Here is some actual historical weather data for the city of Toronto (at Pearson Airport): TorontoWeatherData.csv from January 1938 to December 2018, as downloaded from Environment Canada’s National Climate Data and Information Archive. It consists of 7 columns of numeric data:
• The year.
• The month in that year as a number between 1 and 12 inclusive.
• The mean temperature for that month.
• The maximum temperature for that month.
• The minimum temperature for that month.
• The total rainfall for that month in mm.
• The total snowfall for that month in cm.
You will see that the data is all mixed up! (How did that happen, I wonder…) Supplied code will create a list of dictionaries with a key in each dictionary for each of the 7 pieces of data, and one dictionary per month. You will need to carry out various searches and sorts on this data, starting by sorting it by date. Your sort function will be provided with the list of dictionaries (passed by reference) and the name of the key to sort by, as a string. As you will see when sorting by date it is easiest to use the key “yearmonth”. The functions you need to complete and the code you will use to test these functions is given here. Examine this starting program carefully to see how it works now and to determine what you need to do to finish it. A considerable amount of code is already supplied for you.
One function you need to complete saves the calculated yearly mean temperatures. You don’t have to, but if you did plot this data you would see:
It could be argued that the effects of global warming are evident!
While you cannot make wholesale changes to main, you can certainly comment out some function calls in order to test one function at a time as you develop them. The main function that you supply with your completed program should match the original main function supplied. Neither can you change the data file supplied above.
Since doc strings are supplied, your entire 20 marks will be devoted to the proper operation of the code you have to write. Submit your completed program only – no other files need to be uploaded.