are NOT be stored in the tree.
If your tree violates these requirements, it will be considered incorrect!

Download the attached domtree_project.zip file to your computer. DO NOT unzip it. Instead, follow the instructions on the Eclipse page under the section “Importing a Zipped Project into Eclipse” to get the entire project into your Eclipse workspace.
You will see a project called DOM Tree with the following classes:
• structures.TagNode
• structures.Tree
• structures.Stack
• apps.DOM
There are also a number of sample test files directly under the project folder (see the Examples section that follows.)
Note: You are not required to use the included Stack class. But if you do use a stack, you MUST use this class (not your own).
You will implement the following methods in the Tree class:
• (20 pts) build: Builds the tree from an input HTML file
• (15 pts) replaceTag: Transforms the tree by replacing all occurrences of a tag with another (e.g. replace b with em, or ol with ul.
Only sensible replacements will be asked, you need not do any checking. (For instance, ol cannot be replaced with em, so you will not be asked to do this.)
• (30 pts) removeTag: Transforms the tree by deleting all occurrences of a tag. There are two categories of tags that can be deleted:
• Category 1: p, em and b tags: All occurrences of such a tag are deleted from the tree. 
Note: Text nodes should NOT be merged if the removal of a tag results in an unbroken string of text.
For instance, removing tag b in this:
———- ——- —————-
|The |\|-|-> |b| |-|-> | brown fox|\|\|
———- —|— —————-
should give this:
———- ———– —————-
|The |\|-|-> |quick|\|-|-> | brown fox|\|\|
———- ———– —————-
In other words, the three nodes above should NOT be merged into a single text node.
• Category 2: ol or ul tags: All occurrences of such a tag are deleted from the tree. In addition, all the li tags immediately under the removed tag are converted to p tags.
• (15 pts) boldRow: Transforms the tree by boldfacing a given row of a table. This is done by bold facing the content of every column in the given row. (It should NOT add a single bold face tag for the entire row.) Also see the header comment for this method in the code.
You may assume that the row will not already have been boldfaced. Also note that the first row is row number 1 (not zero), the second row is row number 2, etc.
• (20 pts) addTag: Transforms the tree by adding a tag around all instances of a taggable word (case INsensitive match). The added tag can only be either em or b, nothing else.
A taggable word is a sequence of alphabetic letters (nothing else) that is not a part of another word, and may have one of the following punctuations AS THE LAST CHARACTER: period ‘.’, comma ‘,’, question mark ‘?’, exclamation point ‘!’, colon ‘:’ and semicolon ‘;’.
The taggable word may appear within a longer piece of text and may occur multiple times in the containing text.
In the following example:
What goes around comes around!
the word “around” is tagged with em:
What goes around comes around!
Before tagging:
|What goes around comes around!|\|\|
After tagging:
—————- ——– ————- ———
|What goes |\|-|-> |em| |-|-> | comes |\|-|-> |em| |\|
—————- —-|— ————- —-|—-
| |
———— ————-
|around|\|\| |around!|\|\|
———— ————-
Notice that the punctuation goes with the word when tagged. Also note that the blank space between “goes” and “around” will now trail “goes” in the DOM tree node, and the spaces between “around” and “comes” in “around comes around!” will now lead and trail “comes” in the DOM tree node.
As another example, suppose you were asked to add a bold tag around “cow” in the following cases:
• cow
• cow!
• cow?
• cow.
• cow;
• cow:
• cOw
This would be the result after tagging, for each (the last two are case insensitive matches):
But you would NOT tag “cow” in these words:
• cows, cowabunga
In both cases, cow is not a word by itself, but part of a longer word
• ?cow
Although ? is one of the acceptable punctuations, it does not meet the requirement of being the last character
• cow?!!
Only one punctuation character at the end is acceptable
• cow’s
Apostrophe is not a letter
Examples of Transformations
Here are examples of applying transformations to some HTML pages, and the resulting HTML (look inside the source files as well):
replace em with b
delete em
delete ol
delete ol
boldface 2
add em around item
Rules of implementation
• You may NOT modify any of the files except Tree.java in ANY way.
• You may NOT make ANY modifications to Tree.java EXCEPT:
• Write in the bodies of the methods you are asked to implement
• Add private helper methods as needed

Running the Program
The DOM class in the apps package is the application driver. When you run it, it asks for an input html file name. It creates a scanner for this file, which it then passes to the Tree constructor. Then it calls the Tree build method to build the DOM tree.
Following this, it goes into a loop, and presents a menu of actions from which you can pick whether you print the tree structure, or the HTML generated from the tree, or do one of the transformations.
Here’s a sample run with the tree built out of the ex1.html input file:
Enter HTML file name => ex1.html

Choose action: (p)rint Tree, (h)tml, (r)eplace tag, (b)oldface row, (d)elete tag, (a)dd tag, or (q)uit? => p

|—-A line of non-tagged text.

NOTE: The tree structure printed via the print() method as above is the test for correctness.

Choose action: (p)rint Tree, (h)tml, (r)eplace tag, (b)oldface row, (d)elete tag, (a)dd tag, or (q)uit? => h

A line of non-tagged text.




R2C1 R2C2

Choose action: (p)rint Tree, (h)tml, (r)eplace tag, (b)oldface row, (d)elete tag, (a)dd tag, or (q)uit? => q
CAUTION: The HTML generated off the tree using the getHTML() method as above does NOT by itself guarantee correctness of the tree (the same HTML can be generated off different trees.) But after verifying with the print()ed tree structure, you can use the HTML to see the result in a browser page.