代写 CISC/CMPE 454 Assignment 3

CISC/CMPE 454 Assignment 3

Due April 7, 2017 at 6pm

You are to implement glossy reflection, pixel antialiasing, and parts
of a bounding volume hierarchy in a raytracer. See “YOUR CODE HERE”
in the code.

After getting your code working, create an interesting scene that
demonstrates each of these effects. You may use digital models from
elsewhere and may use 3D editors to create your scene. If you do
that, the objects will have to be in Wavefront (.obj) format. Note
that the scene files (in the ‘worlds’ directory) can contain multiple
wavefront models. Each wavefront model file (called ‘*.obj’) can have
a transform in the file that positions the model in the world. See
‘worlds/triceratops.obj’ for an example.

To Hand In

Marks will be deducted if these instructions are not followed exactly.

Marks will be deducted if the code does not compile and run on the
CasLab Linux machines.

Make a directory called ‘a3’. In that directory, put

– These files: *.cpp, *.h, Makefile, wavefront.frag, wavefront.vert

– a README file with your name(s), student number(s), and email address(es)

– at least two screen captured images in PNG format showing your
interesting scene and showing the three effects.

Make subdirectories called ‘worlds’ and ‘data’ to put ONLY THE FILES
NEEDED FOR YOUR OWN SCENE. Call your scene ‘worlds/myScene’.

Create a ZIP archive of the a3 directory.

Name the archive with your student number(s):